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The Consortium’s Heir by Benjamin_Jnr

Chapter 247
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The Consortium’s Heir Chapter 247

Darius placed his hands in his pockets, condescendingly looking down at Bilgi and spitting.

Without giving the matter another thought, he swung his foot onto the latter’s stomach, then headed

back tothe couch.

Bilgi lay on the ground.He struggled to turn his head toward Darius before coughing up blood.

Only then did his hoarse voice ring out.

“I guess you’re not very bright, so I’ll punish you now!”

His head whipped around to face the men in various formal suits behind him.

They were staring at him with blank faces, which made his breathing quicken.He slammed both palms

into the ground, forcing himself off the floor.

“Why the hell aren’t you guys doing anything?” he loudly barked at the men, his saliva splattering

everywhere while he pointed at Darius.

“Have you forgotten who the boss that’s sustaining your livelihoods is? I’m now ordering you guys to

break this boy toy’s legs! Let’s see how he’ll use his body for a living after becoming a cripple!”

Not a tinge of emotion showed on Darius’ face.

Meeting such an unbothered man for the first time made Bilgi quiver uncontrollably with rage.

Yet, a light bulb suddenly went off in his head.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

He straightened himself after standing, and his sneer shot toward Darius like a bullet.

“Are you someone wealthy? If so, why would you choose to be with Kate? She’s useless!” he


After saying that, he fervently shook his head as though he had lost his mind.

He then corrected himself, saying, “No! Impossible! There’s no way you’re rich.If you are, you would

know who’s really in power here.”

Bilgi viewed himself as superior just then.His back straightened like before, exuding a cocky aura as if

he were the king of the world.

He jutted his chin while smirking at Darius.

“It’s okay, though.I understand you’re very young and want to go after your primal desires.However, I

can tel] you that your pursuits will fail! Of course, you ignore my words, but when the hotel’s security

guards arrive five minutes later and have to choose between believing you or me, you’ll see I’m not


He then swung his coat back while sitting on the couch, extending his legs and placing his right ankle

onto his left thigh.

Alas, his plans got foiled before the security guards even arrived—Erin beat them to it.

She stood at the door, knocking on it.

“Mr.Reid, I’ve brought the things you’ll need to prepare for tonight’s banquet.I’ll need you to assess

them and try on the clothing options.”

Darius glimpsed at Bilgi, who sat beside him on the couch, then nodded.

“Sure.Come in.”

Meanwhile, Bilgi could not take his eyes off Erin when she arrived.

He gasped in his heart, thinking, “I’ve never seen such an exquisite woman in my life! I suppose it

proves Darius is wealthy.After all, a beauty like her would never appear by his side if he were

poor.Then again, this woman seems naive.I bet she’s never met an actual wealthy person.That must

be why she’s sticking by Darius’ side.”

With that thought, he smoothed out the creases on his coat and cleared his throat.He then spoke with a

gravelly voice while reaching out to shake Erin’s hand.

“It’s lovely to meet you, pretty lady.”

Little did he expect Erin to frown, not bothering to spare him a second glance as she walked past him.

Bilgi could not stand such rudeness.He reached out to grab her wrist, a greasy smirk of ill intent

forming on his face.

Yet, that smirk faltered halfway as Erin slipped away at lightning speed before he could grasp her.He

looked up, eyes widening at Erin standing behind Darius.

Her forehead creased while she shot Bilgi a murderous glare.

Seeing that, Bilgi inhaled sharply and waved it off.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Okay, I understand you’re young and inexperienced with differentiating such things.So, I won’t be mad

at you.I’ll even give you another chance.He locked onto Erin, flashing a look of sincerity at her.

“You should know the man beside you owns far less wealth than me.I can tell from his gaze.” A brief

silence ensued.

Then, he spoke at a quicker pace.

“I’m not saying you’re flawed or not pretty.Instead, I’m emphasizing how he chose to be with another

woman, despite already having a stunning woman like you by his side.”

As he uttered that insult, he made sure to shoot a raised eyebrow at Kate.

Erin’s gaze quickly traveled toward Kate, then back onto Bilgi as she replied firmly, “I think you should

take responsibility for everything you’re saying.Because you’re not the only one with surveillance

footage of what happened here—we do too.First, this camera somehow appeared in our chairman’s

room.Then, you and your men suddenly barged in.We would never allow these things to happen, yet

they did.Since you’re rich, I believe you’ll have a lawyer to back you up.I doubt you need me to explain

the consequences of having a part in these two things.Thus, please vacate the premises at once!”

Bilgi had always believed no one would reject his advances.

Hence, the undesirable outcome made his features warp into a hideous scowl.

He pointed at Erin, hissing, “You may be pretty, but your actions have pissed me off! I’ll make you

regret ever crossing paths with me today if you don’t apologize now—”

Before he could continue insulting Erin, Darius’ voice resonated in front of him.