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The Consortium’s Heir by Benjamin_Jnr

Chapter 123
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Read The Consortium’s Heir Chapter 123 – The next few days were straightforward for Darius. When he

got back to the Reid mansion that day, related the basics of what happened to Bruce, but didn’t go into

much details. He then took a well deserved rest.

He had been so incredibly busy, as the meeting with Tyrell Sanders, the assassination incident that took

Tyrell’s bodyguard’s life, the accident with the old man, and the attack on West Atlantics Int’l all

happened in less than 48 hours. Darius was not a machine, so it was only normal that he would be

extremely exhausted after dealing with such issues.

Since his grandfather was not coming back until two weeks later, Darius felt that there was no need

waiting for his arrival, especially with his busy schedule; annivar, copeurany will no vuoy bunicuuit, hence

he took the initiative to leave the Reid mansion. At most, he promised to return back to the mansion

when his grandfather was back from his business trip.

Darius then left the Reid mansion and went back to his residence at Dragon Estate. Of course, he took

the Mercedes Benz S Class with him. He liked the nondescript value of the car. In circumstances where

he needed to maintain a low profile, the car fit all the requirements. Most definitely, Bruce had no qualms

about him taking the car with him. It was still the Reid’s property after all.

It was already late evening by the time Darius arrived at his destination. When he arrived at his

residence, the police were still investigating the assassination incident that took place in his residence.

They seemed to attach great importance to the case, as the whole residential area was under strict

surveillance, with several uniformed policemen patrolling the streets, and even his residence was

cordoned off, with four or more specially dressed policemen at standstill in front of his residence.

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Darius let out a sigh at the strict security enforced in Dragon Estate. Although Darius was pleased that

the law enforcement agencies were paying close attention to the assassination case and the issue of

security, he was still perplexed at the fact that he was unable to access his house. Nonetheless, he had

no choice but to go along with their decisions. There was no way he could argue with the police, after all,

they were doing this to ensure the security of the citizens.

Darius initially came to his residence to take some of his belongings back with him, however after seeing

the strict security enforced; he decided to retrieve them at a later date. He then drove to Sky Golden

Hotel and decided to stay there for the time being. He remembered that he purchased the highest

ranking membership card some months back. He reckoned that the card would be useful now.

After driving for more than thirty minutes, he arrived at the familiar Sky Golden Hotel. He parked his car

neatly and made his way inside the hotel. There he made a beeline to the counter where payments were

made. He then renewed his membership card immediately and ordered his dinner, then went to a table

located close to the window to wait for his meal.

Less than three minutes later, a waitress approached his table with a tray of food. As she placed the tray

of food on the table, Darius could see various exquisite dishes on the tray. The quality of the meal was

evident, as the whole meal cost no less than five figures.

At that moment, Darius’ stomach growled loudly, eliciting a shy look from the waitress serving his meal.

When she looked at him, her cheeks flushed from how attractive he was. At that moment, Darius smiled

softly, and the waitress who had been instantly smitten by his smile blushed even more before scurrying

away shyly.

Darius chuckled lightly before delving into his meal. He was extremely famished as he had not eaten

much earlier in the day. When faced with such exquisite dishes during such hunger, it was only normal

his stomach growled.

He was only halfway his meal when some loud voices caught his attention. He raised his head and

glanced leisurely in the direction of the loud voice. He could make out two people, a male and a female,

and they seemed to be in an argument with each other.

Darius frowned slightly at the noises their arguments generated, but he decided to ignore it. The matter

had nothing to do with him, and the staff at Sky Golden Hotel would certainly not let just anyone disrupt

their business.

Some minutes later, Darius finally completed his meal. He just dropped his pair of cutlery on the table

when a charming voice drifted into his ears.

“Darius Reid?” the voice asked curiously.

Darius raised his head and came to face a very gorgeous lady. The lady had blonde hair which was

incredibly beautiful, full lips, s***y long legs which were further highlighted by the black gown she wore,

attractive blue eyes, and to top it all an hourglass figure.

In addition to all these impressive features, as she walked, she emitted a .. regal aura. It showed that she

was not from a simple background.

Although Darius was incredibly impressed by the lady’s gorgeous appearance, he did not let it show on

his face, exerting full control over his facial expressions. Rather than answering her question, he asked

her a question in return.

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“Who are you?” Darius asked in an even tone devoid of any emotion.

The gorgeous lady arched her eyebrow at Darius’ counter question before a breathtaking smile emerged

on her face. She was very surprised at Darius’ question, as this was the first time someone was looking

at her with such clear eyes.

All the men she met previously all looked at her with blatant lust glaring in their eyes, and one could

easily imagine all the inappropriate thoughts running through their minds.

She was already used to such behavior from them, as not anyone could still be rational in face of such

beauty. Yet, Darius remained perfectly normal. Even if he was moved by her beauty, there was no way

for her to confirm it with how well Darius hid his expressions.

Darius remained still and waited for the gorgeous lady to answer his question, but she kept smiling at

him. He was just about to repeat his question again when the lady finally spoke up.

“My name is Janet Fox, and it’s a pleasure to meet you, Darius Reid.” The lady answered politely.

The moment Darius heard the lady’s name, an expression of surprise flitted across his face. It turned out

that the gorgeous lady was none other than Janet Fox, the second ranked beauty in Kingston University!

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