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The Consortium’s Heir by Benjamin_Jnr

Chapter 145
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Read The Consortium’s Heir Chapter 145 – Of course, Darius had no idea that the mysterious person

was the one who rescued Michael from the police and was now plotting against him with Michael’s aid.

He was still in the hospital, but was rapidly recovering due to the effects of the self healing trait the

golden liquid gave him.

He had been in Serene Hospital for two days now, and according to the doctor, he would be discharged

from the hospital in the next two days; and he was recommended to do some light exercises before his

discharge. As such, Darius decided to walk around the hospital to heed the doctor’s instruction.

The atmosphere in the hospital was serene and tranquil, with the sounds of machines beeping echoing

in the hallway.

Darius walked unhurriedly, and a melancholic feeling slowly came over him as he walked. He could see

the different people suffering from various illnesses restrained to their hospital rooms as he walked

He could hear them speak in sad voices to their loved ones. He was well aware that some of them were

having what would be their last conversations as the minutes went by.

It was during such moments that Darius heard a low s*b from the other side of the hallway. He ignored it

and turned the other way, thinking it was a person whose relative was on his deathbed and therefore was

mourning his loss; after all there were no shortage of such people in the hospital.

He had barely taken three steps forward—————————–r—-..—-when he heard a harsh tone right

behind him, and a frown crept unto his face.

“I have paid the money for my grandmother’s treatment. Why won’t you give her a room?!” a person

sobbed angrily.

“Oh shut up! If I say your grandmother can’t have a room then she can’t have a room. Do you know who

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Mr. Joseph is?” another person Darius guessed to be the doctor replied mockingly.

“This is very unfair! My grandmother is suffering from Pneumonia, and if she doesn’t get a room soon her

illness will worsen!” The person pleaded in a weak voice with tears running down his eyes.

“Young man, I don’t care if your grandmother has pneumonia or whatever illness. This room has been

reserved for

Mr. Joseph, and no one can take it away from him. Do you understand?” the doctor retorted in a scathing


Darius who heard the whole conversation felt rage bubble up in his chest at the doctor’s statements. It

seemed that the staff in Serene Hospital had a habit of blatantly looking down on people.

He then turned back and started walking towards the direction the doctor was and soon came into their

line of sight.

There was a young man who looked to be a little above twenty, probably twenty two years of age, with a

dejected expression on his face, and a thin middle aged man in a white lab coat with a mocking

expression on his face.

As Darius wasn’t walking silently, his footsteps could be heard clearly by the two people. The two of them

ceased their conversation and turned to Darius with inquisitiveness on their faces.

“What is going on here? Why wouldn’t you give his grandmother a room?”. Darius asked angrily the

moment he was within hearing range of the doctor.

“And who do you think you are to question my decisions?” The doctor retorted angrily.

From what he could see, Darius was barely above twenty. How could he allow someone of that age to

question his decision?

“You don’t need to know who I am; what you are doing is wrong by all means. Don’t you people at

Serene Hospital have work ethics?” Darius asked scathingly, fury in his eyes.

The doctor became embarrassed at Darius question, but the embarrassment soon turned to anger.

“Who do you think you are to question Serene Hospital work ethics?!” He yelled angrily.

“Security! Security!” The doctor bellowed furiously. He was going to kick Darius out of the hospital!

The loud shouts of the doctor calling for security attracted the attention of several nurses, doctors, and

even some patients as their curiosity made them flock to the direction of the noise.

“What are you calling security for? Are you planning to kick me out of the hospital?” Darius asked with a

light smirk on his face.

The smirk only served to infuriate the doctor even more, which made him increase his shouts for the

security. It was during such shouts that a middle aged woman walked up to the three of them and asked

in a haughty voice.

“What’s the problem Dr. Hills?”

Darius’ whose back was turned to the middle aged woman immediately turned back to face the woman

when he heard the familiar voice. The moment he did however; his eyes widened in surprise.

“Director Yul?” Darius asked in surprise.

Director Yul also had a surprised expression on her face as she couldn’t understand what Darius was

doing the hospital!

Darius’ treatment was classified top class due to his sensitive identity, so Director Yul had no idea that

Darius was in the hospital. She could still remember what happened the last time they met, and the

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experience reminded her that Darius wasn’t someone to be trifled with.

Dr. Hills who was very confident when calling for the security earlier started having second thoughts

when he saw that the young man and Director Yul had some sort of history together. Sweat started

pooling on his back, and he could feel that the following events wouldn’t end in the direction he wanted it


The doctors and nurses who gathered due to Dr. Hill’s shouts all had the same thought. Director Yul was

a big shot in the hospital, so the fact that Darius could converse freely with her made them pay close

attention to Darius.

“I asked you a question Dr. Hills. What is the problem?” Director Yul asked again.

Dr. Hills was about to explain, but Darius beat him to it.

“Why don’t we let this young man here explain what happened?” Darius suggested while pushing the

young man who was pleading with Dr. Hills earlier into the spotlight.

The young man was a bit nervous with several eyes on him, but he narrated the whole incident that

occurred and the conversation between him and Dr. Hills before Darius’ arrival.

As he narrated the events, anger appeared on the face of Director Yul. By the time he was done with

narrating the events, Director Yul was completely livid. With fury in her eyes, she turned to Dr. Hills and

asked in a rage filled voice.

“Dr. Hills, is this true?”

Dr. Hills wanted the ground to open up and swallow him that moment. He had no idea that the situation

would attract Director Yul’s attention.

“Answer me. Is what this young man said true?” Director Yul asked again angrily.

“Yes; but-” Dr. Hills started, but Director Yul cut him short. “Dr. Hills, you are now fired.”