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The Luna Is Gone by Angelique Quinn

Chapter 77
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Chapter 77 Diana's pov As soon as Lewis finished speaking, several men standing next to him rushed towardseagerly.

They grabbed my arm and wanted to dragonto the sofa.

My legs, numb from prolonged kneeling, once again felt severe pain.

| screamed out in agony.

| thought Nathan would be soft on me, but he just furrowed his brow and turned to walk towards the door.

At this moment, | finally realized that Nathan really hatedand wantedto die! But I couldn't die! At a critical moment, | shouted at Nathan's back, “Mr. Emerson, | was wrong! Please help me!” Nathan paused.

Lewis immediately stopped his subordinates from forcing me.

| flipped over and wanted to stand up from the sofa, but my sore legs maderoll to the ground.

| could only use all my strength to climb to Nathan's feet.

“Mr. Emerson, | shouldnt have run away from you. Please forgive me!” | grabbed Nathan's ankle, and my nails were almost embedded in his flesh.

Nathan looked down at me, with a hint of confusion flashing in his eyes.

“What's the situation?” Lewis looked at Nathan and then at me, looking puzzled. “Do you... know each other?” apn “Yes! We know each other!” | shouted before Nathan exposed me, “I am Mr. Emerson’s slave, and also his lover.

Not long ago, we had a misunderstanding, so | ran away in anger.” Lewis widened his eyes and looked at Nathan in surprise.

“Is what she said true?” “Of course everything | said is true. | know everything about Mr. Emerson. If you don’t believe me, | can tell you.“, | stared at Nathan with a burning gaze.

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| thought Nathan understood what | meant.

Either he tookaway today.

Or, 1 would publicly expose his identity and die with him! Nathan stared at me, his eyes churning with immense anger.

But | knew he would compromise.

Sure enough, the next second Nathan chuckled lightly and said, “Yes, she’s right She’s my slave, and also.... my lover.” | breathed a sigh of relief and my hands slid weakly onto the ground.

| looked up at Nathan and asked, “Darling, can you forgive me? | promise | will never run away from you again.” Nathan gritted his teeth and stared at me.

“Of course...of course, | will forgive you.” Every word seemed to be squeezed out through his teeth.

But | didn’t care. The angrier he got, the more comfortable my mood would be. This was the price he had to pay for bullying me.

| even confidently extended my arms towards Nathan.

“Can you holdup? I've been kneeling for a long time. My legs hurt a lot.” My tone might sound like begging for Nathan's love to others, but only Nathan and | knew that | was just threatening him.

Nathan was so angry that he even laughed.

“Okay.” He agreed, bent down, grabbed my back with one hand, and held my legs with the other, holdingfirmly in his arms.

| hooked my hands around Nathan's neck and buried my head in his chest, finally relaxing my tired body.

After being stunned, Lewis burst out laughing.

“I was just thinking the atmosphere between you is strange. There must be sundisclosed secrets. Now it turned out like this.” Lewis patted Nathan's shoulder and said, “Since she’s yours, then you can take her with you.” Nathan nodded and smiled, “Thank you, Mr. Lee.” “It’s nothing,” Lewis waved his hand and looked at the waiter. “Take Mr. Emerson and his lover to rest.” Following the waiter, Nathan carriedall the way into the suite.

“Sir, Miss, have a pleasant night,” The waiter said, closing the door and leaving.

Nathan and | exchanged a glance, but neither of us spoke first.

Nathan placedon the sofa and then walked around the entire suite as if nothing had happened.

A few minutes later, he sat down on the sofa in front ofand said coldly, “There’s no surveillance, no listeners.” The suppressed anger in my chest erupted at this moment. | couldn’t help but grab the closest glass and smash it at Nathan with all my strength.

“Bastard!” | cursed angrily.

Nathan leaned slightly. The glass didn’t hit him, but rolled over the sofa onto the soft woolen carpet, making a muffled sound.

Nathan turned his head and stared at me, “What the hell are you doing?” “I should have asked you this question. What did you mean just now? You wantto die, right?” “You made Avia suffer like that. Don’t you deserve to die?” “I said, Avia’s situation has nothing to do with me!” “Evidence?” “I...” | was dumbfounded for a moment, my shoulders trembling with anger. However, | didn’t have any evidence, so | decided to ignore it. “Okay, you can believe what you want to believe. | sent those people! Are you satisfied?” Nathan suddenly looked up at me.

| just felt a shadow flash in front of me. When | realized it, Nathan had already grabbed my neck and pressedonto the sofa.

His eyes were sharp and cold like knives, his voice hoarse, “You finally admit it.” | couldn’t breathe and slapped his hand hard.

“You, you are an incurable idiot!” | cursed.

Nathan's voice was cold.

“Do you really think | won't kill you?” “Then kill me! You can see...after | die, will Healer still cure your Avia?” “Are you threatening me?” “Yes...” | sneered, “Is it the first tyou've been threatened by me? Aren't you used to it?” Nathan's gaze becincreasingly cold.

But perhaps considering my words, his hand squeezing my neck did not increase its strength.

“Still... still not letting go of me?” Nathan stared atfor a few more seconds before finally letting go with a cold snort.

After regaining my breath, | supported the armrest of the sofa and sat up.

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| squinted at Nathan, coughing and warning, “If you...if you dare to touchagain, | promise | will...” Poison you to death! Before | could finish speaking, Nathan once again pressedonto the sofa.

| subconsciously covered my neck and roared, “Haven't you f**king finished? You bastard, you...” My voice suddenly stopped.

| widened my eyes in disbelief, as if a nerve in my mind had broken.

Warm and soft lips landed at the corner of my mouth, and my whole body froze.

Nathan, he was kissing me! After being stunned for a few seconds, | immediately began to struggle.

Nathan was a monster that could be turned on at any time! Should we kiss with our relationship now? You let go!” | muttered, propping my hands on Nathan's chest, trying to push him away.

However, Nathan grabbed my wrists with just one hand.

“Don’t move!” | heard him say in a low voice during the kiss.

Immediately, his other hand caressed my ear, and a cold object pressed against my skin.

| was taken aback, no longer struggling, but slowly turning my head to look at Nathan, who was kissingbut had an incredibly calm gaze.

That cold object should be a small listening earphone.

At this moment, the voices of two men talking were coming from inside- “So... boss, do you still not trust Emerson?” “Be cautious in everything. In our industry, we may easily fall into others’ traps.” It was the voice of the man in the red shirt and Lewis.

“Wait,” Lewis continued. “When my man comes back, we'll know whether Emerson and that woman are telling the truth. | don’t believe that if they were real lovers, they wouldn't do anything after not seeing each other for such a long time.” The nerves in my forehead twitched twice. | frowned and looked at Nathan. “Lewis asked someone to monitor us?” 11 11 Nathan gavea silent glance.

“But... but didn’t you say there was no surveillance and listeners?” | asked. Nathan pickedup and hadsit on his lap.

My view suddenly expanded a lot.

“Look at the door,” Nathan whispered as he bit my ear.

| pretended to unintentionally scan the door.

| saw an extra hole in the door, which was originally without any problems. Someone was monitoring every move of Nathan andthrough that small hole. “What should we do now?” | asked nervously.

“Didn’t you say we were lovers?” Nathan gavea gloomy look. “You see... what can we do?”