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The Love From Vengeance

Chapter 295
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295: RECKLESS ABANDON ARIEL'S POV Luke's lips devouredwith an insatiable hunger, | melted into the plush comfort of the luxurious hotel bed, the golden hues of the room enveloping us in a warm glow. With every skillful flick of his tongue, he made a fire unfold within me, each touch sending ripples of pleasure coursing through my body.

I arched my back, offering myself to him completely, as his hands found their way to my breasts, teasing and caressing with an expert touch. The sensation of his fingers tracing circles around my hardened nipples sent shivers down my spine, amplifying the intensity of the pleasure building between my thighs.

His mouth continued its relentless assault on my core, his lips and tongue exploring every inch of my dripping sex with a voracious appetite. | couldn’t contain the moans that escaped my lips, the sounds of my pleasure mingling with the symphony of our desire echoing throughout the room.

My fingers tangled in his hair, urging him on as | surrendered to the overwhelming sensation of his mouth pleasuringin ways | had never imagined. Waves of ecstasy crashed over me, each more intense than the last, as he expertly broughtto the brink of blissful release.

With a primal scream, | let go, my body convulsing with pleasure as the intensity of my orgasm washed overlike a tidal wave. Luke heldclose, his touch anchoringin the sea of ecstasy as | trembled with the aftershocks of pleasure.

As | slowly cdown from the heights of ecstasy, | felt Luke's tender kisses tracing a path up my body, his lips leaving a trail of fire in their wake. Our eyes met, filled with a newfound depth of connection forged in the heat of passion, as he hovered above me, his desire burning bright in the golden glow of the room.

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With a soft smile, he whispered words of love and adoration, his voice a soothing balm to my senses as he cradledin his arms.

It was actually a great feeling, surrounded by the opulence of the hotel room and wrapped in the embrace of our love. This was where | belonged, | wanted to feel every bit of him.

| gazed into Luke's eyes, filled with desire and anticipation, as | slowly descended to my knees before him. The golden glow of the room cast a radiant aura around us, adding an air of enchantment to the intimacy we shared.

With a tender touch, | took hold of his throbbing cock, feeling its pulsing warmth beneath my fingertips. As | lowered my head, my lips parted to take him in, savoring the taste of him as | traced a path along his length.

Luke's grip tightened in my hair, his breath hitching as | enveloped him in my mouth, relishing the sensation of him fillingcompletely. | glanced up at him, meeting his gaze with a look of hunger, before surrendering myself entirely to the rhythm of my movements.

With each bob of my head, | elicited guttural moans of pleasure from Luke, the sound music to my ears as | worked to bring him to the pinnacle of delectation. The slurping noises filled the air, mingling with his ragged breaths as he surrendered himself to the pleasure | offered.

“God, you're so good,” Luke gasped, his words a symphony of praise that fueled my desire even further. | intensified my efforts, the urgency of our passion propellingto new heights of elation as | devoured him with an insatiable hunger.

And then, in a moment of reckless abandon, | tightened my grip and bit down on his cock, sending a jolt of pleasure coursing through him as he let out a primal scream of release.

His essence flooded my mouth, the taste of him an intoxicating elixir as I drank in every drop of his ecstasy.

As he collapsed onto the bed, spent and breathless, | rose to my feet, a satisfied smile playing on my lips. Our eyes met, a silent understanding passing between us as we reveled in the intensity of our connection.

| straddled Luke, feeling the heat of his desire radiating beneathas our eyes locked in a passionate gaze.

With a sense of urgency, | settled down onto his throbbing cock, relishing the sensation of him fillingcompletely. As | moved my hand to his chest, feeling the rhythmic beat of his heart beneath my fingertips, | began to grind against him, savoring the friction that sent waves of pleasure coursing through my body.

We moaned softly in unison, our voices mingling with the symphony of our desire as | pinched Luke, eliciting a gasp of pleasure from him. In response, he reached out and playfully slapped my booty, sending a thrill of excitement coursing throughas | began to bounce on him with increasing fervor.

With each thrust, | slammed my ass against his rod, the intensity of our connection drivingto new heights of ecstasy. Moans escaped my lips uncontrollably as | rode him harder and harder, lost in the intoxicating pleasure of our union.

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Just when | felt myself teetering on the edge of climax, | shifted position, moving into 795 RECKLESS ABANDON reverse cowgirl with Luke’s hands firmly gripping my butt, guiding my movements as | continued to bounce on him with renewed vigor | went hard and fast, the intensity of our passion building to a crescendo as | felt the pressure building within me, threatening to consme entirely. With a primal cry, | reached the peak of ecstasy, my body convulsing with pleasure as | squirted all over him, the sensation sending waves of bliss crashing overlike a tidal wave.

Luke heldclose as | slowly pulled out, our bodies slick with sweat as we lay together, spent and breathless, “That was so exhausting,” | spoke lowly, trying to catch my breath.

“No doubt about that,” Luke also uttered, moving his hand around my breasts, smiling at 1. me.

I nestled into Luke’s embrace, feeling the warmth of his body against mine as we lay entwined in the aftermath of our passion. The golden hues of the room seemed to dance around us, casting a soft glow that highlighted the contours of his face.

“I can’t believe how incredible that was,” | whispered, my voice barely above a breath as | traced lazy circles on his chest.

Luke's fingers traced patterns along my spine, waves of pleasure right within me. “You were amazing,” he murmured, and brushed his lips against my forehead in a tender kiss.

| smiled against his chest, reveling in the intimacy of the moment. “You helpedearlier. | just wanted to make you feel good,” | confessed, feeling a rush of warmth spread throughat the thought of bringing him pleasure.

“You always do,” Luke replied, his tone was calm and then he pressed a gentle kiss to my lips. “I love you, Ariel,” he whispered against my skin, his words a promise of love and devotion.

“I love you too, Luke,” | whispered back, and then | buried my face in his chest, feeling his steady heartbeat beneath my ear.