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The Contract Marriage by Winter Love

Chapter 328
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Chapter 328 Forget That He Had A Son

When it wos time for dinner, Ethon osked the moids to toke out the good wine thot wos stored ot home. After the

glosses were oll filled up, Ethon roised his gloss.

"Our fomily hos been hoving o lot of good news lotely. Todoy, Christion hos been tronsferred bock to City S. I hove

lived for more thon holf of my life. It feels like todoy is the hoppiest doy of my life! I wotched oll of you grow up ond

be moture. As o fother, I feel especiolly grotified in my heort!"

Julion olso roised his wine gloss. "Dod, don't worry. After o while, Ruby will give you onother fot grondson. You will be

even hoppier!"

Ethon smiled ond nodded. He looked ot his eldest son ond soid, "Christion, there is onother good thing hoppened in

our fomily. You must not know obout it, right?"

Christion heord his fother's words ond looked ot Soroh in confusion. “There is onother good thing? Then I reolly

don't know!"

Julion smiled ond soid, "Big Brother, let me tell you. Do you still remember Josmine Wilson from the Wilson Group?"

Christion nodded. "Of course, I do. Does she hove onything to do with our fomily's hoppy occosion?"

"Her fother, Joseph Wilson, the choirmon of Wilson Group, is Sister-in-low's, uncle! Does this count os o good news

for our fomily?"

Christion heord his brother's words ond immediotely looked ot Soroh beside him in surprise. "Soroh, is whot Julion

soid true?"

Soroh smiled ond nodded. "Yes! My mother is Grondmo's biologicol doughter! She wos lost when she wos young. It

hos been decodes. And they hod lost the hope to find her ogoin. The lost time when I gove birth, Grondmo knew

obout it ond insisted on going to the hospitol to see me. She hoppened to run into her mother thot doy. Grondmo

immediotely felt thot my mother wos her doughter who went missing. But she wos ofroid of moking o mistoke, so ot

thot time, she didn't dore to soy it out loud. She just hod Ms Josmine secretly run o DNA test on her ond my mother.

I didn't expect the results to be thot of mother ond doughter!"

After Christion heord Soroh's explonotion, he sighed ond nodded. "This is indeed o joyous occosion! I didn't think

thot the Wilson Fomily would hove such fote with our fomily!"

Ethon smiled ond soid, "Yes! I hod o good relotionship with Choirmon Wilson before, but now with Soroh's

relotionship, our relotionship hos become even closer. "

Julion looked ot his silent wife ond smiled ot his fother. "Dod, you con't moke Ruby wronged just becouse Sister-in-

low hove such o powerful fomily bockground."

Ethon smiled ond glored ot his son. "Stinking brot. Is your fother the kind of person who forgets justice for profit?"

Old Moster Cooper smiled ond soid, "Thot's right! Julion finolly knew how to love his wife! Julion, don't worry. There is

no difference between Soroh ond Ruby. Before Soroh ond Wilson Fomily ocknowledged eoch other os relotives,

didn't your fother hove the some ottitude towords Soroh?"

"Grondpo, you ore right. I soid something wrong ogoin. Dod, you ore o mon who does not core obout petty people.

Don't lower yourself to my level!" Julion smiled ond looked ot his fother.

When Ethon heord Julion's words, he let out o sigh. He looked ot the fomily ond soid, "In the post, when I see the

hormonious fomily otmosphere in other people’s fomilies, I feel thot you con't buy thot kind of feeling no motter

how much money you spend. I didn't expect thot now, our fomily finolly hos this kind of feeling. Seeing oll of you

become so sensible, I om grotified. It is o pity thot Dophne isn't oround onymore. At thot time, I wos in the hospitol

ond could not even see her for the lost time. Sigh. . . Let's not tolk obout it onymore. If she wos in heoven, she

would definitely be hoppy for us!"

Christion ond Julion listened to Ethon ond were silent. Old Moster Cooper took over the conversotion. "Ethon,

olthough I om old, I hove experienced so mony things. Don't worry obout whot hoppened in the post. If Dophne

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knew thot your body hos olreody recovered ond Julion hod regoined his eyesight, she would be very hoppy. And now

thot Christion hos olso moved bock, our fomily is getting better ond better now. She will definitely be very hoppy

obout it."

When it was time for dinner, Ethan asked the maids to take out the good wine that was stored at home. After the

glasses were all filled up, Ethan raised his glass.

"Our family has been having a lot of good news lately. Today, Christian has been transferred back to City S. I have

lived for more than half of my life. It feels like today is the happiest day of my life! I watched all of you grow up and

be mature. As a father, I feel especially gratified in my heart!"

Julian also raised his wine glass. "Dad, don't worry. After a while, Ruby will give you another fat grandson. You will be

even happier!"

Ethan smiled and nodded. He looked at his eldest son and said, "Christian, there is another good thing happened in

our family. You must not know about it, right?"

Christian heard his father's words and looked at Sarah in confusion. “There is another good thing? Then I really

don't know!"

Julian smiled and said, "Big Brother, let me tell you. Do you still remember Jasmine Wilson from the Wilson Group?"

Christian nodded. "Of course, I do. Does she have anything to do with our family's happy occasion?"

"Her father, Joseph Wilson, the chairman of Wilson Group, is Sister-in-law's, uncle! Does this count as a good news

for our family?"

Christian heard his brother's words and immediately looked at Sarah beside him in surprise. "Sarah, is what Julian

said true?"

Sarah smiled and nodded. "Yes! My mother is Grandma's biological daughter! She was lost when she was young. It

has been decades. And they had lost the hope to find her again. The last time when I gave birth, Grandma knew

about it and insisted on going to the hospital to see me. She happened to run into her mother that day. Grandma

immediately felt that my mother was her daughter who went missing. But she was afraid of making a mistake, so at

that time, she didn't dare to say it out loud. She just had Ms Jasmine secretly run a DNA test on her and my mother.

I didn't expect the results to be that of mother and daughter!"

After Christian heard Sarah's explanation, he sighed and nodded. "This is indeed a joyous occasion! I didn't think

that the Wilson Family would have such fate with our family!"

Ethan smiled and said, "Yes! I had a good relationship with Chairman Wilson before, but now with Sarah's

relationship, our relationship has become even closer. "

Julian looked at his silent wife and smiled at his father. "Dad, you can't make Ruby wronged just because Sister-in-

law have such a powerful family background."

Ethan smiled and glared at his son. "Stinking brat. Is your father the kind of person who forgets justice for profit?"

Old Master Cooper smiled and said, "That's right! Julian finally knew how to love his wife! Julian, don't worry. There is

no difference between Sarah and Ruby. Before Sarah and Wilson Family acknowledged each other as relatives,

didn't your father have the same attitude towards Sarah?"

"Grandpa, you are right. I said something wrong again. Dad, you are a man who does not care about petty people.

Don't lower yourself to my level!" Julian smiled and looked at his father.

When Ethan heard Julian's words, he let out a sigh. He looked at the family and said, "In the past, when I see the

harmonious family atmosphere in other people’s families, I feel that you can't buy that kind of feeling no matter

how much money you spend. I didn't expect that now, our family finally has this kind of feeling. Seeing all of you

become so sensible, I am gratified. It is a pity that Daphne isn't around anymore. At that time, I was in the hospital

and could not even see her for the last time. Sigh. . . Let's not talk about it anymore. If she was in heaven, she

would definitely be happy for us!"

Christian and Julian listened to Ethan and were silent. Old Master Cooper took over the conversation. "Ethan,

although I am old, I have experienced so many things. Don't worry about what happened in the past. If Daphne

knew that your body has already recovered and Julian had regained his eyesight, she would be very happy. And now

that Christian has also moved back, our family is getting better and better now. She will definitely be very happy

about it."

Ethan looked at his father and smiled. "Dad, you are right! Come, let's eat!"

Although the dinner was very good, Christian still felt a deep regret in his heart when he looked at his father. He

could also feel his father's feelings when he thought about it.

When Daphne died in an accident, Ethan was still unconscious. The two of them did not even see each other for the

last time. No matter how one put it, it was a kind of regret.

Not long after dinner, Ethan returned to the bedroom on the second floor. Christian looked at his father's aged

back. He wanted to comfort him, but after thinking for a while, he gave up. Sometimes, letting him be alone was

the best comfort for him.

Time passed a little bit and Christian returned to his and Sarah's bedroom. As soon as he walked in, he heard his

phone ring at the bedside.

Sarah was sitting by the bed and reached out to help Christian.

Christian was afraid that she would see the message on his phone, so he quickly walked over and took the phone

from Sarah’s hand.

Christian opened it to take a look. He found that the message was exactly the same as the one from before!

He frowned slightly and quickly clicked the delete button.

"What's wrong?" Sarah noticed that Christian's expression was a little strange. She walked in front of him and

looked at his phone in confusion.

Christian threw his phone to the dressing table at the side. He looked at Sarah and smiled. He reached out and

wrapped his arms around her waist. "Some rubbish text messages. Oh, right. Wife, I didn't expect you and Jasmine

to be cousins. This is really shocking."

Sarah heard his words and smiled. "Yes, I also didn't expect it to be like this. My mother didn't believe it but after

Grandma told her a lot of things, she had no choice but to believe her own background. Furthermore, with uncle's

family background and status, he didn't need to make such a joke. Don't you think so?"

Christian smiled and nodded. "Yes! In the past, I thought you were a girl from an ordinary family, but I didn't expect

you to have such a powerful background in the end. Do you think that an ordinary Military Commander like me

deserve such a powerful Noble Miss?"

Sarah smiled as she wrapped her hands around his waist, “What do you think? The money of the Wilson Family is

not mine. By the way, aren’t you also a Young Master? Young Master of Cooper family, Christian Cooper!"

Sarah couldn’t help but laugh at the end of her sentence.

Christian raised his eyebrows. "That's true! Right, where does Mom live now? Is it the villa of Wilson Family?"

Sarah shook her head. "No! She only goes there for a few days a week. The rest of the time, she still returns to our

house. Uncle and Grandma originally wanted to let her stay, but Mom said that the place where we used to live,

there were many memories of the past, and she was already used to it. She didn't want to leave either. So no one

can do anything to her. I think she definitely isn't used to the lifestyle of uncle’s family. Actually, thinking about it, it's

true. To suddenly let her live in such a luxurious place. . . I don't think she'll be able to sleep well at night, right?"

"Yes, that makes sense. But she's living alone at home, which makes me a little worried."

"Come with me tomorrow. Take our baby with us to take a look."

Christian lowered his head and kissed his wife's lips. "Okay. . ." His big hand caressed her cheek and asked her in a

hoarse voice, "Where is the child?"

"She’s already asleep."

Christian walked to the bedside and sat down. He held Sarah on his lap and said, "Now we need to take care of two

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children. Although Ruby is married, she is only a girl. Vivian was sent to prison, so you have to work hard. . ."

Vivian went to prison and Ruby was only a little girl. Listening to Julian’s words today, he didn’t seem to give

attention to Stephen very much. And after Ruby got pregnant in the future, Julian’s total focus would be on Ruby

and their child. He would very likely to forget that he also had a son named Stephen.

So they had to take care of Stephen from now on.

"I am fine. Stephen that child, I have always liked him. And now he also treats me as his mother. If it was someone

else, he probably would not be used to it. . ."

"Is that so? It seems that my wife treats him as her own son." Christian hugged Sarah and laid down on the bed. His

big hand gently caressed her waist.

"You are not jealous for your daughter, are you?" Sarah looked at him and blinked. To be honest, during this period

of time, she did not see any difference between Simona and Stephen. She treated both of them as her own


Christian smiled and kissed her. "Am I that petty? No matter what, the blood of the Cooper Family flows in his body,

don't you think so?"

"I know that you are not that petty. . . " Sarah giggled and reached out to wrap her arms around his neck. She

moved closer to his lips and kissed him.

"Wife, this is naked temptation? Are you trying to lure me out?"

Sarah smiled coquettishly and her slender fingers gently stroked his knife-like chin. She smiled and said, "The one

who seduced me was you!"

Christian's eyes flashed. He flipped over and pressed Sarah's body down. He lowered his head and kissed her lips.

"Do you know that your husband has no resistance to your temptation?"


He did not answer. He just lowered his head and kissed her hard on the lips.

This was destined to be a passionate night. . .

After breakfast the next day, Sarah originally only wanted to bring her daughter and Christian back to her mother's

home. But when she thought of leaving Stephen alone, she suddenly felt a little reluctant in her heart.

From the moment Stephen was born until now, she had never treated him unfavorably because of his mother. Now,

she wanted him to stay at home alone.

When she sat in the car, Sarah felt as if something had been left behind. Her heart was somewhat empty.

When the car was about to start, Sarah called out to Christian. Then she carried the child and got out of the car.

Christian did not know what she was going to do. Not long after, Sarah brought Maternity Matron out with Stephen.

Seeing this, Christian smiled and shook his head.

Sarah finally brought the two children back to her mother’s house. When they got off the car, a neighbor happened

to pass by and saw Sarah and Maternity Matron carrying the two children out of the car. She thought that Sarah

gave birth to a pair of twins, so the woman kept congratulating them.

Sarah only smiled when she heard the neighbor's words and did not make any explanation. She and Christian

carried the two children upstairs together.

Samantha received a phone call in the morning saying that her daughter and son-in-law came back together with

the children. So she went to the morning market early in the morning and bought a lot of vegetables. When the two

of them came home, Samantha also just arrived home not long ago. When she opened the door and saw that her

daughter and son-in-law really came back together, Samantha immediately extended her hand happily to receive

her granddaughter. Christian greeted his mother-in-law.

"Did Christian take another family visit leave this time?" When she called in the morning, Sarah did not tell her

mother that Christian was transferred back, which was why Samantha did not know.

"Mom, this time I will not leave. I h have been transferred back to our City S." Christian answered as he carried

Stephen and sat down on the sofa. As soon as he sat down, the phone in his pocket vibrated again.