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The Mighty Dragon Warrior

Chapter 80
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The man was consumed by his blood shot eyes. His movements were akin to Cadaver’s, a protector

from the Cruor Sect, but with steps that were lighter and quicker.

“Got it.” Jerry nodded understandingly. “Based on my predictions, he must have been on our tail since

Dixy Land.”

It was clear that they were dealing with a master of stealth. Even though there was no reason to panic,

having him behind their backs was still a bit of an inconvenience. Jacob narrowed his eyes. “Find the

man and get rid of him.”

“Understood, Boss.” Jerry acknowledged his orders.

Situated on the west side of Paramount was a three-stared medical facility called Radiant Hospital.

Inside Room Number 2104 of the special wards, Darryl was lying there on the bed next to the guy with

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long eyebrows. Their legs were all plastered up and in the midst of recovery. Each of them had a

middle-aged man standing before their beds.

“Dad, you have to find the man who broke my leg and make him pay!” Darryl shouted at his dad. His

face was puffed, and his eyes ablaze.

At the same time, the guy on the other side of the ward said to the middle-aged man who shared an

oddly similar looking eyebrow, “Unc, my legs are broken as well! They were snapped right in front of my


“Have you heard of Leonard, the one they call the ‘Tiger from The South’?” He touched his face before

flashing a vicious look. “He had the nerves to strike my face in front of everyone! I’ll make sure that he’s

locked up forever in prison!”

“That’s right! He must be in the same gang as the guy who broke our legs!” Darryl said with his fangs

bared. “I’m going to break his legs and give him a taste of his own medicine.”

“Yeah! Not just one, but both his legs!” The long brow man was snarling as well.

“Shut up! All of you!” Steven frowned while shouting at the both of them to stop. He was the company

chairman for Everest Group and had a sizeable fortune of few millions.

The ward fell silent. Steven shot a glance at long brow’s uncle — Jeff, who was Head of Station

Number 37 in the Southwest District said, “Shall we talk outside?”

“We shall.” Jeff nodded in agreement. He was dressed casually.

“That damn prick! He better watch his steps!” As soon as the elders walked out of the ward, Darryl

cursed while stroking his plastered leg.

There was a small resting area outside of the ward. Steven waved for Jeff to sit down. His face was

darker than a funeral scarf. “For now, let’s put aside the person who’s responsible for injuring your

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nephew and my son. Are you going to do anything about the incident at the bar?”

Steven was mildly annoyed by his lack of response. “Then, there’s also Kingston. He’s just a nobody!

And yet no action was taken against him.”

Jeff had a cigarette in his hand. His brows were squeezed into a knot. “The owner of Shadez Bar is a

slippery snake. He knows how to cover his own tracks. As for Kingston…”

He snapped the cigarette into half, then said with a stern face, “His days are numbered.”

“You said the name of the bar was Shadez, right? They are definitely on my radar now.” There was a

flash of anger in Steven’s eyes.

How dare he break my son’s leg with no regards afterward? I’m not going to let this slide!

He took a moment to pace himself before slowly uttering, “Let’s talk about that prick from the Lynch

family. Hmph! That measly son of an outdated businessman. He thinks he can do whatever he wants

just because he picked up a move or two from the outside…”