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The Consortium’s Heir by Benjamin_Jnr

Chapter 150
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Read The Consortium’s Heir Chapter 150 – After Director Yul was taken away by the security

personnel, Darius made his way back to his hospital room, not sparing the doctors and nurses any

glance at all.

Now that he was the new owner of the hospital, some of them must naturally have different ideas on

how to get close to him; but since he was not planning on actively managing the hospital, he wanted to

prevent such situations by all means.

Vera and Dr. Hills followed Darius closely as he made his way to his hospital room. Vera was

completely smitten by Darius after the whole turn of events, and now saw him as akin to a god. She


that he was rich after he spent $ 270,000 to pay her medical bills, but the events today showed her that

Darius was not your average rich person.

Meanwhile, Dr. Hills was head over hills with joy after Director Yul was kicked out of the hospital. He

had so much longed for a day like that to happen, and he was extremely glad that what he wanted

finally came to pass.

The moment Darius got to his hospital room, he made a phone call to Erin. The phone only rang once

before it connected.

“Hello Mr. Reid.” Erin greeted the moment the call connected.

“Erin, I need you to research deeply about Serene Hospital staff and weed out every corrupt doctor or

nurses.” Darius ordered, going straight to the point.

“It doesn’t matter how small their crimes are. I do not want any dishonest or elitist person working in

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this hospital.” Darius said calmly but powerfully.

“I understand. I will get it done as soon as possible.” Erin promised.

“Good.” Darius said before disconnecting the phone call.

As soon as Darius disconnected the phone call, Dr. Hills turned to face Darius. He looked like had

something to say but was very reluctant to say so.

Darius noticed Dr. Hills’ stare on him and turned to face him. He arched an eyebrow at Dr. Hills, and

this seemed to give Dr. Hills the courage to speak.

“Mr. Reid, I think I know the perfect candidate to replace Director Yul as Director of the hospital.” Dr.

Hills said tentatively but firmly.

Darius looked at Dr. Hills after his bold statement and arched an eyebrow. By now Vera had moved

from where she stood and was now standing close to Darius with visible red tints on her cheek.

“I know that you’re now the new owner of Serene Hospital; and with the absence of Director Yul, you

would need a new Director to take her place.” Dr. Hills said cautiously.

Darius didn’t say anything for a brief moment, and only stared at Dr. Hills in silence. This made Dr. Hills

uncomfortable, as Darius’ stare wasn’t something someone of his status could endure.

Finally, Darius stopped staring at him and let out a sigh before speaking “Who do you have in mind?”

Darius asked coolly.

Dr. Hills breathed out a sigh of relief at Darius’ question before answering his question.

“Like I mentioned earlier, my friend who was the former Chief of a medical department was wrongfully

dismissed by Director Yul. During his stay in the hospital, he was respectful, kind, and generous to his

fellow colleagues.”

“He has all the qualifications to be a worthy Director of this hospital, and I can vouch that he would not

disappoint you.” Dr. Hills concluded firmly.

Darius didn’t say anything after

Dr. Hills’ statement and merely stared at him. Dr. Hills was once again uncomfortable by the intense

stare from Darius, with sweat pooling on his forehead. Just as Dr. Hills was about to break the tense

silence, Darius finally spoke up.

“I want to see this friend of yours.”

Dr. Hills let out a big smile at Darius’ statement before nodding his head approvingly several times.

“Yes Yes. I’ll inform him of your request as soon as possible.” Dr. Hills said and bowed lightly before

hurrying out of the hospital room.

Darius didn’t have to wait too long for Dr. Hills to return, and after a little over thirty minutes, Dr. Hills

returned. However, he didn’t come alone, as a middle aged man in his early forties followed him inside

the hospital room.

Darius fixed his gaze on the newcomer as soon as he stepped inside the room. The newcomer was a

blonde haired man with glasses, He was dressed casually and just like Dr. Hills, he was tall and

physically fit. There was however an obvious difference between the two of them.

The blonde haired man didn’t have dark circles underneath his eyes like Dr. Hills, and it was obvious

that he was not under any form of stress.

Lewis was also taken aback by Darius’ appearance. Ever since he was booted out of Serene Hospital

by Director Yul, he was unable to get a job at another hospital. Left with no choice, he started his own

personal clinic. He knew that it was useless to fight back against Director Yul; hence he was resigned

to his own fate.

Therefore you could imagine how shocked he was when his friend Dr. Hills called him and told him that

there was now a new owner of Serene Hospital, and Director Yul was no longer the Director of the


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Moreover, the owner was now looking for qualified medical personnel to take Director Yul’s place and

he was recommended for the job.

He didn’t believe it at first, but seeing as the news came from Dr. Hills, he decided to accept it. After all,

there was no need for Dr. Hills. to lie to him.

At first, he expected the new owner of the hospital to be an experienced person in his late fifties or

early sixties, so he was bewildered to see that the new owner was a young man in his early twenties.

Furthermore, the young man looked far from ordinary at all!

“Mr. Reid, this is the friend I told you about.” Dr. Hills said, drawing the blonde haired man out of his

thoughts and bringing his attention back to him.

“The name is Lewis Russell.” The blonde haired man introduced himself in a confident voice.

“I see. Nice to meet you Mr. Lewis.” Darius greeted politely before asking in a clear-cut manner.

“Mr. Lewis Russell, are you interested in working for Serene Hospital as its new Director?” Darius

asked straightforwardly.

Mr. Lewis was taken aback at Darius ‘straightforward question, but was excited at the same time. It felt

like a dream to him.

Mr. Lewis who was dumbfounded by Darius question finally regained his senses, he answered in an

excited voice.

“Yes! Yes I agree!”

“Good.” Darius smiled at Mr. Lewis “answer.

Unknown to Mr. Lewis, while Dr. Hills went ahead to look for his friend, he had ordered Erin to run a

detailed background check on Mr. Lewis Russell; and in less than ten minutes, detailed information

about Mr. Lewis was sent to Darius ‘phone.

After reading the details, Darius found out that Mr. Lewis was all what Dr. Hills said about him was true.

It was really shocking that the former owners of the hospital let Director Yul kick him out of the hospital.

Now that he was the owner of the hospital, he would right the wrongs of the former owners and put Mr.

Lewis in the right position he deserved.