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The Mighty Dragon Warrior

Chapter 79
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Under the facade of the night, neon lights flickered and shone brightly.

Standing in front of a hotel, Jacob looked at his three other friends with a smile. “You guys aren’t

planning to continue drinking anymore?”

Still dumbfounded by the impact of the shock that they had never experienced, they shook their heads


“No, thank you. Give us some time to recover, Jay. Can we talk later?” Harry was still looking pale.

“Sure.” Jacob nodded. “I won’t be leaving Paramount for the time being. When are you going back,

David?” He arched his eyebrows slightly as he looked at David.

“I still have a lot of work to do at the farm, so I’ll leave tomorrow morning,” David grunted.

“I see. I’ll pay you a visit when I’m free.” With that, Jacob waved at them and left.

The three of them watched their best buddy from university enter a taxi before retracting their glances.

After that, they stood in front of the hotel without uttering a word.

After a moment of silence, Harry asked quietly, “What do you think Jay has experienced over the

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“Don’t ask me. I’m still dizzy now.” Geoffrey shook his head.

David, however, looked like his usual self. “No matter what he has experienced, he will always be my

best friend!”

“Hmph! You sound like we aren’t loyal friends!” Harry rolled his eyes. After a pause, he waved his

hands. “Alright, let’s go upstairs and take a nap to ease our nerves.”

When Geoffrey saw Harry walking quickly to the hotel, he arched his eyebrows. “David and I booked a

hotel because this is quite far from our place. What’s your deal? Didn’t you drive here? Or is it that you

can’t drive?”

With slight embarrassment on his face, Harry turned around and said weakly, “I’m worried that you

guys are too shocked from the incident just now, so I decided to accompany you.”

“F*ck!” Geoffrey pointed his middle finger at him. “You’re scared – just admit it! Can you be more frank,

instead of using us as an excuse?”

Since they saw through him, he replied directly, “Fine! I’m scared! Happy? Weren’t you scared just


“I–” Geoffrey’s expression froze. After a while, he finally nodded. “To be honest, I was so scared just

now that I almost wet myself! Even now, the scenes still reappear in my mind!”

“Yeah, I was scared too.” David nodded with a sheepish smile.

Half an hour later, both Geoffrey and Harry looked at David snoring in the room, regretting their

decision to sleep in the same room with him.

Wasn’t he scared just now?

On the other hand, at the presidential suite that took up the entire top floor in The Pavillion, Gerald, a

strongly built man, kneeled on one knee with his head hung low as he held a silver dagger in his hands.

“Sir, it’s my fault this time. You can punish me however you want!”

On the other side of the room, Jerry sat comfortably on a couch, munching on some grapes with a fruit

platter in his hand.

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Jacob frowned at him. “Tell me – did you give your rubbish idea to Gerald?”

“You’ve misunderstood me, Boss!” Jerry looked innocent and wronged. “Gerald is so loyal to you. As

soon as he heard someone attacked you while he was not around, he wanted to injure himself out of

guilt. If I didn’t stop him–”

“Shut up.” Jacob shot him a glance, making him cower. He rolled his eyes and shifted his focus

completely on his fruits.

Meanwhile, Jacob looked at Gerald, who was taller than him even in his half-kneeling pose. Jacob

waved at Gerald helplessly before saying, “Get up, Gerald. I’ll bring you everywhere I go from


Gerald replied solemnly, “Roger that, sir!”

Jacob gave another wave to indicate that it was time for Gerald to retreat, before narrowing his eyes at

Jerry. Then, he moved over and took the fruit platter from the latter.

After picking a juicy grape and placing it in his mouth, the sweetness exploded on his tongue. “Have

you found the person?” he asked slowly.

Jerry wiped his lips and sat up straight. “Boss, that person is too sneaky. As soon as he was besieged

by my men, he disappeared.”

“Is he from the Cruor Sect” Jacob frowned.