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The Four Mafia Men and Their Prize by M C

Chapter 112
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112: The Island Aurora POV “Cin sweetheart, the water is a perfect temperature.” Charlie tried to coax.

“No! | don’t want to. This is not fair.” | pouted. | even crossed my arms in front of my chest.

“Aww, you look so cute when you are mad. Just like a little kitten,” Ben said in my ear before he slapped my almost bare ass and bit my earlobe makingsqueal. | mean who in the hell packs only thong bikinis? And the top isn’t much better, barely covers my little button nubs that are already standing proud at attention.

| glared at him as he settled down into the jacuzzi that was outside our bedroom window.

“One hour love. Please? It's our honeymoon.” Kai joined in as he took another sip of his beer and sunk more into rapidly rising bubbles. He sighed loudly, closing his eyes and his face relaxed. | glared at them.

The hot tub did look tempting but | was so tired and | didn’t like what they putin. | just want to cuddle in the bed. They wokeup from my siesta on the plane. Granted they wokeup with Ben’s mouth planted firmly between my legs and Charlie was having a blast with my breasts, but still! A girl just wants her beauty sleep sometimes.

“Aurora. Get in. It’s an order.” Jason’s commanding tone cut through the air behind me.

“No! | am going back inside. | want real clothes and | want to cuddle.” | said as | attempted to walk back inside.

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The keyword is attempted because Jason was quick to block my way.

“Please move Jason,” | said tiredly.

“Did you forget who you are talking to my love?” Jason scolded. His voice was low and his baritone dropped. It was sexy but very intimidating. | gulped as he closed the gap between us and he placed his firm hands on my hips. “Hm?” He questioned again when | didn’t respond.

| shook my head slightly not trusting my words.

“Words, love.” He teased menacingly.

“N-no, sir.” | stuttered.

“Better.” He smirked and bopped my nose with his finger. “Now get that sexy butt of yours in the hot tub so we can have sfun or I'll make you and then you will be punished for not listening.” His warning was clear so | muttered a “yes, sir” and waddled over to the jacuzzi and got in. The hot bubbles surrounded my muscles and | let out a relieved. sigh. Okay, maybe this was a good idea after all.

My happy place was short-lived when strong arms pickedup and | opened my eyes to see Kai's face in front ofand he was makingstraddle him.

“Hi,” | said to him with a smile. He just smiled back before his eyes flicked to my lips. He then claimed my lips sweetly. We quickly began a fierce make out session where our battle for dominance was over before it began.

His tongue traced every inch of my mouth. | felt two more bodies pressed against my back and open mouth kisses were being 1/3 112: The Island placed on my neck and shoulders. | began grinding against Kai, looking for more friction. My lower body was craving their touch as they always knew exactly what | needed.

“Someone's getting excited,” | heard Charlie whisper next to my ear as he nibbled my flesh and his hand expertly played with my tight nipple. | could only moan in response as | was still in a lip-lock with Kai. | pulled away from his lips only to rest my forehead against his and nodded weakly. | was feeling so many tingles and | was a mess.

The kisses continued all over my flesh. Two hands began to play lightly on my thighs and they were not shy to make their way to my throbbing center. | gasped when one of those hands skimmed over my clit. The soft fabric of my bikini rubbed against the sensitive nerve and I shivered with pleasure. The hands continued to alternate their teasing while my upper body was still being commandeered by four hungry mouths.

| was panting and moaning at the sensations as they gotall hot and bothered. Then they stopped and pulled away. My body shivered involuntarily from the cold and I let out a loud sad whimper. | was so frustrated and would have begged them like | knew deep down what they wanted. Normally | would protest and give in to their unspoken demands but at that moment | was feeling unwanted and unloved. In that moment, | let myself feel vulnerable and all the emotions of the last few days cflooding into my heart and I let the wall down. | pushed myself off of Kai and made my way out of the hot tub, trying to not let the tears fall down my cheeks.

| could hear my nbeing called but | ignored it. | grabbed my fluffy robe and ran through the small house until | reached the opposite side and shut the door to a spare bedroom, locking the door. | put the robe on and walked over to the bed, but collapsed on the floor and let my emotions run wild. | heard banging and yelling but | couldn't make out anything that was being said. | just continued to scream and hold myself and let my whole body shake with grief and negative thoughts.

| didn’t notice the click of the lock and | only beccognizant that | was no longer alone when | saw several almost naked bodies crouched down in front of me. | looked into their eyes for a moment and saw their concern but I couldn't stop the fresh waterworks from escaping and the pain in my heart.

When Jason tried to reach out to my face, | flinched inwards. | don’t know why | was feeling this way. | saw him hesitate and hurt crossed his face but he quickly hid it and sat down in front of me. He pulledto his lap and | started to fight his grasp.

“No! Letgo! Letgo!” | screamed and thrashed in his arms, but he held an iron grip on me. It wasn’t bruising but there was no way | could be free. Ben held my legs firmly in his and | saw Charlie holding my arms down in my lap. Kai was behindgiving additional support. | finally stopped my protests and cried into Jason's arms.

“I'm sorry!” | wailed. They just stayed silent and were present, showingthey were there for me. When my sobs turned to sniffles, Jason kissedon my forehead and started whispering sweet nothings in my ear, helpingsettle down once more.

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“I'm sorry. | don’t know what is wrong with me.” | choked out when | felt | could finally speak once more. “| feel so hopeless. My friends keep dying because of me. Everyone is dying because of me. I'm not worthy of any of you. | am not worthy of anything. | love you all so much but I'll never be able to be the woman you want. You deserve someone so much better!” | let it all out. | continued my tangent for probably another ten straight minutes and they listened, not once interrupting me.

When | was done, Jason picked up my chin in his hands. “Are you done now, Princess?” He askedand | nodded. “I'll let the head nod go this time. | want you to listen toand listen well. YOU are PERFECT for us. In every way, shape, and form. You. Belong. To. US. As much as we belong to you. We are married. We wouldn't have married you if we 2/3 112: The Island didn’t want you forever. You are stuck with us, baby.

As for your friends and people you love always getting hurt and dying, it’s the life we choose. It’s the business.

Draco, Connor, hell even that traitor Thomas. They were family to us. All our guys are. It hurts baby, but cher they signed up for. They knew the risks and still chose the life. All of our men will gladly die for you, the all of us.

We will die for you. We can honor those we lost by living and moving on and we can carry their memory. The turve to show our enemies that we will rise above them and we will never back down. No. matter. What Jason's words were powerful, just like him. He spoke like a true Mafia King and his words were law.

“Feel better now?” Kai asked sweetly behind me, kissing my head. | mumbled a “yeah” in response and snuggled closer into Jason’s chest.

“I love you, baby. I'm so sorry you felt the need to bottle up your feelings. We are always going to be here for you. should have paid more attention to you. You were already expressing yourself and we ignored the signs.

Next time, talk to us. Please, sweetheart.” Charlie pleaded while rubbing circles on the back of my hands. | smiled lightly and said “okay” which earneda good girl and a peck on the lips.

We stayed on the floor for a few more minutes before my tummy rumbled and we all started laughing.

“I think our baby girl is hungry. All those messy tears must have worked up an appetite.” Ben said cheerfully. He helpedup out of Jason’s arms and we all beaded to the kitchen where the guys quickly made themselves busy making sandwiches and cutting up various fruits and vegetables and | sat on one of the bar stools, just watching them work.

| sighed in contentment. This was exactly what | always wanted.

| looked out the window at the vast ocean beyond the white sandy beach of the private tropical island we were living on. The sun was setting and the purple and orange hues on the horizon were breathtaking. But the picture perfect scene was interrupted by a tall masculine figure standing on the beach. A man | knew too well and all | could do was let out a scream.