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The Luna Is Gone by Angelique Quinn

Chapter 78
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Chapter 78- Diana's pov With a click Nathan untied his belt.

| looked down at it and said in shock, “You really wanna do it? Are you crazy?” Nathan didn’t speak, but instead pressedback onto the sofa, with one hand poking under my skirt and hooking onto my underwear.

| didn’t even have tto stop him, and he had already untied the bow on my waist, Suddenly, | was totally flustered, “You calm down!” | swallowed.

Nathan, however, seemed to have not heardand casually threw my underwear onto the ground, then lifted my legs and wrapped them around his waist.

| exclaimed in surprise..

Nathan lowered his head and approached me, saying in a low voice, “Calm down. It’s just acting. | won't touch you!” Nathan's words maderelax a lot, but soon my body bectense again.

Nathan did not really do it. We were still separated by his underwear. He was just simulating having s*x to confuse the people outside the door, but...

| could still feel his shape, and | could even sense that he was becoming harder and harder! It was more exciting than really doing it.

| could only close my eyes and turn my head towards the sofa to numb my nerves. and avoid any embarrassing reaction in front of Nathan.

Suddenly, Nathan pinched my waist.

“Shout it out,” he said in my ear.

“What?” | was a bit confused.

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“Shout it out, otherwise it seems I'm lame,” he said.

“You're still in the mood to care about this?” | exclaimed in surprise and rolled my eyes again, deliberately angering him. “Your skills aren't good anyway. | don’t need - ah!” Nathan hithard! At one moment, | even felt like he had entered me.

| couldn’t help but shout out, and | heard Nathan sneer.

“My skills are poor?” He asked back, “Your memory is poor! You probably forgot who was f**ked to scream on my bed a year ago!” “You can shut up now,” | glared angrily at Nathan, my face burning hot as if it were on fire.

| didn’t know if my embarrassed appearance pleased him, but he actually smiled.

It was not a sarcastic or malicious smile, but an indulgent and gentle one.

| even thought | was dizzy.

“You look creepy...” “Alright,” Nathan's voice softened a lot. “I won't argue with you. I just think even if it's an acting, we should be more serious. After all, we don’t want to be exposed, right?” He lightly kissed my cheek, as if to coax.

| suddenly lost my temper.

Nathan was right.

The most important thing now was to deal with Lewis's informer.

| began to moan intermittently.

| didn’t know if it was my illusion, but Nathan's muscles seemed to be tighter, and his body temperature was also higher After about ten minutes, the sound of footsteps moving away finally sounded outside the door.

Nathan and | exchanged a glance and breathed a sigh of relief.

But then there can overwhelming awkwardness.

After a long silence, | pushed Nathan's chest.

“He has left. You can get up now.” | didn’t know what Nathan was thinking. His forehead was covered in sweat, and his face was even redder than usual.

At this moment, he was staring atwithout blinking, as if trying to suckinto his pupils.

“Nathan.” | called him again.

He just regained his senses and sat up from me.

“Are you okay?” | asked, but my eyes couldn't help but look at his crotch.

It was too awkward! | must say something to break this awkwardness.

“I'm going...” Just as | was about to discuss tomorrow’s plan with Nathan, he stood up from the sofa.

He walked straight towards the bathroom. And after a while, the sound of the shower echoed inside.

| was speechless.

At the stime, there were svoices coming from the earphones.

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“Boss, I've seen them. They are having s*x.” It was the person Lewis sent to monitor Nathan and me.

“Well, it looks like they didn’t lie to me,” Lewis said in a deep voice. “Alright, you go out first.” “Yes.” The sound of closing the door rang in the earphone. After a few minutes, there cthe sound of flowing water in the earphone. Then all the sounds suddenly stopped. | removed the earphone from my ear and found it to be a tiny black object. “Why did the sound disappear?” | muttered to myself, “Is it broken?” “It dissolves in water,” Nathan's voice rang out in the room.

| looked up and saw him walking towardswhile wiping his hair.

He wore a white bath towel around his waist, and water droplets were rolling down his muscles.

“I threw the earphone into Lewis’ hair. He might be taking a shower, so it failed,” Nathan explained.

“Fancy.” | raised my eyebrows and remembered what | wanted to say before, then asked, “So, what are your plans? Lewis invited you to the cruise ship tomorrow. What kind of business are you talking about?” Nathan poured himself a glass of red wine, leaned half against the bar, and shook the glass in his hand.

“Before that, | want to know why you are here.” He asked.

“What do you think?” | rolled my eyes, “Of course I'm here to get the formula.” “Healer didn’t tellyou were the person she sent.” Nathan squinted his eyes and looked atwith an inquisitive gaze. “You've threatenedwith Healer several times. | thought you were important to Healer. How could she let you take such a big risk?” My heart thumped.

| didn’t expect that after so many dangers, the first thing Nathan thought was to suspect me.

“What do you want to express?” | asked.

“... It's nothing,” Nathan took a sip of red wine. “I'm just wondering if | need to reconsider your threat. Maybe you're not that important to Healer. Even if | kill you, it’s not a big deal.” When Nathan said these words, his expression was calm. It was hard to imagine the man who wanted to killnow heldin his arms and said he lovednot long ago.

I sneered.

“Not a big deal? Are you seeing the entire Blade Moon Pack as non-existent?” Nathan clenched his hand as he held the glass and said, “Diana, you can only rely on your family background.

What can you do without Alpha Marc?” | didn’t refute Nathan, but instead sneered, “So are you qualified to criticize me? Don’t you also casually harm others because you're Alpha of Dark Moon Pack?” “You...” “That's enough.” | pressed my temple impatiently. “I don’t want to argue with you about these meaningless things. We are on the sboat now. You should be honest with me. | think...you should be eager to rescue Avia.” Nathan stared at me.

A few seconds later, he put down his glass.

“Wolfsbane,” He said coldly, “I'm doing Wolfsbane’s business, as a distributor.” “Wolfsbane? What does this have to do with the formula?” | asked, “Do you want Lewis to take you into his medical research lab?” As | spoke, | shook my head again and said, “No... impossible. You are just a distributor. He couldn't let you get close to the core area. | don’t believe you don’t know about this. What do you really want to do?”