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The Love From Vengeance

Chapter 385
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385: TRYST WITH FAITH ARIEL'S POV I sat in my car, leaning on the chair, hands on the steering wheel, and you want to know what I was thinking about? You want to know what was going on in my mind? It was Larry and Tessa's dark plan of getting my family's business back to the top.

Honestly, I was not easy about such idea. I didn't even think I had done something really extrlike that, but I had to understand their point around here. They were doing this for me. They didn't want to seebroken, they wanted to put nothing but a smile on my face, and I was really grateful to them for that.

Larry approached the car, with a beautiful lady behind him, and then he knocked on my car door. And I was guessing that woman should be the one who was about to pull the whole thing off After Larry has knocked on my door, I took a deep breath, steeling myself for what was about to come. rolled down the window, and he motioned for the woman behind him to approach. She had a confident stride, and her gaze held a hint of mischief.

“Ariel, meet Jasmine.” Larry introduced, gesturing towards the woman. “She's going to help us execute the plan." Jasmine flasheda dazzling p "Nice to meet you, Ariel. I've heard a lot about you." "That's nice, I guess," I replied, trying to muster up a smile despite my unease.

Larry leaned in closer, speaking in a low voice. "Jasmine, Ariel here knows the plan. We need you to seduce Mr. Kingston, get him to a private room, and slip a sedative into his drink. Once he's out cold, well handle the rest." Jasmine nodded, her expression serious. "Got it. I'll make sure to keep him distracted long enough for you to do what you need to do." Larry pulled out an envelope from his pocket, containing a stack of cash. He handed it to Jasmine. "This is half of your payment. You'll get the other half once the job is done." She glanced at the envelope, her eyes widening at the sight of the money. "Wow, this is... more than ! expected." "We know it's a risky job," Larry said. "But we're willing to pay top dollar for your services." Jasmine nodded, tucking the I'm a professional. I'll get the job done.

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Envelope into her purse. "Don't worry, "Thank you, Jasmine,” I told her with a partial smile.

She smiled back at me, somewhat reassuringly. "No problem, Ariel. I'll see you both tonight." With that, Jasmine turned on her heel and walked away, disappearing into the crowd. I watched her go, feeling a mixture of apprehension and relief. This was it there was no turning back now.

Larry clapped his hands together. "Alright, Ariel. Let's make sure everything goes smoothly tonight." I nodded, responding in an inaudible tone, "Yeah, let's just make sure that happens." I walked along the road, lost in my thoughts. I didn't notice Luke approaching until it was too late. The collision sentstumbling backward, my heart racing as I struggled to regain my balance. Strong arms wrapped around me, steadyingbefore I could fall, and I found myself gazing up into Luke's intense eyes.

For a moment, tseemed to stand still as we locked gazes, the world fading away until it was just the two of us. There was something undeniably electric in the air, a tension that crackled between us like a live wire.

But before I could even process what was happening, Luke's expression darkened, his grip on my arm turning punishingly tight as he pulledtowards him.

"What do you think you're doing?" he snapped, his voice sharp with anger.

I opened my mouth to respond, but the words caught in my throat, my mind spinning with confusion and apprehension.

Luke's eyes bore into mine with a ferocity that sent a shiver down my spine. "You think you can just chere and ruin everything, huh?" I winced at the accusation in his words, feeling the sting of his anger like a physical blow. What to say? Nothing actually.

And Luke wasn't done yet. He tightened his grip on my arm even further, his voice dropping to a menacing growl. "You have to change your mind, Ariel. You have to put an end to this marriage, or else..

His threat hung in the air, unspoken yet palpable, and I felt a shiver of fear run down my spine. But despite. the fear coursing through me, there was a stubbornness rising up within me, a refusal to back down in the face of his intimidation.

"Or else what, Luke?" I shot back. My voice was steadier now and defiant. What are you going to do, huh?" Luke's jaw clenched, his eyes flashing with frustration. "You have no idea what you're getting yourself into, Ariel. This marriage will only bring you pain." I shook my head, refusing to let his words sway me. “I don't care about the pain, Luke. I'm not afraid of whatever lies ahead." "You should be," he whispered, his voice barely above a murmur. "You should be terrified." "I'm not scared of you, Luke, ont think you can makeshake with these threats of yours." I looked him in the eyes.

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I wrenched my arm free from his grasp, the both of us still looking at each other. A staring contest you'd say. Luke's glare spoke what was clearly on his mind, the shit he was thinking about me. And my gaze only showed how I was sick in the head, not letting him think he could just treatlike crap. But with the expression on my visage, there was still this feeling of fear. Trepidation building up towards 385 FRYST WITH TAITH this situation. I could let myself be driven over by this hoped for the better, not the worse.

Luke, tired of the staring competition, drove his hands through his hair. He took his eyes elsewhere before he set them back on me. "I tell you this, Ariel. This marriage is going to be hall for you.” I sighed, closing both of my eyes, and then I opened them, looking fixedly at the billionaire before me. "I think I'm already going through hell at the moment."

He laughed, fixing both of his hands on his waist as he looked in different directions, and right after that he gavehis attention. "You really En have no idea what you're getting yourself into. I don't know why you're being so stubborn. You can just decide to walk away."

"I already told you this, and seems like you wantto remind you again. This marriage is only for the better of my family. My father wants that, my O your other wants that, even wants that. He's actually the one who wants this the most. No need to be rude, but if you have the balls, I suggest you and meet him right now, and cancel this engagement. If you can't do that, don't chere and start tellingshit. If you please excuse me, I have better things to be doing right now.” I walked away from him, leaving the force of our conversation hanging in the air.

(End of Flashback) And that was it, how my life changed forever. I had the confidence at first, but turned out it all led to darkness. The light cout actually, but currently, we were overshadowed with murk.

And just in case you were wondering, the plan to get Mr. Kingston to sign those papers didn't work. I could go into the details, but I wouldn't do that.

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