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The Love From Vengeance

Chapter 294
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294: BURNING PASSION ARIEL'S POV With Luke's lips meeting mine, | felt a surge of conflicting emotions wash over me. Anger, betrayal, hurt-they all warred with the undeniable pull of his touch. For a moment, | resisted, wanting to push him away and run as far from him as | could. But his kiss was insistent, tender yet desperate, and despite myself, | found myself melting into it.

Slowly, he pulled away, his eyes searching mine for ssign of forgiveness. We stood there in silence, the weight of our unspoken words hanging heavy between us. Then, as if sensing my need, Luke reached for my hand, his touch gentle yet firm.

“I'm sorry, Ariel,” he whispered, his voice tinged with remorse. “I never meant to hurt you. You have to believe me.” | stared at him, tom between the desire to believe his words and the fear of being hurt again. “I don’t know if | can,” | admitted, my voice barely a whisper.

Luke’s hands moved to cup my cheeks, his gaze unwavering as he spoke. “You have to trust me, Ariel,” he pleaded, his voice raw with emotion. “You're the only woman I love, the only one | ever want to be with. Please, don’t shutout.” Gazing into his eyes, | saw the truth there, the depth of his feelings laid bare forto see. And at this moment, something insidesoftened, an outburst of hope reigniting in my heart.

Slowly, tentatively, we leaned towards each other, our lips meeting in a passionate kiss. The world fell away around us as we lost ourselves in each other, the heat of his touch sending shivers down my spine.

Pressingagainst the wall, Luke’s kisses trailed down my neck, igniting a fire withinthat burned brighter with each touch. I felt his hand move to my thigh, his touch sending waves of pleasure coursing through me..

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Wrapping my leg around his waist, | pulled him closer, the heat between us undeniable. In that moment, there was only him and me, our past mistakes and future uncertainties forgotten in the passion of the present.

And while we continued kissing, | knew that forgiving him wouldn't be easy, but | had to do it. | could actually tell that he was telling the truth. And if | could forgive him for hurting me, during our first marriage, then I think | could go with this actually.

Our lips continued to move together, and this wasn't just a kiss, it was a connection—a profound intertwining of souls. Every sensation heightened, every nerve electrified as his touch sent waves of warmth coursing through my body. Right now, it felt as though the universe had aligned, and we were the only two beings in existence.

His lips were soft against mine, gentle yet filled with passion. With each kiss, | could feel the depth of his emotions, his longing, his desire. It was as if we were communicating on a level beyond words, where our bodies spoke the language of love fluently.

Our embrace deepened, flawless, mesmerizing. | lost myself in the sensation of his arms around me, pullingcloser, drawinginto his world. It was a world of warmth and security, where all worries melted away in the intensity of our connection.

| could feel his heartbeat against my chest, steady and strong, echoing the rhythm of my own. Yes indeed, at this point, we were truly one, our souls merging in a dance of love and desire.

With each touch, each caress, | discovered new depths of intimacy, as if | were unraveling the layers of his being with my fingertips. Every inch of his skin seemed to speak to me, telling a story of longing and belonging.

In his embrace, | found solace-a refuge from the chaos of the outside world. It was a place where tceased to exist, where past and future faded into insignificance, leaving only the present moment, brimming with possibility and passion.

The electrifying kiss continued, and | felt a sense of completeness wash over me, as if | had finally found my missing piece. Not the first time, though, but his touch was just so magnificent. It was a feeling of wholeness, of being exactly where | was meant to be.

burned brighter with each passing His touch ignited a fire within me, a flof desire th moment. It was a fire that consumed me, yet at the stime, it filledwith a sense of warmth and contentment.

In his arms, | felt alive-more alive than I had ever felt before. It was as if he had unlocked something within me, releasing a flood of emotions that had long been dormant. And the pain had ceased, because his touch was just so sensational.

With each $, each caress, | fell deeper and deeper into the depths of our connection. It ction that transcended the physical realm, reaching into the very depths of my cout Chinally parted, | knew that this connection was something truly special, something orth cherishing for eternity.

For in this moment, | was chained to the rhythm, the rhythm 204.BURNING PASSION of our magnificent connection. And nothing could break us out of this.

Our eyes were locked in a silent exchange of emotions. Luke's gaze was filled with veracity and despite the tumult of conflicting feelings revolving within me, | couldn't deny the love shining in his eyes.

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“I love you, Ariel,” he whispered. His voice was filled with raw honesty and vulnerability. A faint smile tugged at the comers of my lips as | reached up to caress his cheek, feeling the warmth of his skin beneath my fingertips.

With a sudden surge of desire, Luke's hands found their way to my waist, pullingcloser to him. His touch sent a wave of anticipation coursing through me, bringing up a fire that threatened to consus both.

“What do you want to do?” he asked softly.

“I want to feel you on me,” | confessed breathlessly.

Without hesitation, we hurried to his car, the urgency of our desire propelling us forward. In the backseat, | straddled Luke, my lips crashing against his in a frenzy of passion.

Our kisses grew more fervent, | hastily lifted my dress, eager to feel his skin against mine. With trembling hands, | removed my panties, tossing them aside as Luke's fingers deftly unzipped his pants.

With a desperate urgency, | guided him inside me, relishing the sensation of him fillingcompletely. As | began to bounce on his cock, pleasure surged through every fiber of my being, drivingto new heights of ecstasy.

“Harder,” | pleaded, my voice filled with need as Luke's thrusts becmore intense. With each powerful thrust, | felt myself teetering on the edge of oblivion, my senses overwhelmed by the intensity of our connection.

Closing my eyes, | surrendered to the pleasure, my moans mingling with Luke’s as we moved in perfect synchronicity. The sound of our bodies colliding filled the car, echoing in the darkness as our passion consumed us both.

With each thrust, | felt myself drawing closer to the edge, the tension coiling withinlike a spring ready to snap. And then, with a primal cry of release, | shattered into a million pieces, my climax washing overin a tidal wave of ecstasy.

Luke’s own release followed soon after, his body trembling beneath mine as he poured himself into me.