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The Imposter Bride by Sallie Woods

Chapter 270
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Chapter 270

At this point, all one could do was hope for the best

“Yes, sweety, rest assured. I’ve asked my men to double–check everything. If there’s any news, they’ll

call me right away Don’t worry anymore, okay?”

Those were the words from Magnus, and Natalia had no choice but to suppress her anxiousness for

the time being

The next day, Natalia drove her son, Jonas, to school

Jonas attended an elite private school, and though the school provided a dedicated chauffeur service,

Natalia felt she had time to spare and preferred to take him herself

The morning was bright and sunny lifting Natalia’s spirits as she drove. Halfway through the trip, she

felt a sudden discomfort. A warm sensation washed over her, and she realized her period had arrived


In an awkward predicament, she pulled over at a convenience store, turned to Jonas, and said, “Jonas,

I need to buy some things. Stay in the car and don’t wander off, okay? “Okay Mommy” Jonas nodded

obediently, though confused as to why they had to stop

With a sigh of relief, Natalia hurried into the store

After buying some tampons and cleaning up, she also grabbed a pack of gum for Jonas before heading

back to the car.

“Jonas, mommy got you some Her words were cut off as she dropped her items in shock.

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Her car door was wide open, but Jonas was nowhere to be seen. Panicked, Natalia scanned the area,

hoping to spot Jonas, but there was no sign of him.

Natalia felt her legs go weak. She had only left for a few minutes, where could Jonas have gone?

Could he have come looking for her?

She bent down and searched the car for any signs or clues, but found nothing.

Stepping out of the car, she paced around it before heading back into the convenience store. Upon

entering the friendly cashier greeted her. “Welcome back.”

With a desperate urgency Natalia quickly said, “Hello, can I check your CCTV footage, please**

The cashier hesitated, shaking his head after a moment. I’m sorry, only the police are allowed to

access the footage.”

Natalia’s face went pale, pleading. Please, I left my son in t Just as the cashier was at a loss for what to

do, the man

car when I came in, and now he’s missing. I need to check your CCTV to see if I can find out where

he’s gone”


Natalia gratefully followed him, profusely thanking him alone store stepped in ‘Ma’am, please follow me

The manager shook his head, his expression filled

Natalia was taken aback, apologizing. I’m

then, maybe my child wouldn’t

have gone

the way. “Thank you! Thank you!”

concern. “Let’s take a look quickly I lost my child in front of a supermarket years ago. If there had been


I didn’t know.”

“It’s okay, it’s been many years. The most important thing now is to find your child as soon as possible”

The manager said, proficiently pulling up the surveillance footage “When did you come in?”

“About ten minutes ago I left my son in the car when I came in to buy some things. When I came out,

the locked car door was open, and my son was gone.

After listening to Natalia’s story the manager quickly rewound the footage to ten minutes ago

Natalia stared intensely at the screen. It didn’t take long for her to spot a familiar car parked next to

hers. It was Addison’s car

She watched as Addison got out of her car, knocked on Natalia’s car window, and seemed to say

something to Jonas. Shortly after, Jonas opened the car door and stepped


The small boy seemed to be arguing with Addison, waving his arms around. Suddenly, Addison

covered Jonas‘ mouth and nose, picked him up, and shoved him into her car before driving off

Natalia began shaking Addison had kidnapped Jonas! The footage clearly showed a cloth in Addison’s

hand that she used to cover Jonas‘ mouth and nose.

When had Addison started targeting her and Jonas? What was that crazy woman planning to do?

That’s kidnapping Do you know that woman? Should we call the police? The manager asked quietly.

Seeing Natalia’s lack of response, he gently probed again, “Should we call the police?

The managers woice pulled Natalia back to reality. She nodded. “Thank you, we must call the police.

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But before they arrive, I have to find that crazy woman who kidnapped my son‘

“You may have enemies, but children are innocent I hope you find him soon,” The manager said


Natalia expressed her gratitude. “Thank you for your help. I have to go after that madwoman now.


With that, Natalia rushed out of the store, got back in her car, and sped off in the direction Addison had

gone, dialing 911 as she drove. On the road, Natalia drove fast, desperate to catch up to Addison She

didn’t know what that crazy woman would do to her son

Meanwhile, Addison’s car slowly pulled into her driveway Looking at the unconscious Jonas in the back

seat, a sinister glint flashed in her eyes.

“Ha‘ Little brat, you can’t stand me badmouthing Natalia, huh? Oh, just wait, there’s more where that

came from! Natalia, you wait and see. Everything you’ve done to my daughter, I will make you pay

Her shriek of fury didn’t stir Jonas The little guy was snoozing away in the backseat. He was blissfully

unaware that Addison, who came to stand just outside the car door Swearing at Natalia, was

purposefully provoking a confrontation with the sole intention of kidnapping him.

The car roared away engine rumbling like the thunderpus growl of a wild beast, and in no time, Addison

pulled up at her home.

She parked the car, then hoisted the unconscious Juhas out of the backseat if she weren’t afraid of him

suddenly waking up and causing a scene, she would have just yanked him out by his ankles. She

despised this child for he was the offspring of Natalia and Magnus!

Kyler was in the yard, sipping on his coffee, and looked up in surprise when he saw Addison carrying a

child. “Why on earth have you brought a kid home?” He asked, perplexed

Addison shot Kyler a glare. “You see me struggling and don’t even offer to help? fm exhausted”
