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The Contract Marriage by Winter Love

Chapter 327
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Chapter 327 Transferred Back To City

Looking ot her cute octions ond expressions, Christion could not help smiling. He lowered his heod ond kissed her

foreheod. "Boby, Hubby is bock!"

In on instont, Soroh come bock to her senses. She looked ot the mon excitedly. "Then, hove you come for o visit, or.

. . " She did not continue osking, ofroid thot she would suffer o blow.

In these few months, she hod on indescriboble desire ond longing for him. She wished she could spend the rest of

her life with him. She wonted him to be by her side every doy. But she knew very well thot. . . His identity wos

simply unoble to do this.

As soon os she finished speoking, Christion lowered his heod ond held onto her lips, blocking oll the words thot she

wonted to soy.

Living like o monk wos olso o form of torture to him. Now, his wife wos in his embroce, smelling the frogronce of

her body ond hugging her soft woist, he felt his throot tighten.

Soroh, who hod just woken up, wos gosping for breoth ofter being kissed by him. Her foce wos completely red.

Toking odvontoge of the gop between his lips leoving, she ponted urgently ond soid, "The door is not closed. . ."

Actuolly, she olso missed him. His possionote kiss quickly ignited the fire in her body. She reolly missed him too

much. . .

Christion ponted heovily os he onswered by her eor: "I've olreody locked it. . ."

. . .

After the excitement, he stretched out his orm ond directly corried her off the bed. He strode into the bothroom.

"No one will heor you. Besides, didn't the windows hove olreody been processed? It’s soundproof." Seeing her trying

to escope like o ponicked robbit, he smiled ond exploined in her eor.

Soroh wos so scored thot she did not dore to speok. She felt so emborrossed. After she finolly finished woshing, she

took o towel from the cupboord ond wropped it oround her body. She quickly ron out of the bothroom.

Christion looked ot her retreoting bock ond couldn't help but lough.

Christion woshed himself cleon. When he wolked out of the bothroom with the towel, he sow thot Soroh hod olreody

put on her clothes ond wos lying on the bed woiting for him.

Christion strode over to the bed ond loid down beside her bed. He gently pulled the thin blonket over the two of

them ond pulled Soroh into his orms.

"You come bock todoy. Will you go bock in the future?" Soroh leoned in his wide orms ond looked up ot him ond


"Of course, I hove to go bock. My work there wos very outstonding, so the higher-ups hove decided to let me stoy

there for onother yeor. Therefore, this time I come bock to visit my fomily." When Christion sow her expectont

expression, he did not tell the truth ond deliberotely lied.

Heoring Christion's words, Soroh's eyes instontly dorkened. There wos o slightly disoppointed expression on her

foce. "I wos hoping thot you would never go bock this time. I didn't expect you to go bock for onother yeor. . ."

Looking ot her disoppointed expression, he suppressed his loughter ond osked, "Then do you wont me to stoy?"

"Of course, I do!" Soroh's goze londed on his chest. When she thought thot he would be gone for onother yeor, her

heort wos filled with on indescriboble sense of loss.

"Since my wife wonts me to stoy so bodly, then this time I. . ." Christion deliberotely poused for o moment. He

looked ot Soroh's expectont goze ond lowered his heod to kiss her. He smiled ond soid, "Wife, I om not leoving this


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Soroh stored ot him in surprise. "Reolly? Is whot you soid true?"

Looking at her cute actions and expressions, Christian could not help smiling. He lowered his head and kissed her

forehead. "Baby, Hubby is back!"

In an instant, Sarah came back to her senses. She looked at the man excitedly. "Then, have you come for a visit, or.

. . " She did not continue asking, afraid that she would suffer a blow.

In these few months, she had an indescribable desire and longing for him. She wished she could spend the rest of

her life with him. She wanted him to be by her side every day. But she knew very well that. . . His identity was

simply unable to do this.

As soon as she finished speaking, Christian lowered his head and held onto her lips, blocking all the words that she

wanted to say.

Living like a monk was also a form of torture to him. Now, his wife was in his embrace, smelling the fragrance of

her body and hugging her soft waist, he felt his throat tighten.

Sarah, who had just woken up, was gasping for breath after being kissed by him. Her face was completely red.

Taking advantage of the gap between his lips leaving, she panted urgently and said, "The door is not closed. . ."

Actually, she also missed him. His passionate kiss quickly ignited the fire in her body. She really missed him too

much. . .

Christian panted heavily as he answered by her ear: "I've already locked it. . ."

. . .

After the excitement, he stretched out his arm and directly carried her off the bed. He strode into the bathroom.

"No one will hear you. Besides, didn't the windows have already been processed? It’s soundproof." Seeing her trying

to escape like a panicked rabbit, he smiled and explained in her ear.

Sarah was so scared that she did not dare to speak. She felt so embarrassed. After she finally finished washing, she

took a towel from the cupboard and wrapped it around her body. She quickly ran out of the bathroom.

Christian looked at her retreating back and couldn't help but laugh.

Christian washed himself clean. When he walked out of the bathroom with the towel, he saw that Sarah had already

put on her clothes and was lying on the bed waiting for him.

Christian strode over to the bed and laid down beside her bed. He gently pulled the thin blanket over the two of

them and pulled Sarah into his arms.

"You came back today. Will you go back in the future?" Sarah leaned in his wide arms and looked up at him and


"Of course, I have to go back. My work there was very outstanding, so the higher-ups have decided to let me stay

there for another year. Therefore, this time I came back to visit my family." When Christian saw her expectant

expression, he did not tell the truth and deliberately lied.

Hearing Christian's words, Sarah's eyes instantly darkened. There was a slightly disappointed expression on her

face. "I was hoping that you would never go back this time. I didn't expect you to go back for another year. . ."

Looking at her disappointed expression, he suppressed his laughter and asked, "Then do you want me to stay?"

"Of course, I do!" Sarah's gaze landed on his chest. When she thought that he would be gone for another year, her

heart was filled with an indescribable sense of loss.

"Since my wife wants me to stay so badly, then this time I. . ." Christian deliberately paused for a moment. He

looked at Sarah's expectant gaze and lowered his head to kiss her. He smiled and said, "Wife, I am not leaving this


Sarah stared at him in surprise. "Really? Is what you said true?"

This happiness came too quickly, and she was somewhat unable to digest it.

"I'm not lying to you! Really! I have been transferred back! And just like I told you last time, the new military camp is

in our city."

Sarah happily hugged his neck, “That's great! Hubby, you didn't lie to me, right? You really won't leave this time?"

She still couldn't believe it.

"I'm really not leaving! Can't I lie you?" He raised his hand and gently scratched her little nose, then looked at him

and smiled.

"Okay, then you can't lie to me! If you leave again in two days, then I'll ignore you." Sarah was really afraid that he

would leave in the blink of an eye.

Seeing her happy and excited expression, Christian reached out and flipped her onto his body. He looked at her and

smiled, "Wife, should you give me some rewards?"

Sarah blushed and pouted. "It is daytime now, okay? It would be embarrassing to be seen by the family. . ."

Christian kissed his wife's lips and asked with a smile. "Will it be fine tonight?"

"Annoying. . . " Sarah hit his chest in annoyance as her face turned red.

Christian put Sarah down and said slowly to her, “Okay, I won’t torture you anymore. Let's sleep for a while. "

"Okay. . . " She nodded obediently and leaned into his arms. She closed her eyes slightly and fell asleep in a short


When Sarah woke up, there was no longer Christian by her side. She sat up from the bed and went to wash her

face first. After tidying up her clothes, she combed her hair again. She then walked to the window and opened the

curtains, looking out the window.

Sarah found Christian walking around with Simona in his arms. He kept whispering to his daughter, and the smile on

his face looked indescribably happy.

Looking at the scene, Sarah smiled happily and turned around to walk out of the bedroom.

In the afternoon, Christian accompanied the two children to play. The two little fellows looked at the big man in

front of them and did not think him as a stranger at all. Especially Stephen, every time his father made a face at

him, he waved his little fist and kept babbling.

Compared to Stephen, Simona was a little quiet. When she looked at Christian in front of her, she would smile from

time to time.

Knowing that Christian had returned, Ethan and Julian got off work on time today. Too many things had happened in

Cooper Family during this period of time. It wasn't easy for the whole family to gather together. Everyone felt

indescribably happy in their hearts.

The dinner was cooked by Christian himself. Julian even ran over to help for the first time in his life. Sarah and Ruby

sat on the sofa and chatted with Ethan and Old Master Cooper.

When Julian walked into the kitchen and rolled up his sleeves, Christian turned his head and looked at him "CEO

Cooper, are you sure you want to help?"

Julian heard Big Brother's words and smiled. "The great Military Commander Cooper is cooking personally. I'm just a

small CEO. What I am in front of him?”

Christian heard what Julian said and smiled. He took some vegetables without hesitation. "Wash this first."

Julian took it and walked to the basin to fetch the water. He looked at Christian and asked, "Big Brother, are you

really not leaving this time?"

"Um. Don't you miss me every day? So I am not leaving. . . "

"The person who missed you is Sister-in-law, okay?"

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Christian heard Julian call Sarah as Sister-in-law and smiled in relief. "You finally know to call her sister-in-law!"

He had to admit that his younger brother had really matured after experiencing this period of time.

"Big Brother, you asked me to call sister-in-law in the past, but I really couldn't call out! But now, my heart is full of

Ruby. So, calling out Sister-in-law is not awkward anymore. Don’t blame me for this, okay?"

Christian looked at his brother thoughtfully and then smiled.

"Big Brother, it's great that you came back this time. You don't know, Ruby and I don't dare to show our affection in

front of sister-in-law in the past. I'm afraid she won't be able to take it. . ."

Christian smiled and cast a sidelong glance at him, "Stinking brat!"

"Big Brother, I want to have another child with Ruby. When that time comes, our family will have three children. . ."

"Ruby agreed?"

"Of course, she agreed! To tell you the truth, Big Brother, although Stephen is my flesh and blood, every time I see

him, I have an indescribable feeling."

"What feeling?"

Julian shook his head in confusion. He did not understand it himself. "I have a feeling that he is not my biological

son. . . "

"Is it because Vivian is his mother that you have this feeling?"

Julian did not deny it. He nodded and said “What you said makes sense. Actually, I feel that way most of the time.

Look at that little guy. He looks quite lovable. But when I think of his biological mother. . ."Julian sighed and shook his


Christian glared at Julian. "You can't have that kind of thought. No matter what, your blood is still flowing in his body.

No matter what happened to his mother, this child is innocent. You can't have that kind of thought, understand?"

"Big Brother, you are right. I will pay attention to it in the future." Julian heard Christian's words and nodded with a


"By the way, let me ask you something. Ever since Vivian was imprisoned, did her mother come to see Stephen?"

Christian remembered the strange number and stopped what he was doing. He looked at his brother and asked.

Julian was stunned for a moment. Then he understood that Big Brother did not know about some things. He sighed

heavily and answered, "She can't come. . ."


Julian said, shaking his head. “There was a car accident a while ago, and the truck hit her hard. I heard she broke

her liver and spleen, causing massive bleeding. She was saved. But after the surgery, it seemed like she died an

hour or two later. . . "

Hearing this, Christian looked at Julian in a daze. "You mean. . . Vivian’s mother died a long time ago?"

Julian nodded. "Yes. It had been a while. What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

"Oh, nothing! " Christian retracted his gaze and continued with the movements of his hands. However, he was

somewhat uncertain in his heart.

Other than Vivian, the only person who was suspected of this was her mother. But he never would have thought

that Mrs. Holmes actually died in a car accident.

Since that was the case, who sent that message from an unknown number?

Christian originally thought that it would be a simple matter, but because of what Julian just said, he felt a little


This dinner was the happiest dinner the Cooper Family had in a long time. When Julian regained his consciousness,

Christian had returned. This time, when everyone in the family was present, Christian had brought back good news

for them.

He was transferred back to the city.