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The Imposter Bride by Sallie Woods

Chapter 269
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Chapter 269

Lex sighed quietly, unsure of how to extricate herself from the predicament. Callum was so

domineering, so perhaps, she should have shown weakness from the start.

Just as the thought crossed her mind, Callum, ever the sharp listener, heard Lexi’s sigh. He slowly

opened his eyes and addressed Lexi, who was lying in bed. “You awake?”

His voice was rasp with fatigue, and his eyes were slightly red, probably from staying up watching over


Lexi quickly dismissed the sympathy that tried to creep into her thoughts. There was nothing

praiseworthy about the overbearing devil in front of her

She had to reconsider her tactics. This time Lex did not turn her head away. She bravely met Callum’s

gaze and murmured, “Yeah”

Callum noticed Lexis change of demeanor She seemed to have lost much of her hostility and disgust

towards him. He liked this change Lexi was finally coming to terms with her situation.

“Hungry? Should I have Rita whip you up something? Callum asked quietly After losing all that blood

she surely needed to replenish her strength

Lexi nodded and even managed a feeble smile. “Yeah, I am a bit peckish

Callum was pleased with what he saw A satisfied smile spread across his face “Good I’ll have Rita

order the kitchen to prepare something nourishing for you. You’re such a good girl

Lex despised the term “good girt but she had learned from the recent ordeal that brute force was futile.

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She decided to keep her thoughts to herself.

Rita, who had been waiting outside the door for Lexi to wake up was relieved to see her not only awake

but also asking for food if only Ms. Lex had complied earlier, she wouldn’t have had to go through all


However, Rita genuinely hoped for Lexis quick recovery, so she hurried to the kitchen when Callum

ordered food for Lex

Callum and Lexi were left alone in the room Looking at Lexi’s pale face due to blood loss. Callum

expressed his regret. “Im sorry for what happened today. I didn’t expect you to be so desperate to the

point of risking your life

Lex shook her head slowly. I was too impulsive It won’t happen again”

“Really?” Callum was skeptical The desperation in Lex’s eyes was too vivid to forget

“Yeah I’ve realized its not so bad. Some women would kill to be kept. I guess I can consider myself one

of them, except I don’t have to share a bed.” Lexi tried to joke, but her smile didn’t reach her eyes

Callum had intended to comfort Lexi, but her sudden change of perception left him speechless. The

words, “share a bed caused a strange reaction in him. He remembered the night he claimed her. He

was drunk, but her softness and tightness were unforgettable

This man, who hadn’t indulged himself for over thirty years, finally understood how wonderful that

experience was! He frowned inwardly, cursing quietly in his heart, “Shit!”

Lexi felt a bit puzzled Could it be that her attitude was wrong and it displeased Callum? However

before she could understand the meaning behind Callum’s muttered curse. he had already briskly

walked out of the room. It was strange. Why did he leave in such a disheveled state?

Alone, Lexi lay there contemplating the reason for Callums sudden change of demeanor, completely

unaware that Callum was trying to conceal his own embarrassment. He had a boner just thinking about

that night

“Shit Callum continued to curse as he left the house Damn it! Just because of two words, he had a

boner it must be because he hadn’t been with a woman for a long time! He definitely didn’t miss the

soft and fragrant body of Lex! No, he didn’t!

Soon, Rita brought the cooked meal and helped Lex eat Lexi felt apologetic and said, “I’m sorry for

troubling you.”

“Huh? Rita was taken aback. She never expected someone to apologize to her. After all, she was just a

maid. Rita wiped her hands on her apron in excitement and said somewhat embarrassedly “Ms Lexi, as

a maid, it’s my duty to do these things. You don’t need to thank me But please take care of yourself in

the future and stop playing with your life

Lexi knew Rita genuinely cared for her and gave her a smile. “After this experience. I’ve learned my

lesson. I wont do such things again.”

“That’s good. Ms Lexi Everyone only has one life, and you mustn’t give up on yourself easily No matter

what difficulties you encounter, face them bravely and solve them. You can do it” Rita said a lot in one

breath, reciting all those words she often heard on TV

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Lexi’s mood inexplicably improved. She sipped the nutritious porridge cooked by Rita and suddenly felt

a sense of acceptance Had she gone crazy?

Meanwhile, in Melfort, Natalia finally received news from Magnus. His men in the UK hadn’t found any

records of Lexi leaving the country

Natalia was panicked ‘Oh my God, she never left England? Where could she be? Is she alright? What

if she’s in trouble?”

Magnus hugged her trying to soothe her “Darling, don’t worry I’ve sent men all over England to find her.

As soon as we find her, I’ll let you know”

“But I’m so worned, Magnus. With all the craziness happening in the world right now, I’ve heard about

so many serial killers in England, my God, what if something terrible happens to Lex if anything

happens to her while she’s there, I’d never forgive myself I was the one who let her go to England in

the first place,” Natalia said, as her fear

turned into tears

Seeing his wifes distress. Magnus felt a pang in his chest. To calm her down, he told a small white lie,

“Darling, there’s no need to worry My guys just didn’t find any record of Lexis travels, but it doesn’t

mean she didn’t go with a tour group, maybe by ship, you know? If the tour group is big, they

sometimes don’t keep strict records

“Really? Are you sure? Natalia asked, wanting to believe him
