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The Four Mafia Men and Their Prize by M C

Chapter 113
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The Four Mafia Men and Their Prize 113: Looking Over My Shoulder Aurora POV * “AHHHH!" | screamed. No, no, no, no! | began to freak out and found myself backing up keeping my eyes trained on the figure outside, and my heart started to pick up like a hummingbird’s wings. | was shaking.

“Aurora. Aurora, baby. Breathe! What's the matter? What happened?” Kai said, standing right in front of me, blocking my view.

“D-D-Dimitry.” | whispered and pointed to the window. They all followed my finger and | leaned to the side to see over Kai's towering figure. But no one was there.

Charlie and Jason wasted no twalking to a drawer and pulled out sguns. Charlie handed one to Ben and Jason cover and handed one to Kai. Kai stayed withand the others rushed out of the house and went to the beach.

“He, he was there. | swear.” | breathed out, still panting heavily.

“I believe you. We are going to check it out. It's going to be okay.” Kai reassured me, petting my head and cupping my face in his free hand and | leaned into his touch as he kissed my cheeks and then my lips.

About fifteen minutes later, the guys cback inside.

“Nothing. The water washed away any possible footprints and there is no sign of anyone else on the island.” Jason stated.

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“Are you sure you saw him, babe?” Charlie asked cautiously. | gave him a nod immediately.

“I know what | saw Charlie! | can never forget that man’s face.” | defended. He raised his hands in surrender. “1 believe you, just making sure” was his response.

Jason walked away to make a few phone calls. There was another, slightly larger house on the other side of the island where our guards were staying. It was a twelve-bedroom barrack-style abode and had a small training and surveillance facility attached There was a tropical forest with many walking trails and hiking terrain between the two houses.

This small modern bungalow hhad four bedrooms and a wide-open floor plan with a wraparound wooden porch. and floor-to-ceiling windows. It sat maybe one hundred feet from the water's crystal blue edge. The island was about an hour's boat ride away from the Fiji Islands in the Pacific Ocean.

Jason cback into the living room and immediately wrappedin his strong arms. “It’s going to be okay my love.” His words helped calm my shaking a tad.

“Anything?” Kai asked and | felt Jason tense in my hold. I looked up at him and asked with raised eyebrows. He exhaled loudly and releasedonly to run his hands in his already messy hair.

“The surveillance system on part of the island was not operational and they've been trying to fix it. There are no signs of any boats in the area, but that doesn’t mean anything. The guards are now going to take shifts patrolling around the whole island while we are here and more guards are being sent to the mainland for additional backup. | am taking no chances.” He sat down on the sofa and opened his arms so | could crawl into them.

1/3 113: Looking Over My Shoulder The rest of the night we all cuddled on the sofa and watched movies, but | never got rid of the feeling of being watched.

The next six days went by in a blur. The guys did a wonderful job of distracting me. Every tmy mind started to wander or | found myself checking my surroundings, the guys would swoopup in their arms and not long after I'd find their rock-hard dicks inside my aching core. They were like rabbits and | am pretty sure | stopped wearing clothes after the first night. | just walked around in a robe.

No more sightings luckily. | started to believe it was my imagination and started to let my guard down. | caught the guys talking one tin secret that there was sdisturbance in the forest reported but it wasn’t conclusive enough to warrant much concern. | know the guys were hiding something, but they hid it well.

We were on the yacht heading into the mainland. | could see the small harbor city nearing closer as we flew across the water. The salty sea air whipped my ponytail around and | would get the occasional misty shower as | sat on the bow of the ship, watching the islands float on the water.

Soon enough we were docking at one of the local ports. | looked out and noticed several yachts parked, but one caught my eye at the very edge. It was a smaller boat, but several people were bustling around it. | got that feeling again like someone was watchingso | looked towards that boat. I could have sworn | saw a large figure dressed in black watching me. The figure was cast in shadow but | couldn't put my finger on it. Could it be Dimitry? No, | shook my head. He is not here | reminded myself.

Charlie cand gotand we quickly made our way into the town. There was a market in the city center with handmade goods and produce. It went for a good mile along the main strip. The street was blocked off by cars as it was flooded with tourists and locals alike.

Our guards spread out and mingled with the crowd. We spent the next hour going from booth to booth. We sampled slocal mangos and fresh coconut water. We saw booths that had jewelry, clothes, trinkets, handmade woven baskets, and lots of leather goods. | insisted on buying all sorts of things for everyone back home.

This one booth had these handmade leather bracelets. They were thick and sturdy and had rune-like etchings that looked mysterious and unique. We bought the whole collection - all four hundred pieces. The older couple almost fainted when Kai told them we wanted everything and handed them a huge stack of local currency. The older woman was in tears saying that the money would be enough to pay for them to feed their whole family for the next ten years. The older woman gave us all hugs, gave us blessings, and insisted we stay put while she made us each a special token.

As we waited, | got that feeling again so | looked up and turned around. My breath hitched as standing not even thirty feet fromin the middle of the crowded street was Dimitry. He had a trimmed beard and wore casual clothes but it was him. He raised his hand and pushed it against his lips tellingto keep quiet before he winked at me. | closed my eyes briefly and when | opened them up, he was gone.

| began to look frantically when the old lady pulled my attention. She handeda small white leather bracelet with little silver charms woven into the braid. It was beautiful.

She made a similar one for each of my husbands but they were black leather and looked more robust.

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| was shaking slightly when Ben asked if | was okay. | said yes and | was just overwhelmed, not knowing what to do in that moment. Before we left the booth, the old woman pulled my arm once more and | tried to give her my rapt attention. She just looked at my as if she was asking for permission for something so I just nodded yes.

2/3 113: Looking Over My Shoulder She reached out and lightly touched my stomach and smiled widely before removing her hand, kissing it, and placing it back on my tummy. She said something in her native tongue that sounded like a blessing. But none of the guys noticed. | felt the need to hold my tummy and she nodded.

Oh my sweet potatoes, does that mean? No. It can’t be, could it? The guys pulledaway and | was certainly in my own little world still trying to process what she said. | didn’t realize when we stopped at a little seafood joint for lunch.

“Earth to Aurora!” Ben snapped his fingers in front of my face and finally cto the present. “You okay, Princess? You zoned out. Where did you go?” He added. | just shook my head and said just thinking. He didn’t push further even though you could see he didn’t buy my answer.

We sat indoors towards the back of the restaurant but there was still a good view of the outside street where there was still plenty of foot traffic. Lunch was delicious but I still found myself rubbing my belly often. | was looking out the window as the guys were talking amongst themselves when once again | saw Dimitry staring right at me. He had a wicked smile and | flinched. | grabbed Kai's arms by habit.

It is a good thing | did because he stopped talking and he must have followed my gaze because | heard him say “Son of a bitch!” and then things happened fast.

Kai pulled my arm down tically so | would drop to the ground just as several bullets cflying through the windows, shattering glass everywhere and the whole restaurant panicked. POP. POP POP. In the next moment, | saw Kai pull his pistol out of the back of his pants. POP POP. POP POP. POP. POP. Bullets whizzed by. Lots of screaming and more gunfire were heard in the distance. POP. POP. POP | was pushed under the table and Kai pushed my head to the ground, commandingto stay down no matter what. POP. POP. POP. | covered my ears.

| looked up and saw Kai, Charlie, and Ben crouched down near me, they had their guns in their hands and their eyes trained outside. Our men were also barricaded behind several tables. POP. POP. POP. | see one of the guys get shot; small spray of blood from his shoulder and he begins to curse out snaughty Gaelic words that Grammy taught me.


More screams, more terror. | can hear the bullets hitting the tables and the walls. More glass shatters as bullets hit the bar and plates shatter on the floor when more tables are being tossed. POP. POP. POP.


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