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The Love From Vengeance

Chatper 226
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226: PAINS


Holding Janice, I couldn’t stop taking my eyes off Luke. The men had come out of nowhere

and fired a gunshot at him. Luckily, the bullet went straight to his shoulder. I just hoped it

couldn’t get worse

than that.

Luke fell to his knees, holding his shoulders. The pain was too much for him to bear.

“Luke!” I called his name loudly, and then I ran straight to him.

The men behind pointed their guns at us, ready to release more gunshots. But I wasn’t

even giving them my attention.

I didn’t want to do this. I didn’t want to run towards Luke, making it look like I cared for

him. But I couldn’t help it. Seeing him bring my daughter really brought this feeling within

me. Something I couldn’t explain.

“It’s alright, Ariel. I’ll be fine,” Luke told me softly, holding his bleeding shoulder. You and

Janice should leave before these people do something terrible to you guys.

“We can’t leave you,” I disagreed, looking into his eyes, and I had this worried expression.

“Just go. I told you, everything’s alright.”

“But if you die, it won’t be.”

“Why, huh? I thought you didn’t want me. I thought you came for revenge. So if I’m killed

now, won’t you be satisfied?”

“Don’t say that, now. Can’t you see we’re in the middle of a terrific situation?”

“I can see that. But I just want you to be honest with me.”

“About what?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Okay, I think we’ve given you guys enough time to talk. Now it’s time to die,” one of the

men spoke.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“Please, don’t,” Andre pleaded. I glanced back at him. He did not move forward. “I know

you people are doing this for money, but please, you don’t have to kill anyone. You can

stop these evil deeds.”

“Life can be a tough one. And I know you guys need money to offer your family. But will

they really want this? They wouldn’t want you to get involved in any criminal activities.”

“Oh shut up, you don’t know our families.”

“I don’t. But I do know one thing: they won’t be in support of this. So I plead with you, just

let us go. Trust me, you’ll see the changes in your life if you do that.

The men laughed. “We’re already seeing the changes. We kill all of you now, and we’ll

have enough money to feed ourselves and our families.”

226: PAINS


I could see the desperation in Andre’s eyes as he begged the men not to shoot. But they

just laughed and insulted him, calling him weak and a coward.

Luke tried to reason with them, telling them that there was no need for anyone to die. But

they were adamant, their greed for money clouding their judgment.

I held onto Janice tightly, hoping for nothing terrible as I watched this scene unfold. I

couldn’t lose Luke, not after witnessing what he had done. The rage disappeared after

this, and there wasn’t a need

for that hatred.

At this point, I made a decision. I couldn’t let these men harm the people around me. I had

to do something, even if I had no strength. I’d do my best, and luck would be on my side.

“Enough!” I yelled, surprising everyone around me. “I won’t let you hurt them.”

The men turned their attention to me, their guns still pointed at Luke and Andre. I took a

deep breath and continued, “I may have come here for revenge, but seeing Luke with my

daughter…it changed everything. I don’t want anyone to get hurt; please just put down

your guns.”

The men hesitated, unsure of what to do. I could see the conflict in their eyes. But then,

one of them raised his gun and aimed it at me.

“No!” Luke shouted, trying to get up and protect me.

But before the man could pull the trigger, Andre jumped in front of me, shielding me from

the bullet.

I screamed, watching him as he collapsed to the ground.

This unexpected turn of events took aback the men. Luke managed to get up and tackle

one of them to the ground while I ran to Andre’s side.

“Andre, why did you do that?” I kneaded him, trying to stop the bleeding from his wound.

“I thought that you were an amazing friend, remember? And I’ll do anything to protect

you, even if it means sacrificing my life,” he replied weakly, his eyes closing as he lost


I looked up at Luke, who was now fighting off the other men. He managed to knock their

guns off, even with his injury. He stood strong for me, for Janice, for us. I was just lost in

what he was doing.

But my mind reminded me that my friend was unconscious right now; he needed to be

taken to the hospital. I set my eyes on Luke once again; the men had now overpowered

him, and he was beaten


I narrowed my eyes down to the guns which were on the ground. I looked up at the men

once again; their attentions were not even on the ground. I looked at Andre, his eyes

closed, recalling his words before he zonked out. And I looked at my little daughter, who

stood in shock, trying to process what was happening at the moment.

I set my eyes back on the guns and stood up, walking in that direction. I quickly grabbed

both guns from the ground and pointed them at the men. “Stop, now!”

They paused immediately, turning to me, surprised and terrified faces they had at the


Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm


“You both should let him go, now. Hesitate to do that, I won’t hesitate to shoot you ”

“Are you really going to pull the trigger?”

“Does she even know how to use a gun?” They mocked me.

I didn’t say a word; I just released two bullets in the air. Immediately, they let go of Luke.

But they were still foolish to shove him to the ground.

“I didn’t tell you to do that.” I gave them a cold stare, still pointing the guns at the two of


“You said we should let go of him, and we did just that.”

“I didn’t tell you to do it that way,”

I shot at the ground, nigh to their feet, and they shifted backward in a flash.

“Go now. And tell Mason that it isn’t over. I will make him pay for this.

They were both glaring at me, still standing. I quickly shot the ground close to them again,

and they

bolted at that very moment,

I set my eyes back on Lake and moved closer, I sat on my heels, right next to him. “You’re

okay, right?

“You shouldn’t be asking me that, I was shot in the shoulder.”

“Oh, I’m sorry,” I spoke right away,

He laughed softly. “I’m kidding. I’m alright. You shouldn’t worry about me, but you should

check your friend over there. He isn’t dead, is he?”

“I hope not.” I stood up and walked to Andre, observing him. I fixed my eyes on Luke,

“Yeah, he’s still alive.”

“We shouldn’t waste any more time then.” He stood up and approached me. He wanted to

carry Andre, but I stopped him.

“Are you sure you can do this?”

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!