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The Consortium’s Heir by Benjamin_Jnr

Chapter 126
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Read The Consortium’s Heir Chapter 126 – Janet arched her eyebrows at Jonathan’s statement. There was a hint of amusement in

her eyes amidst the initial hatred and anger she felt towards the young man.


If what the young man said was true, then he should belong to the Long family.

Janet nearly laughed at that moment. If it were any other person that were in her shoes, they would have trembled in fear the

moment Jonathan mentioned the Long family, but it couldn’t be the same for her.

This was due to the fact that the so-called Long family were nothing more than lowly servants in comparison to her background!

Jonathan mistook Janet’s arched eyebrows for fear of the Long family, and became bolder in his threats.

“That’s right!” Jonathan yelled.

“Weren’t you having fun slapping me just now? I’ll call my dad right now to straighten you out!”

He then whipped out his phone furiously and made a phone call. Less than two minutes later he ended the phone call. All the while,

Darius and Janet remained still where they stood and watched him with expressionless gazes.

“It felt great didn’t it?” Jonathan started saying to them as soon as he ended the phone call.

“Just wait till my dad gets here. You will know the consequences of angering me!” Jonathan concluded angrily.

Janet withheld the urge to laugh as she looked at Jonathan’s furious expression. His actions to her were nothing more than a dog


Jonathan looked at Janet who was staring at him with a funny expression on her face. His heart skipped

a beat at the expression and he felt uneasy, but he forced the unease he felt down. Soon enough, he

was pulled in again by Janet’s gorgeousness.

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Janet was just too beautiful, and he could feel the blood rushing to his lower half as he stared at her.

“Young lady, you’re really very beautiful. I’m very generous, so I’m willing to give you one more chance.”

Jonathan said with the air of a benevolent ruler.

“As long as you apologize to me and is willing to spend the night with me, I’ll forgive your actions;

otherwise when my Dad gets here, this matter won’t be so easy to resolve.” Jonathan spoke with a smile

on his face.

However, instead of eliciting a fearful reaction from Janet, the reaction he got completely overturned his

predictions, Janet’s face contorted once more in anger, and before Jonathan could understand what

happened, she appeared in front of him and gave him another slap to his face.


How uncouth!

She had never seen someone so shameless and lecherous in her life before.

Jonathan was dazed once more, before the reality of the situation hit him.

Janet had slapped him once more.

The moment he registered that fact, he could feel the anger rush to his head, and he felt dizzy. His

cheeks now had two palm prints on the left side and one palm print on the right side, and it was very

visible, further adding to the humiliation he felt.

He wanted nothing more than to rush over and beat her furiously for the slaps he received from her, but

when he saw Darius standing threateningly close to her, he forced himself to remain still.

From their brief encounter, he knew that he was no match for Darius, and should he anger the latter, it

would not end with just some slaps.

Jonathan glared at Janet with fury in his eyes. He had made up his mind to not let her off the look again.

When his father arrived, he would make sure that he would settle the debts for the slaps by tenfold!

Sure enough, it didn’t take less than five minutes for Jonathan’s father to arrive. Darius guessed that his

father must already have been in the area, which was why he was able to arrive so quickly.

Jonathan’s father was in his early fifties, with average height and a head of full of hair having some grey

patches in it. There was a sense of superiority in his steps as he walked, as if everyone was beneath

him, and Janet immediately guessed that he must spent a majority of his life looking down on people.

When Jonathan saw his father, an expression of joy appeared on his face.

After being oppressed by both Janet and Darius, he was itching to get back at them. He was unable to

retaliate because of his inferior strength, but now that his father had appeared, there was no reason for

him to hold back.

“What is the problem, Jonathan?” Sawyer Long, Jonathan’s father asked when he came within hearing

range of them.

“It’s this stupid bitch!” Jonathan swore angrily.

Janet narrowed her eyes at his obscene words, and her glare made Jonathan tense up. When he saw that Janet didn’t interrupt

him, he grew more confident as a result and chalked up her lack of reaction to his father’s appearance.

Jonathan immediately pointed to Janet and started explaining what had transpired between them, while Darius and Janet watched

him with amused expressions.

Of course there was no way Jonathan would actually say the truth about what happened between them, so he embellished the

story and painted Janet and Darius as the villains, and made his self the victim.

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By the time Jonathan was done with storytelling, Janet and Darius both had impressed expressions on their faces. If Jonathan was

ever in need of a career, then he should consider storytelling as his top choice.

Sawyer had a dark expression on his face after Jonathan finished his story. Even though they were many loopholes in his son’s

part of the story, he didn’t question the authenticity of the story; especially when so many eyes were on them. If he questioned his

son now, wouldn’t it be the same as slapping him across the face?

“Apologize to my son now, or I’ll take action against you and your family. By then, even if you want to plead for mercy, it’ll be too

late to do so. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Sawyer threatened authoritatively.

From what he deduced from his son’s story, the handsome young man and the gorgeous lady were most likely in a romantic

relationship. The young man might have made use of some money to treat his girlfriend to a dinner, but in the end, such money

was nothing in the face of the Long family. He was confident that he could crush them completely without them being able to fight


Darius wasn’t surprised at his statement at all. The saying that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree was right after all. Sawyer

Long was just like his son.

Darius’ expression became unpleasant because he was already annoyed by the entire ordeal. He would have been sleeping

peacefully in his hotel room if it hadn’t been for Janet. Yet, he now had to deal with two people who would not have been worth his

time in the first place.

Janet noticed Darius’ unpleasant expression, and decided to stop entertaining the father and son duo.

“You said that you were going to make and my family regret it earlier didn’t you?” Janet turned to Sawyer and asked.

“I would like to see if you can follow up on such a bold claim.” Janet said and brought out her phone from her purse, before making

a phone call.