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The Contract Marriage by Winter Love

Chapter 91
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Chapter 91 Winning The Favor Of Her Mother-in-law

“Thank you, Dad.” Sarah looked at Ethan with a grateful smile.

Julian kept silent and looked at Sarah. When he saw the expression on her face when she was going to work in a

new company, he felt depressed in his heart. He always felt unhappy.

When he heard about Wilson group, he took the opportunity to talk to Sarah. “The three daughters of the chairman

of the Wilson Group are very unique. Especially his second daughter, Jasmine Wilson, she took care of her younger

brother very well. Since you’re applying for CEO’s secretary, it must be for her younger brother, Syrus. Even if you

are succeed in the application, after you join today, you have to go through another test of Jasmine. So you should

be mentally prepared.”

Vivian heard Julian’s words and felt angry in her heart. She understood that he did not want Sarah to go to another

company to work. She smiled and looked at Julian. “Sister-in-law will definitely do the best. Don’t worry.”

Sarah heard their conversation and blinked her eyes, but did not say anything. Christian looked at the two people in

front of him indifferently.

Daphne saw that the atmosphere was very awkward and immediately smiled to smooth things over. “Vivian is right.

Sarah will definitely not have any problem.”

Daphne then looked at Sarah and smiled. “You must have a good breakfast. Although you are not working in our

own company, you do not need to worry. I believe you can do your best.”

When she heard that Sarah was going to work in another company, she was the happiest person in the family.

Christian was soldier. So in the future, the Cooper family business would inevitably fall in her son, Julian’s hands.

If Sarah continued to stay in the company, it would become an obstacle for her son.

“Thank you, Aunt Daphne.” Sarah smiled at her.

Christian faintly looked at his stepmother opposite to him and lowered his head to continue eating. There was

something he didn’t want to say. But just because he didn’t want to say, it didn’t mean that he didn’t understand.

After breakfast, Sarah and Christian left the villa. After that Ethan also left in his car.

Julian came downstairs and prepared to leave for work as well. Vivian followed him to the car.

“Aren’t you going to give me a goodbye kiss?” Vivian reached out and wrapped her arms around Julian’s waist and

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gave him a spoiled look.

Julian smiled and lowered his head to kiss her forehead. He then patted his face. “Go back. I’m going to work.”

Vivian was still hugging him and did not have a slightest intention of letting go. “Come back early after work. Don’t

think about other things.”

Julian looked at her face. In his heart, he actually understood her little thought. After a long while, he smiled. “Don’t

worry, other than you, I don’t have anyone in my heart.”

“That’s good!” Vivian tiptoed and kissed him again. “Drive carefully on the road.”

Julian sat in the car and looked at Julian and smiled. He then drove out of the villa.

Vivian saw Julian’s car disappeared from the sight, then turned around and walked into the living room. Just a few

steps away, she saw Daphne walking towards her.

“Mom.” Vivian immediately sweetly called out. In this house, other than Julian, Daphne was the only one who would

stand by her side.

Daphne looked at Vivian and smiled as she walked over. “We just had a breakfast. Let’s go to the beach for a walk.”

“Yes.” The pair of daughter-in-law and mother-in-law intimately held hands together and walked out of the villa.

They walked along the road.

“Vivian, you and Julian have been married for a week by now. I know during this period of time you must have been

feeling wronged. If there is anything you are unhappy about, tell me. Don’t keep it in your stomach. Okay?”

“Mom…” Daphne’s words made Vivian somewhat agitated. She lowered her head and tears could not help but

falling down. She turned to her head to the side. “Mom, I’m fine.”

Daphne didn’t expect her to cry so sadly. Seeing her tears falling uncontrollably, Daphne took out a tissue and

handed to Vivian. “You can’t cry like this! This is not good for the child in your womb!”

When Vivian heard Daphne’s words, she cried even harder.

“Quickly stop crying. Vivian, I know you have felt wronged. That’s why I take to out to talk in secret. For the sake of

my grandson, can you stop crying first?” Daphne’s heard ached for her grandson in Vivian’s stomach.

Vivian cried excitedly for a while and after that she stopped crying. She looked at Daphne and lowered her head.

“Mom, I’m sorry…”

“What are you sorry for? It is not you who did something wrong! Our Julian has been spoiled by us since he is

young. Sarah had followed him for nine years. Although the two of them were engaged, they were always like

siblings. Others might not know, but as a mother, I know my son the best. He really had no feelings for Sarah. The

reason why he still had some feeling towards her was because she married Christian. His heart is just unbalanced at

this point. Can you understand?”

She had actually noticing her son’s behavior all this time. She was worried that Vivian would take it to heart and

something would happen to her grandson. So she took the later for a walk, to tell her the truth.

“Mom, I know. I also understand. But you know I am only married to him for a week and I am also pregnant. You

don’t know, the night we got married, the person he shouted for in the middle of the night was Sister-in-law! He

said he is sorry for Sarah and can’t leave her! He also said that Big Brother and Sarah would definitely divorce. Now

you tell me, on the wedding night, I hugged him but he shouted for another woman! How can I not take it to heart?”

At the end of her sentence, her eyes again filled with tears.

“Vivian, don’t blame him. After all, Sarah had been by his side for nine years. Think out it. Even if we raise a puppy

or a kitten, after a long period of time, we develop some feelings towards them. That’s why he is just a little

distracted. I can guaranty that after a long period of time, it will slowly become better. So don’t think about it very

much. It will affect the child.”

Vivian nodded in understanding. “Mom, actually I understand what you say. It’s easy for you to say… We will spend

rest of our lives with sister-in-law in the villa, even if Julian and I move out, Sarah is still his sister-in-law. We will

never be able to chance this fact.”

Vivian’s face was full of disappointment as she looked at Daphne. “Mom, actually I have thought of something in

these two day. I will tell you today.”


“I want to move out with Julian.”

Daphne frowned as she heard these words and directly rejected. “No! You are almost six months pregnant now. It is

more and more inconvenient for you to move around. If Julian leaves for the company, what will you do? If there’s

a bump something big will definitely happen! Absolutely not!”

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Vivian answered with disappointment. “But… now as long as I saw Sarah, I feel uncomfortable.”

As she spoke, she put her hand on her belly and said faintly. “I know I do not have any status in this family. I let

Christian down and snatched Sarah’s fiancée. Dad never looked at me straight in the face…”

As she spoke she burst into tears. her body trembled with excitement.

“Child? Why are you crying again? Who told you that you do not have any status in the family? Now you are the

most important person in the family!”

No matter how much Daphne did not like Sarah, even when she saw Vivian crying so sadly, she didn’t dare to say

that she wanted to chase Sarah out of the house.

Because in her heart, she knew very well that Sarah was in her husband’s heart. That was Ethan’s bottom line.

Once it was touched, it was very likely that he would fall out with her at all costs.

Vivian cried for a while and then looked at Daphne in embarrassment, “Mom, I’m sorry…”

“Look at what is happening in our house. Vivian, actually you think too much. And your vision in too short and


Vivian looked at Daphne in puzzlement. “Mom?”

“Actually think about it, Cooper family only has two children. One is Christian, and the other is Julian. Christian is a

soldier. He had never interfered in such a big business of Cooper family, because he was not interested in doing

business. Let me tell you something, you are carrying a boy in your belly. As long as you endure everything now,

and gave birth to the child, you can live a good life with Julian.”

“The properties of Cooper family are definitely mine! You also know that Christian is no my son. It is not easy to be

an stepmother. You can also see that Christian has always been prejudiced against me. So deep in my heart, I only

see you as my daughter-in-law. So Vivian, what I say, do you understand?”

There were some things that she couldn’t say too clearly, but she understood her own identity.

“Mom, I understand!”

Vivian’s mood immediately became half better when she heard Daphne’s words. She looked at Daphne and

squeezed out a smile. “Mom, I will listen to you from now on!”

Daphne laughed when she heard this. “This is a good child.”

Vivian looked at Daphne and also smiled. A crafty light flashed across her eyes.