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The Love From Vengeance

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And 1 glared at Mason, his gun still pointing at me. He was about to pull the trigger. It was

now or never, it was death or life. But I wasn’t going to beg him to spare me. I’d try my

best to get things straight around here.

“It’s finally time I blow your brains off. I’ve waited years to do this,” Mason spat bitterly,

not changing the direction of his gun.

“And what exactly did I do to you?” I threw this question at him.

“You made my life miserable.”

“Can you please be more specific?”

“Shut up!” He snapped. “You monster. If I’m brutal and cruel like this, it’s all because of


“Don’t put the blame on me here. I’m not the reason for your ass being evil.”

“You are, Luke!”

“Tell me how, then!”

“You killed my girlfriend,” he brought out.

“I killed your girlfriend? What the fuck are you saying right now?”

“Sofie, that’s her name. You two were drunk; you both had sex, and that was how you

murdered her.”

“When did that happen?”

“Years ago. You can act like you don’t remember a damn thing. That’s none of my

business. I’ve already told you my reason for this vengeance. Now I’m going to send you

straight to hell.”

“You’re telling me now that I killed your girlfriend, all because I was drunk?”

“I’m not here for any friendly conversation. “I am about to execute you in this room as

your daughter

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and feed your flesh to the dogs.”

“Look, I can’t remember a thing. But please, let Janice go. She has nothing to do with this.

I’m the one who offended you, right? Kill me and let her go. Please, she’s just a little kid.”

Mason laughed. “She is your daughter. Your blood flows through her veins. So I will end

both of you, just as I did to Lukel.”

“Lukel? You were the one responsible for Luke’s death.”

“What do you think?”

“You killed that innocent child? Aren’t you just cold–blooded? How could you?”


“Oh, shut up!” Mason cut me off.

“Don’t tell me that. My hands are tied up right now, but that doesn’t mean that I’m inferio

here.” “I’ve got the upper hand, you idiot. I got a gun, and i can just blow your fucking

brain any second.” “And do you think I’m scared of you? What are you feeling like, a god?”

“I never said that i want to get justice for my beloved Sophie.”

“And by getting justice, you decided to take innocent lives.”

“What’s going to be more painful than that? First of all, I decided to burn those children at

yoASE company. Killing all of you with one stone. But then you had to show up. Well,

Mason thinks too fast. That’s when i decided to carry out a plan to shoot that son of yours.

And it worked. I shot him, but you didn’t see me. Why? Because I have brains. And then I

paid a lady to tell Ariel false stories. You’re the one who killed Laked. I thought Ariel

wouldn’t buy that, but surprisingly, she did. I guess your wife is as stupid as you.”

“Wow, you’re really this crazy, aren’t you?”

“Oh, you haven’t seen anything yet. And guess what? Your beloved wife will be coming

any time,”

“What? Ariel is coming here.”

“Yes, for her daughter, of course. She got the address, and now she’ll be showing up in no

time. Tonight is going to be the end of your little family. You three, the father, the

daughter, and the mother, are leaving this world tonight.”

“Leave Janice and Ariel, Won’t you be satisfied with that? Won’t the vengeance be done

since I’m the one who killed your girlfriend?”

“Not really. I got to wipe your family. Everyone close to you, they’ll all die one by one.”

“Guess what, Mason.”


“You lose,” I responded. He made a puzzled face, and before he could say anything; I

quickly rose to my feet and punched the gun out of his hand. I had no idea how I did that

so quickly, but I felt like the


During the idiot’s discourse, I was in the process of unbuckling the ropes from my hands. It

wasn’t even that tight, and I was thinking it was going to be really hard to put an end to

that crap.

Mason gave me a surprised look, and I hit him hard in the face before he could even ask

any questions. He turned to me, and I gave him the second punch. I gripped his shirt and

slammed him against the wall. Then, I delivered another punch to his face.

“What are you going to do now, huh?” I punched him hard, causing him to stumble. “You

have the upper hand, don’t you?” I threw another punch at his face.


I repeatedly struck him in the face with the wall while firmly grasping his hair until he

began to bleed. I punched his face and shoved him down. I quickly picked up the gun from

the ground and shot his leg twice.

He screamed in pain. “You’ll pay for this.”

I ignored him and rushed to Janice. I took the ropes off her hands and legs, and then I

carried her in my arms, still having a hold of the gun.

“You’re okay now. I told you we’ll get out of here,” I said softly. “Now, do you trust me?”

Janice nodded, wrapping her hands around my neck. I kissed her forehead, and then I

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walked to the door.

“You think you’re going to survive this?” Mason barked, still on the ground in pain.

“You should be glad I didn’t kill you. I’m not and can never be a monster like you.”

Mason glared at me; I did the same, leaving the room. Everywhere was dark, but I still

moved, trying to find my way out of the building.

“Who’s there?” Someone screamed. That was definitely not good. I shot in his person’s

direction and ran away, with Janice still cleaving to me. When we finally left the building,

Mason’s men were chasing us.

“Come back here, right now!”

“Yeah, you better stop right there!”

They screamed, but I refused to turn around. Surprisingly, they didn’t shoot at me. I had

no idea why, but I didn’t want to care.

The street was empty, the place was calm, and I couldn’t spot a single soul there. Only

God knew

where all these guys had taken us.


I sighted two people walking from afar, and they looked really familiar. As I kept on

scampering, I realized it was Ariel and Andre. It was obvious they had seen me because

they fastened their pace.

I turned around and didn’t see Mason’s men running after me. I wondered where they had

gone to. It seems like I lost them.

I turned back to Ariel and Andre, who had now gotten close. Janice was still in my arms,

and I was glad I had brought her out of that misery.

“Janice!” Ariel was brought out.

“Mommy!” Janice slowly got off my hands and ran straight to Ariel. I smiled just by staring

at the

both of them.

And right after that, the sound of a gunshot filled the air.

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!