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The Joy of Revenge

Chapter 52
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CHAPTER 52 Make a Statement Joy “It looks worse than it feels, | can assure you,” Cris said. Cristos and | looked at each other, doubtful, but deep inside, | was applauding whoever punched him. This a sshole deserved it.

“What happened, Cris? Did on e of the town’s folk punch you yesterday at church?” Cristos asked, pretending to be concerned.

“Ah, no, Cris said, embarrassed. “I was bending down to pick something up near the door and suddenly the door swung open. The doorknob hitright smack in the eye.

“Oooh, ouch,” Cristos said, making a face. “I hope the discoloration is gone by the tSaturday comes. I'm planning a huge event at the pub.” “Oh yeah? | thought the pub will be undergoing renovations every weekend,” Cris replied, surprised.

“Well, Nicole mentioned Miss North Dakota won't be gracing this year’s Spring Parade as Miss Honey Bee for whatever reason and | thought it would be a great idea to host a small pageant in search of this year’s Miss Honey Bee, Cristos explained. Cris glanced at Cristos then at me, thinking it was a joke.

“Why do a pageant? There's already someone seated next to you who is perfect to be Miss Honey Bee. I've met Miss North Dakota and Virtue is so much prettier than her,” Cris said, trying to be charming. | smiled and shook my head, refusing to volunteer.

“That's really sweet of you to say, Cris, but I've just moved into town. It should be someone who imbues the spirit of this town. You know, someone who walks, talks and breathes New Salem,” | argued, hoping it would be enough for him to reconsider.

“I don’t think the town’s folk would mind. You are beautiful, tall and young, perfect for Miss Honey Bee,” Cris reasoned. Cristos smiled and askedfor his folder. He took out a sheet of paper and placed it on Cris’ desk.

“If you agree, a percentage of the night's sales will be donated to your party’s campaign. | will also be awarding a grand prize of five thousand dollars to the lucky winner and the winner will be the new face for my pub,” Cristos explained. “Virtue here can join the pageant. if she wants, but | was hoping she would be one of the judges instead... including you and Liam.

1/6 CHAPTER 52 Make a Statement “That's quite generous of you, Chip, and I'll be honored to be a judge,” Cris said, looking at the sheet of paper and nodding his head. “I'll approve this, but you also need approval from the mayor. I'll message Liam and tell him that you're coming to see him.” He picked up his phone and sent Liam a short message.

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“Thank you, Cris,” Chip squealed. “I'm so excited for Saturday!” “By the way, Cris, | was hoping to sponsor this year’s Spring Formal. I'll sponsor the dance and the students can buy everything from me... down to their corsages.” A big smile formed on his face.

*| have such generous friends,” Cris said, opening a folder and pushing it towards my direction. “I need you to sign here.” After signing the documents, he handeda printed copy of the estimate costs for the Spring/Formal. It was going to be a masquerade themed party. | had a box of masks coming in real soon and one them was mine.

I'll be dropping by the local high school this afternoon after my meeting with Bo,” Cris said. “I'll see you there, Virtue, so you can speak to the principal. Chip, you should come, so you can place a poster at the school. There are students who are already eighteen.” “Alright then,” | said. “We'll see you later. Chip, let's go and see Liam.” “Yep, let's get going. | need to distribute flyers and pin up the posters by today,” Cristos said, standing up and practically fleeing Cris’ secretary.

“Ill give you copies of the documents after we’ve spoken to the principal,” Cris said, putting his arm around my shoulders. His secretary coughed which made Cris immediately remove his arm. | glanced at her and saw the dirty look she gave him.

Ah...He’s f ucking her.

| waved goodbye and walked out to my car.

Tto see Liam.

Liam “Jack, thanks for last night.” | gestured for him to sit. He arrived at my office as promised.

2/6 CHAPTER 52 Make a Statement “Liam, | didnt say those things for you. | said it for Virtue. She doesn’t deserve to be entangled in all this mess, Jack said. He took out a zip lock bag from his pocket. “Here's your gun.

| took the plastic bag which had my gun inside of it and placed it inside a drawer before speaking. After last night, I've been thinking...what if we kill the boss?” Jack looked up at me.

and slowly nodded his head.

| was thinking the same. The sh it happening in Hillcrest is enough,” Jack answered. | let out a huge sigh of relief.

| had a feeling he and | were on the spage. “What about Dan and camer Cris though? Seems tothey have been doing stuff behind our backs. | know Cris is into that BDSM stuff. | just didn’t know that after Joy, he'd continue on with his, uhm, aggressive tendencies. But what really bothersthe most is why Joan Summers? It can’t be all- because of Old Man Eugene. Sure, he likes to shoot his mouth off, but he’s harmless. Did anyone know you and Joan were close?” “Abigail... maybe Nicole and Lisa. Why do you ask?” He leaned forward and in a hushed tone said, “I heard the Sheriff talking to someone on the phone. He was really pis sed. | heard him say, “We had a deal. No abductions in New Salem. What the f uck happened to our agreement?” This was after Joan Summers’ body was found. in the lake. You must have known they took her after all those nasty rumors about Joan Summers cout.” “I did, but | wasn't expecting for them to makeclean up their mess. When | arrived there, Joan opened her eyes and sawand my men. had to shut her up. Even if | saved her, she would never forgive me,” | explained, remembering the accusing look in her eyes.

“They did that to make a statement. Their way of saying they have you by the balls,” he said, leaning back in his chair. | sighed. He was right. So, what do you have planned?” Jack asked.

“I'll be going to see the boss Friday night and convince him we can’t do anything stu pid. since elections are coming,” | answered. “But if | can’t convince him, I'll promise him I'll bring Virtue to him. Then, I'll have my men kill him at his safehouse in Bismarck.” “So you'll be using Virtue as bait,” Jack said, nodding his head. “What do you needto do?” “Keep an eye on Dan and Cris, especially Dan. | want to know where he is at all times. If you hear anything, letknow.” “No problem. Well, | gotta go back to work. Callif you need anything,” Jack said and left.

3/6 Mar CHAPTER 52 Make a Statement | checked my phone and saw a message from Cris. Virtue and Chip were on their way to see me. Using the intercom, | told Marla, my new secretary, to let them in.

“When Virtue Sullivan arrives, show her into my office, please.” “Who, Sir?” Marla asked, a bewildered tone in her voice evident. Of course, everyone in this town knew every resident living here except for the very beautiful Virtue Sullivan.

“Virtue Sullivan. She's the woman who bought the Old Taylor House,” | explained. | wasn’t expecting her to squeal with excitement.

“The really gorgeous woman who drives the Mercedes-Benz?!” She squeaked. “She’s coming here? Oh my gosh!” “Woah there, Marla,” | said disgustedly. | f ucking need a new secretary. “Remember what we discussed?” “Secretary has the word ‘secret’ in it meaning everything that happens in this office stays here,” she reiterated.

“I'm sorry, Mayor Cohen. | forgot.” Suddenly I heard a knock through the intercom. Not wanting to be utterly humiliated by my secretary, | hurriedly walked out of my office as Chip and Virtue walked in. | looked at Chip from head to toe. He was surprising dapper today in his pinstriped Armani suit. He obviously had excellent taste.

Virtue was equally stylish in her pantsuit, looking very sleek and chic for business. Her white high heel pumps accentuated her svelte body while her small white Louis Vuitton purse screamed she had money.

“Virtue... Chip.. right this way please,” | said before my secretary could open her mouth.

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Virtue nodded her head and gave Marla a small smile before entering my office. The sound of her heels made that clickety clack sound which | had begun to love.

| quickly closed the doors behind them. | didn’t want Marla to hover.

“How can | help you?” | sat behind my desk, ready for business.

“Liam, I'm planning to host a Miss Honey Bee pageant at the pub this Saturday. A percentage of the night's sales will be donated to your party’s campaign as a thank you,” Chip said while placing a printed sheet of paper with all the details of the pageant. “I would also be honored if you can help judge the pageant.” 4/6 CHAPTER 52 Make a Statement “What twill this be?” | had to be at the lake to oversee the delivery of the crates this Saturday.

“Around nine or ten in the evening,” Chip answered. Delivery was at midnight. | could leave right after.

My stomach grumbled. | checked my watch and saw it was almost tfor lunch.

“Okay. I'll approve this,” | said, signing the document. “But on one condition.” “Sure, what is it?” Chip asked.

“Virtue has to have lunch with me.” Virtue raised her eyebrows and inched closer to my desk. My gosh, she looked like a goddess. in the sunlight.

“Sure, for Chip. Where do you want to have lunch?” Joy Liam checked his schedule and frowned, “Unfortunately, | have a meeting scheduled at one, so that means we can’t go far. How about Harold's?” “Harold's is fine,” | answered.

“Don’t | get an invite?” Cristos asked, pouting.

“Don’t you have flyers to give out and posters to put up?” | answered his question with another question..

Cristos rolled his eyes and sighed. “I hate it when you're right.” Instead of using the bug Xavier gavefor the Sheriff's office, | put it under Liam's desk.

Finally, we had ears.

| walked out of Liam's office extremely pleased with myself.

5/6 CHAPTER ST KANKE S SESTERNTO Chapter Comments Ary and her Tare going to have smajor fun on Saturday VR 16MMORT 625