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The Day I Kissed An Older Man by Cher the Cherished

Chapter 2570
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Thalia stood in place for a long time, unable to snap out of her thoughts until Quinn pushed open the door.

"What are you standing there for? You scared me," said Thalia.

Quinn looked at her intently, silently.

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"Crazy woman," muttered Thalia. She wanted to return to her room but was blocked by Quinn.

"Did you do it? Did you do what Lucas asked you?" Thalia did not care what Quinn might think and simply shrugged off her hand. "Are you crazy? You should really stop the habit of eavesdropping on people!" "You killed your sister, yet you have the nerve to act so self-righteous! Lucas just left, and I really want to know what his reaction would be if he knew you killed your sister." Quinn smirked with amusement. She was not particularly sympathetic toward Thalia. Being suppressed by her for so many years, she relished the opportunity to turn the tables. However, she did not expect Thalia to slap her hand away.

"I've warned you countless times not to bring up this matter, but you never listen. Do you think I wouldn't dare to lay a hand on you?" Thalia said sharply.

"Ghh! Ahh!" Thalia grabbed Quinn by the hair and dragged her into the kitchen, brandishing a knife near her neck.

"You've been going on and on aboutcausing my sister's death. Well, do you want to know what it's like to be killed, too? You should know that just as I was able to get away with killing my sister, I'll be able to make you disappear without a trace too. After all, you have no family, and you've been living abroad for years. Who'd notice if a woman named Quinn quietly vanished?" Thalia smiled sinisterly, sending shivers down Quinn's spine.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry, Thalia! It's my fault. I shouldn't have joked about this matter didn't mean to expose you. I was just being a b*tch. You' have to get rid of my body after killing me, and it's not worth the trouble! Lucas is already suspicious of you, so you wouldn't do that, right?" Despite Quinn's promises she would not reveal anything to Lucas, Thalia never trusted anyone. She chose to lock Quinn in the room. She dragged her all the way there while Quinn pleaded desperately. Content "Thalia, I swear I won't say anything. It's been days, and I haven't breathed a word to anyone, right? Please don't lockup. I'm begging you!" Thalia ignored her pleas. Only after locking the door did she finally breathe a sigh of relief and clap her hands with satisfaction.

"Since you won't tell anyone, you can just stay in there. That way, we can both feel at ease, right?" Thalia was unsure if Lucas had becsuspicious of her, but with two of his loved ones lying in the hospital, she could not afford to make any more careless moves.

The noise Quinn made in the room grew louder and louder; it was even audible in the hallway.

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Thalia impatiently kicked the door a few times. "Go ahead and scream if troub you're looking for trouble! No one's En.

coming to save you here."

She vaguely sensed that this was the best opportunity to get closer tom Lucas. With Melody ourse out of the picture, she could bechis top priority. Thalia confidently packed a few

things and prepared to visit the hospital again. It was the twhen Lucas needed someone by his side the most, and after all their years of friendship, she knew him best. However, she did not expect that when she opened the door, Lucas was standing right outside! She glanced instinctively at the closed door. "Lucas..." S~Earch the Findwebsite on Gøøgle to access chapters of early and in the highest quality.