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The Contract Marriage by Winter Love

Chapter 92
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Chapter 92 Sarah’S First Day At Work

As soon as the car drove out of the Villa, Christian reached out his hand and grabbed Sarah’s hand. He looked at

her and said slowly, “There are some things that you don’t need to care about what others say. The person who is

going to work now is you. Actually, when you’re ready to do something, hard work is the most important,


Sarah looked at him and smiled. “I understand. Don’t worry, I will not let you down.”

“What time do you get off work at noon?”

“12 o’ clock.”

“Then I’ll wait for you in front of the company.”

“No need! I am not a child.”

Christian looked at her differently. Just as he was about to speak, he heard Sarah directly interrupt his words.

“Alright! If you don’t find it troublesome, then you can wait.”

She was afraid that Christian would say something that she would dislike him again.

Christian smiled faintly, and his thumb gently scratched her palm. “We seem to have become more and more in

sync with each other.”

Sarah looked at him and felt that her hand was a little itchy from being scratched by him. She wanted to pull her

hand back with force, but in the end, she brought his hand back to her legs. “Christian.”

“What’s the matter?”

“What do you think is wrong with you?” Sarah asked and looked down at the two’s tightly clenched hands and

indicated to him.

“Oh.” Christian nodded in understanding and pulled his hand back. He then looked at her indifferently.

The car soon arrived at the Wilson Group. Sarah took her bag and opened the door to get out of the car.

Christian reached out his hand and grabbed her hand. “Wife, you can do it.”

Sarah heard him call her wife again and could not help but smile at him. “Don’t worry!”

After saying that, she got out of the car and waved to Christian, then closed the door and walked towards the lobby

of the Wilson Group.

Seeing the cute figure getting further and further away from him, Christian leaned back into the chair and ordered.



There was about thirty to forty meters from the place where they got off the car to the entrance of the hall. Sarah

walked as she looked up at the Wilson Group building in front of her, which was shining with golden light under the

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When she thought that she would have to work here from today onwards, she could not help but feel excited.

She quickly went to the entrance. Just as she stepped onto the platform, she saw a blue sports car speeding over

from the slope.

It stepped in front of Sarah with a squeak!

Along with the ear-piercing sound of breaks, Sarah’s heart jumped out of her chest. She was too scared. Looking at

the blue sports car just fist away from her, she could not help but feel angry.

If she had been a second slow, she would have been crushed into a bag of meat by now, right?

The car door opened and a man wearing a supercool sunglasses walked out. Looking at the angry Sarah, he

revealed a charming smile. He raised his hand to take of the sunglasses.

Looking at his face, Sarah was instantly stunned.

So it was him!

The man she met at the elevator when she applied for the job.

“Hello.” He greeted with a smile.

“How can you drive like this? Can’t you see people walking here?” Sarah angrily stared at him and completely

ignored his greeting.

Listening to her, he smiled like a hooligan. “Sorry, I really did not see anyone here.”

“You…” Sarah was so angry that she wanted to scold him. But she couldn’t make trouble on the first day of her

work. So she turned around and walked into the lobby.

The man put his sunglasses again and followed her with a smile. “Why are you walking so fast? Are you angry?”

Sarah continued to walk forward in silence.

It was almost time for work, so Sarah walked towards the elevator. There were already many people waiting. She

stood there and waited with everyone.

That person also followed her to the elevator and stood beside her. He ignored the strange lights of the beauties

beside him and only looked at Sarah. “Actually I really did not see anyone just now. I only saw a beauty.”

As soon as the man finished speaking, the people beside looked at the two of them.

Sarah did not want to become a center of attention on the first day of her work. So as soon as he finished speaking,

she took two steps away from him.

That person saw her actions and smiled, but didn’t say anything.

Fortunately, the elevator came quickly. Sarah followed the flow of people and squeezed into the side. When she

turned around, she found that that man also squeezed into the crowd and stood beside her.

Sarah immediately turned her head to the side. She suppressed her urge to slap this man on his face. She had met

such an annoying person on the first day of her work. Just thinking about this made her angry.

“Are you really angry? I was joking just now. I came here to play with your CEO today. I’ll sign a contract with him at

the same time.” The man did not care about the people around him and continued to chat with Sarah.

Sarah immediately gave him a angry look. “Didn’t you say that you came to apply last time?”

Last time, he told her that he came to apply for the job. Today, he was saying that he came to play with the CEO.

This man must be a professional liar!

When the man heard this, he smiled and lowered his head slightly to whisper into her ear. “I thought you had

completely forgotten about me.”

Sarah speechlessly turned her head to the side again, not wanted to pay attention to him.

The elevator stopped layer by layer and there were fewer and fewer people in the elevator. At the end only Sarah

and the man left in the elevator.

The man put his hand on his pocket and looked at Sarah with a smile. “You are still angry? I’m just joking with you.”

“Are you kidding me?”

The elevator stopped with a ding and Sarah walked out before him. She walked along the corridor towards the

President Office.

Sarah had just took a few steps when she saw a sexy and beautiful woman standing at the entrance of the office.

She had long wavy hair, an oval face and big eyes. Her skin was very fair. She wore a pure white suit with a floral

white shirt inside. Her collar adorned with a black decorative tie and she wore a short yellow skirt. She looked both

beautiful and intellectual.

However, the closer Sarah got to the woman, the colder her body felt. Because it did not match her attire at all.

The woman was holding a baseball bat in her hand.

She put one hand on her waist and looked at Sarah’s direction in a angry expression.

Just as Sarah reached at the entrance of the President Office, she heard the woman shout at her. “You, get over


Sarah was shocked by the shout and thought she was called her. She nervously stopped at her place and looked at

her. Before she could open her mouth, she saw the woman carrying the baseball bat rushing towards her!

Sarah was so scared that her body trembled. In the next second, she heard the woman shout, “Stinking brat! Didn’t

I tell you come early?”

As soon as she finished speaking, Sarah saw the woman rushed behind with the baseball bat raised.

“Sister, didn’t I come here? Sister, I was wrong. Don’t hit me. I will die. Help!” Sarah looked back and saw that, the

man who had been chasing after her in the elevator was now running from the woman.

After a while the man came back and saw Sarah was still standing there. He immediately grabbed her shoulder and

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blocked Sarah in front of him.

“Come out! You are late by half an hour and you still dare to say you are here!” The woman raised her baseball bat

and was about to hit the man again. When she saw him hiding behind Sarah, she stopped and panted heavily. She

pointed at Sarah and waved, “You, get out of my way!”

Sarah immediately dodged to the side. But the man also followed her and dodged as well.

The woman chased for a long time but still could not touch the man. She glared hatefully and carried the baseball

bat into the office. “You two. Come with me.”

Sarah saw that the woman walked into the president office so arrogantly and understood that she must not be an

ordinary person. She immediately followed the woman obediently. The man also followed behind her with a smile

on his face.

The woman walked to the sofa in her high heels and sat down. She elegantly crossed her arms in front of her chest

and looked at Sarah. “What do you do?”

“I am the CEO’s new secretary. Today is my first day of work.” Sarah said respectfully. Actually she was a little afraid

of her.

“What time the Human Resources Department tell you to go to work?” The woman lifted her wrist and looked at the

watch as she spoke.


When the woman heard Sarah’s words, she raised her baseball bat and pointed at her younger brother, “What

about you? What time did I tell you yesterday?”

The man immediately replied with a smile. “Sis, my secretary works for the first day. Can you respect me?”

Hearing this, Sarah immediately turned around to look at him. She was a little surprised. If she didn’t hear wrongly,

this man who was chased by his sister everywhere was actually her superior, Syrus Wilson!

If that was really the case, then this woman in front of her… It was most likely the second sister of Syrus that Julian

mentioned before.

“Do you have the right to make me respect you? You are the only son of Wilson Family. If you don’t grow up well,

how can you take over such a big company in the future?” The woman pointed at her brother and shouted.

Syrus coughed dryly. Just as he was about to speak, he saw the office door being pushed open and another woman

walked in.

Syrus immediately ran over as if he had seen his savior. He hugged the woman’s arm and said, “Sister, please save

me! Second sister is going to kill me!”

When Syrus ran over, Sarah also looked over. She saw Syrus’s eldest sister walking gracefully. She looked

somewhat similar to Syrus’s second sister. It was just that there were less fierceness in her eyes, but more


Syrus’ eldest sister smiled and looked at her sister on the sofa. “It’s Sy’s first day at work. Dad knew that you would

come and cause trouble for him, so he asked me to come to take a look. I didn’t expect you to really be here. Syrus

is no longer a child. Let him handle some things himself. Follow me upstairs.”