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The Luna Is Gone by Angelique Quinn

Chapter 44
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Chapter 44 Diana's pov In contrast to Nathan, Victor scored 2500 points, ranking first so far.

It was even noted that he broke the record and achieved the highest score in history.

Victor tookto return the pistols. As he passed by Nathan, he showed a disdainful expression similar to Nathan's before.

“Perhaps my talent is not as high as yours. But Alpha Nathan, it’s obvious that my IQ is a bit higher than yours.” Victor grinned.

“Don’t be complacent.” As soon as Victor finished speaking, Avia immediately defended Nathan. “... That's because we were in a hurry and didn’t read the rules, otherwise Nathan would have had a higher score than you!” Victor let out a cold snort.

“This shooting range won't run. Why are you so urgent?” “Because...” Avia opened her mouth, wanting to defend herself.

But after stuttering for a long time, she didn’t squeeze a word, but instead glared atwith a fierce expression.

It was like they ignored the rules entirely because of me.

| felt absurd. What did this have to do with me? | frowned irritably and said to Victor, “Let's go return the pistols. Don’t waste ton them.” “You're right,” Victor nodded and walked away with me.

After returning the pistols, Victor smiled atand a hint of cunning flashed in his eyes.

“Bow your head,” he said to me.

| blinked my eyes. Although | didn’t understand why he askedto lower my head, | did so.

Victor revealed his right hand hidden behind his back.

In his palm, | saw a delicate moon hairpin.

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Victor carefully pinned the hairpin onto my hair and praised, “You look beautiful. | new this hairpin was perfect for you.” as a bit surprised and touched the hairpin on my head, asking, “When did you buy it?” “I didn’t buy it. The staff said | broke the record, so | could choose a souvenir to take with me. | think this hairpin is the best ” “Thank you.” Besides ‘thank you’, | didn’t know what to say to Victor.

Victor smiled and said, “Let's go to the next game.” Next to Witch Park was a horror-themed zombie hospital, where visitors could experience thrilling escape games.

Victor raised an eyebrow atand said, “Enter or not?” “I'm totally fine, but are you okay? | remember when you were a child, you were. always scared to cry in those places!” “It was a long tago.” Victor's earlobes slightly turned red. “I'm not afraid of those things now.” “Really?” | looked at Victor skeptically.

Victor held my hand and pushed open the rusty iron door of the hospital.

“Diana, | think it’s tfor you to get to knowagain. Today, | must let you remove my image of a crying baby from your mind. I...” Victor's voice suddenly stopped.

| noticed that his hand holdingwas trembling slightly.

“Aren’t you afraid?” | looked at Victor.

‘No, I'm not! Of course not.” Victor forced a smile.

The atmosphere inside the hospital was completely different from outside.

There were only rusty wall lamps emitting an eerie green light in the long corridor. The ground was sticky, as if there was blood. The air was filled with a pungent smell of disinfectant, and even the stench of corpses.

Victor and | continued walking along the corridor.

Along the way, everything was quiet except for the sound of footsteps.

Victor breathed a sigh of relief, “I thought it would be terrifying. It’s not a big deal” “Are you sure?” | asked as | stared at Victor's back.

Victor frowned slightly and his eyes were confused.

The next second, a gray hand suddenly landed on his shoulder.

Victor's body froze instantly.

“Dia, Diana, is there any, anything behind me?” | resisted the urge to laugh and shook my head, “No, nothing.” Victor gritted his teeth.

“Little scammer!” He whispered, took my hand, and quickly ran away.

Moran wildly all the way, only to be blocked by a group of zombies.

Victor kicked open the door on his side and ledinside.

We were all sweating. But before we could breathe a sigh of relief, we found three headless zombies slowly wriggling towards us in the room.

Victor and | exchanged a glance, turned around tacitly, and pushed the door open with force.

A bloody skull fell from the ceiling and rolled down at Victor's feet.

Victor was stunned for two seconds, but couldn't hold back and let out a “wow".

| almost laughed out loud because of Victor's reaction.

“Didn’t you say you're not afraid?” “I'm not afraid,” Victor closed his eyes tightly. “I just... just...” “You're just not ready” | made an excuse for Victor.

In order not to undermine Victor's confidence, | tried my best to suppress my laughter and quickly left this place with him.

At this moment, another zombie rushed towards us, | suddenly stopped and was about to change direction when the fierce zombie suddenly showed a hint of confusion.

Immediately after, he was thrown out by a strong force.

With a scream from the zombie, | saw Nathan standing in front ofwith his hands in his pockets and a cold expression on his face.

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He first looked disdainfully at Victor hiding behind me, and then his gaze slowly fell on my face, furrowing his brow.

“Is it that scary?” he asked, “You even cried” “Ah?” | was stunned for two seconds before | realized the meaning behind Nathan's words.

Because | had been trying to hold back my laughter, tears oozed from the corners of my eyes.

But Nathan thought | was scared to cry because | was afraid of zombies.

“No, you misunderstood. My tears are -" Before | could finish speaking, a sharp fist ctowards me.

Nathan punched away a zombie who was hiding behindand wanted to attack. “Alright, don’t cry. I'll take you out,” he said expressionlessly, trying to hold my hand, but | dodged.

“Are you insane?” | widened my eyes and looked at him in amazement.

Nathan seemed completely unable to understand my response.

He frowned and said, “I helped you. You didn’t appreciate me, but cursedin return?” “I don’t need your help! Who told you | was scared?” “You're crying!” he emphasized.

| didn’t want to explain to him, so | turned around and walked towards the zombie that Nathan Bunched on the wall.

“Are you okay?!! | helped.

un and asked.

“I don’t need your help! Who told you | was scared?” “You're crying!” he emphasized.

| didn’t want to explain to him, so I turned around and walked towards the zombie that Nathan punched on the wall.

“Are you okay?” | helped him up and asked.

The zombic rubbed his chest and coughed continuously, unable to say a complete.

sentence | stared at Nathan and said, “Don’t you know these zombies are all played by staff? Why are you hitting them?” “I'm here to protect you!” “I don’t need your protection!” | shouted.