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The Day I Kissed An Older Man by Cher the Cherished

Chapter 2571
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Leo, upon receiving Lucas' order to interrogate Wendy, was surprised at how easily it went. As soon as he and his assistant sat opposite Wendy, separated by a railing, she seemed eager to spill everything she knew.

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"You work for Mister Lucas, right? I didn't do this. Someone madedo it! At most, I'm an accomplice. I can't go to jail. I have a bright future ahead of me," Wendy exclaimed, visibly agitated. The officers had to push her back into her seat due to her impulsive behavior.

"You were quite cocky before, weren't you? Boasting about not caring about your future and being willing to go down with Melody. Or did we misinterpret what you said?" Leo retorted, referring to Wendy's threats during Melody's kidnapping, which sounded like those of someone who had given up on life. Thus, why would she change her tune? "I've given it sthought and asked myself why I should take the blwhen the culprit is someone else. I was manipulated by someone from start to finish. I'm just a scapegoat! Why should I sit around and wait for my punishment? There's still a chance I might be able to make a comeback, so there's no way I'm going to let myself be thrown into prison!" Leo pursed his lips. He found what Wendy said nonsensical and devoid of logic. 'She previously took full responsibility for the incident, and now she claimed she was manipulated by someone else? Which part is true, and which is false?' "Since you claim someone manipulated you, who is that person? Do you have any evidence? Without evidence, everything you're saying is just a waste of breath," Leo demanded.

"Who else hates Melody the most in this world? I'm talking about Lucas' ex-girlfriend, Thalia, of course! I'll have you know that she was the one who approached me. At first, I hesitated because Melody is my sister, and I didn't want to hurt her like this. But she toldthat as long as Melody's reputation is ruined, I would have a chance to make a comeback." Wendy was not that stupid enough to believe what Thalia told her. She had evidence to back her claims. She leaned forward and said, "Guess what? I discovered something very interesting. I wonder if your boss knows about it." Leo could not help but ask, "What is it?" "Hehehe! I'm not going to tell someone like you. If you want to know, call your boss over." Leo scoffed. Everyone wanted to meet Lucas, but he was not someone just anyone could meet.

"Miss Wendy, with your status, it's faster to meet my boss in your dreams," Leo retorted.

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Even though Wendy was mocked, she did not get angry. Instead, she told him, "Just tell your boss that this matter has something to do with his first love. He'll definitely cto find me. Just wait and see." Leo lowered his head to hide his shock. 'Mister Lucas' wife is still in the hospital fighting for her life, so where did his first love suddenly cfrom? Does Miss Melody know about this?' Meanwhile, back at Thalia's place. Search the (F)indwebsite on Gøøgle to access chapters of early and in the highest quality.

"Lucas, didn't you go back to the hospital?" Thalia's smile was forced. "Why did you cback? Did you forget something in my house?"

Lucas remained silent as he glanced The content is on Ex..com! past her, toward the tightly closed

door. "I heard scommotion and got worried, so I cback to check. Why was there so much noise just now?" X