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The Love From Vengeance

Chapter 386
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386: STAND BY YOU ARIEL'S POV Here I was, in the hospital, still holding on to Luke, with the hope, with the belief that he would regain consciousness any tsoon.

Yes, the days of darkness were much, with the minutes passing, the seconds counting, and the hope not destroyed. I didn't wish for this to take too long, but even if it did, I'd be here, by Luke's side. Every single second, Every single minute, every single hour, every single day.

Life could throw terrible things at us, and the pain would make you want to give up that very moment. Everything you had worked for, for so many years, the stress, the pain, the sweat, the struggles, you would just feel like giving up.

You wouldn't want to go further, the darkness had already discouraged you. Broken, shattered, hopeless, too much negativity, no longer being positive.

I had passed through this in different ocassions, and trust me, I totally understood all the procedures. Crossed through the bridge of sorrow, the storm raging upon me. The rumbles of thunder went too intense.

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The chains hadfor so long. I felt like a total failure and the all the fight was just in vain. I thought ice flew in my vain, the adrenaline, the passion. I was just wrong, cause in the end, the opposite Ariel was all that materialized.

But even so, the fight wouldn't end. The journey would continue because out of every terrible situation, something good comes out. It's just about the confidence, the boldness, the courage. All mixed up, they would putin the perfect place. And I needed hope, hope to soldier on in this battle. Because there was no way I would be giving up. X "Miss, you should get srest," a nurse told me, stepping foot inside the room.

"Thanks, but I'm okay," I told her softly, still cleaving to Luke's hands.

"Do you need something to eat? You've been here for hours, and I noticed you haven't eaten anything. Should I perhaps bring something for you?" I gave her a little smile. "That would be nice, actually." "Okay, you can just please hold on. Givesminutes, I'll be right back." She left the room after that.

As I sat there, holding onto Luke's hand, lost in my thoughts, I felt a slight tremor in his hand. My heart leaped with hope, and a wide smile spread. Could it be? Was this a sign of life returning to him? I gently squeezed his hand, urging him to wake up. "Luke," I whispered, my voice trembling with emotion. Can you hear me? Can you feel my touch?" His hand twitched again, and I couldn't contain my joy. Tears welled up in my eyes as I leaned closer to STAND him, whispering words of encouragement and love.

With newfound energy, I rushed out of the room to find a doctor. "Excuse me!" I called the nearest medical staff member I could find urgently. He glanced atimmediately.

"He moved his hand! He moved his hand!" The doctor gavea surprised face. I'm sorry, miss. What did you just say?" "Luke just moved his hand! Please, you have to csee him!" The doctor quickly followedback to Luke's room, where I eagerly pointed out the subtle movements of his hand. The doctor examined him carefully, checking his vital signs and responsiveness.

After what felt like an eternity, the doctor turned towith a smile. “It looks like he's showing signs of consciousness returning. We'll need to run stests, but this is a very positive development.” Relief flooded over me, and I couldn't stop the tears of joy from streaming down my face. Luke was finally waking up, and I knew that together, we could overcwhatever challenges lay ahead.

The nurse retumed with the food, and I thanked her but declined, my attention entirely focused on Luke's subtle movements.

"Thank you, but I think I'll pass for now. I'm just so happy to see him showing signs of waking up.

The nurse looked atwith understanding in her eyes. "Of course, miss. It's understandable. Just letknow if you need anything else, okay?" I nodded gratefully, my heart still racing with hope. "I will, thank you." She gavea reassuring smile before quietly leaving the room again, leavingalone with Luke. I turned back to him, feeling a surge of love and gratitude welling up inside me.

"Luke, can you hear me?" I whispered softly, leaning in closer. "I know you're fighting, and I believe in you. You're going to make it through this, I know you will." His hand twitched again, as if in response, and I felt a rush of happiness wash over me. I squeezed his hand gently, feeling the connection between us grow stronger with each passing moment.

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I love you, Luke,” I murmured, tears of joy streaming down my cheeks. "And I'll be right here with you every step of the way." "Miss, I'm Dr. Stevens," a middle-aged man said as he entered the room, followed by a couple of nurses with medical equipment. "We've heard about the movements Luke made. That's a positive sign, but we need to conduct stests to assess his condition further." I nodded eagerly, my heart still pounding with anticipation. "Yes, please, do whatever you need to do. Just tellhe's going to be okay." Dr. Stevens smiled reassuringly. "We're going to do our best, but I need you to step outside for a moment. We'll need sspace to work." Reluctantly, I released Luke's hand and stepped back, watching anxiously as the medical team surrounded him. They began attaching monitors and IV lines, their movements swift and efficient.


As I paced outside the room, my mind raced with a million thoughts.

What if something went wrong? What if Luke didn't wake up fully? But if I pushed those doubts aside, clinging to the hope that had sustainedthrough the darkest hours. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the doctor emerged from the room, a clipboard in hand. I rushed forward, my heart in my throat.

"How is he?" I asked, barely able to get the words out.

"He's stable for now. We've conducted spreliminary tests, and everything looks promising. We'll need to keep monitoring him closely, but it seems like he's on the right track." Relief flooded over me. "Thank you, thank you much."

The doctor nodded. "You're welcome.

But he's not out of the woods yet.

We'll need to keep him under m observation for the tbeing. In the meantime, you should try to get srest yourself. You've been through a lot." I nodded, suddenly feeling the exhaustion seeping into my bones. "I will. But please, keepupdated on his condition."

Dr. Stevens promised to do so before heading back into Luke's room. L lingered in the hallway for a moment, feeling a wave of gratitude wash over me. Luke was going to be okay, I could feel it in my bones. I made my way to the waiting area to finally get srest, and all of a sudden, I felt someone tapping my shoulder. I turned around quickly.