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The Luna Is Gone by Angelique Quinn

Chapter 45
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Chapter 45 Diana's pov My angry voice echoed in the quiet hospital corridor.

Nathan stared atwith a cold light in his eyes.

After a moment, he sneered lightly, “Then who's here to protect you? Can that loser hiding behind protect you?” “You say I'm a loser?” Victor rushed towards Nathan after hearing the words. “Alpha Nathan, | have endured you for a long time! If you are that powerful, then fight with me. Let's see who is knocked down to the ground first! “Well. Am | afraid of a loser?” Nathan sneered and looked at Victor.

Victor has never been impulsive, but perhaps it was the escape that stimulated his adrenaline, or Nathan's words that angered him. He actually lifted his fist and swung it towards Nathan's face.

There was a muffled bang.

The fists of the two collided in the air.

| didn’t even have tto stop them. The two of them got into a fight.

| didn’t know if they were crazy. They were both brave warriors with excellent skills.

But at this moment, they were just brutally fighting each other, using their fists like little kids.

Faced with the attack, they didn’t even dodge, as if they only wanted to see who had the harder fist and who would be the first to be beaten down.

Victor punched Nathan in the right face, and Nathan would punch Victor in the left face in return.

For a while, both of them had bruises on their faces.

“Stop!” | finally couldn't bear it anymore.

But they turned a deaf ear to my shouting and instead fought even harder.

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| saw Victor stumbling back a step.

| hugged Victor's neck and endured Nathan's attack with my The imagined pain did not come.

back | opened my tightly closed eyes in fear, turned around, and found Nathan staring atwith a gloomy gaze, suppressing complex emotions - Anger, shock, disappointment...

Or something else.

| was not in the mood to analyze.

| hurried to check Victor's injury and anxiously asked if he was okay.

Victor shook his head and said, “I'm fine. It’s just a small bruise.” Victor didn’t lie. He only had a few bruises on his face and body, which didn’t really hurt his bones | breathed a sigh of relief, Nathan's voice sounded behindwith resentment.

“Diana, are you blind? Didn't you see that | was also injured? Are you only worried about that loser?” “Enough! Don't fu cking talk about ‘loser’ all the time!” I lifted Victor up, looked at Nathan, and said sarcastically, “What does it matter toif you are injured or not? Why should | care?” Nathan was stunned.

He pointed to Victor beside me, asked incredibly, “So you'd rather care about someone who can’t protect you, right?” “Or do | have to care about you who have hurtbefore?” | looked at him coldly and asked, “Also, why do you think | need someone else to protect me? Alpha Nathan, | was with you for two years. You can guess how | spent those two years. I'm a woman you despised, an disrespected Luna. How did | survive the contempt, ridicule, and bullying of countless people? Who did you think was protectingat that time?” Nathan suddenly fell silent.

| sneered and said, “Back then, | got through it myself. Now | don’t need anyone else’s protection. Especially you, Alpha Nathan!” Nathan's face turned pale.

“Diana, I..." He reached out to me, as if wanting to say something.

At this moment, a woman's voice cfrom not far away.

“Nathan!” It was Avia.

She ran all the way to Nathan and threw herself into his arms, choking, “Where have you been? | can’t even find you! Do you know there are many zombies here? I'm really scared without your protection.” Avia tightly hugged Nathan's waist tears streaming down her face.

“Look, this is the person you need to protect,” | said.

Ignoring Nathan's embarrassed expression in his eyes, | said to Victor, “Let's go out.” Victor nodded.

Obviously, the gcould no longer continue.

After coming out of the zombie hospital, | apologized to the staff and compensated them for equipment damage, medical expenses, and mental damages.

After all of this, | asked Victor if he wanted to go back. After all, his injury should be cured.

Victor refusedwithout hesitation.

“I'm fine. | heard there are fireworks tonight. | want to go see them with you,” Victor told me.

| hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded.

Victor's wolf was powerful and could quickly help him recover from his injuries. “Okay. Where are we going now?” 1 asked.

Victor glanced at his watch and said, “It’s already noon. Let's go eat first.” We chose a five-star restaurant within the amusement park.

Before lunch, | went to the bathroom.

Perhaps | was really unlucky today.

When | cout of the bathroom, | unexpectedly met Nathan and Avia again at the corner of the hallway.

| really didn’t want to meet them face-to-face, so | hid behind the wall and waited for them to leave.

Avia’s angry questioning burst into my ears. | heard her ask Nathan, “If it weren't for my insistence on following you to the amusement park, were you planning to keep it from me?” | was a bit surprised.

Wasn't it because Avia wanted to cto the amusement park that Nathan brought her? Just as | was puzzled, Avia’s voice rang out again.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“You chere because of Diana, right? Definitely so! Otherwise, you wouldn't have entered Witch Park right after Diana and Victor without even reading the rules. And in the zombie hospital, you started wandering around as soon as you entered. Were you looking for Diana! Tell me, do you fall in love with Diana?” | thought Nathan would immediately deny and distance himself from me.

even thought he would get angry because Avia mistakenly thought he liked me.

But no! Nathan fell silent.

Nathan fell silent.

| was shocked. My heart was beating extremely fast, and my brain seemed to be disrupted by something, becoming completely lost in thought.

Avia looked at Nathan sadly and asked with a tearful tone, “Why didn’t you answer me? Are you really in love with Diana? You Before Avia could finish speaking, she suddenly coughed violently.

Nathan quickly helped her, lightly patted her back, and said, “You're overthinking. Caim down.” | smiled lightly across the wall.

Sure enough, Nathan couldn't have fallen in love with me.

When we still had mate bond, he hated me.

I have even started to hate him like Now that we no longer had any relationship, and situation? he hated me, how could he be attracted toin this situation? Unless he was a masochist.

| didn’t want to continue listening to them, so | took out headphones and wanted to put them on.

However, just as | raised my hand, | accidentally knocked a wooden ornament on the wall.

The ornament fell to the ground, making a dull noise.

| was startled and took two steps back, exposed to Nathan and Avia’s sight.

| slowly turned my head and awkwardly smiled at the two people staring at me. “You keep on talking. I'm just passing by.” | tried to quietly bypass them and leave. Unfortunately, at this moment Victor cover and hugged my waist, whispering in my ears, “Have you finished? Ill call the waiter to start serving.” My body stiffened and before | could answer, | saw Nathan holding Avia’s waist and smiling, “Don’t getwrong anymore. | have a standard for women. In my heart, you are the most important.” Avia smiled sweetly and raised her eyebrows proudly at me, “Of course | know. It was my fault that | misunderstood you. How could you possibly like a woman like Diana?” Victor looked at them in confusion and whispered in my ear, “What's wrong with them again?” | shook my head and said, “Forget about them. Let's go eat.”.

“Okay.” Victor huggedand left.

When | passed by Nathan and Avia, | paused.

Turning my head, | casually glanced at the two of them and smiled.

“I never expected Alpha Nathan to be so kind to his sister. | know you're siblings, but those who don’t know may think you're a couple.” In an instant, Nathan and Avia both froze!