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The Consortium’s Heir by Benjamin_Jnr

Chapter 113
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Darius drove as fast as he could paying little heed to the traffic rules as he drove. He couldn’t care less

about the traffic rules now, especially now that he had the injured old man with him.

After driving speedily for more than thirty minutes, Darius finally got to the hospital. He should have

gotten to the hospital much later as the distance was quite far, but because of his high speed, he was

able to get there earlier.

The moment he got to the hospital, he called the paramedics over, after which they put the injured old

man on a stretcher.

Darius walked with them as they wheeled the injured old man into the hospital. It was then he took a

closer look at the old man.

Even though there was a significant amount of blood on the old man, Darius could see his body clearly.

The old man looked to be in his mid sixties, and had a very developed body. He seemed very fit with a

muscular body for an old man. It made Darius wonder how the old man was unable to avoid being hit by

his vehicle.

Some minutes later, a doctor appeared and took charge of the injured old man. He then sent Darius out

of the room after booking a private room to treat him.

Darius was anxious about the condition of the old man, and pleaded with the doctor to be present as he

was treated, but the doctor strictly refused. In the end, Darius could only sit down and wait till the

treatment procedure was over.

While he was waiting for the doctor to exit the theatre, his phone rang. He checked the caller ID and saw

that it was his grandfather who was calling. He answered the phone call and placed the phone to his


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“Hello.” Darius said.

‘I heard what happened. Are you okay?” Darius grandfather asked.

Darius eyebrows twitched at that. There was truly nothing that could be hidden from his grandfather. The

accident happened not less than an hour ago, yet his grandfather already knew about it.

“I’m fine.” Darius replied.

“Good. What about the victim?” His grandfather asked.

“He’s receiving treatment right now.” Darius replied.

* You’re at fault so make sure to compensate him properly.” His grandfather added and then

disconnected the phone call without giving Darius a chance to reply.

Darius put his phone back into his pocket and sat down on the chaise longue and continued waiting for

the doctor to be done with the treatment.

After forty five minutes of waiting the doctor finally exited the theatre. Darius quickly got to his feet and

walked over to the doctor.

“How is his condition? Darius asked anxiously

“His condition has been stabilized now “The doctor answered.

Danus exhaled an audible sigh of rellel at the doctor’s words. He had been incredibly worried about the

old man all these while, and was relieved to know his condition had been stabilized.

The doctor looked sliangely al Datius. He looked like he had something to say to Darius, but changed


mind at the last moment.

“Can I see him now?” Darius asked.

“I performed a minor surgery on him, so he’s recuperating now. You’ll be able to talk to him when he

wakes up later.” The doctor answered.

“Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some other patients to attend to.” The doctor said and left.

Darius didn’t pay much to the doctor’s attitude. He took his sat down back on the chaise longue and fell

into his thoughts

Even though he was not paying close attention to road, the accident was still quite sudden. It was as if

the old man had appeared out of thin air; one moment he wasn’t there, and the next he was.

Furthermore, his injuries appeared to be far too serious and grave to have been caused by a simple car

accident. Darius was a little flustered at the time of the accident, so he didn’t pay much attention to the

old man’s injuries, but when the old man was placed on the stretcher, another look at him revealed that

the injuries were far too severe for a car accident.

While he was still thinking about it, a nurse came over to where he was seated with the medical bill for

the old man’s treatment. It was a bit expensive to the ordinary people, but it was well within Darius ability

He collected the medical bill from the nurse and walked to the counter where the payments were made.

As he got closer to the counter, some loud voices seeped into his ears. It was like an argument was

about to break out. When he got closer to the counter, he could finally see the cause of the loud noises

“Miss Vera, there is nothing we can do for your mother. If you cannot afford the treatment fees, your

mother will be discharged from the hospital right now.” A nurse said exasperatedly.

“Please, just bear with me for one day. I promise you I will find a way to complete the payments.” The

lady named Vera pleaded.

“Miss Vera, you’ve already said the same thing last week. I had to use my allowance fees to pay for your

medical fees so that your mother could continue to get treated; but you were still unable to pay up. The

nurse replied in a frustrated tone.

“But.” Vera started, but the nurse cut her off.

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“No buts Miss Vera, I have done all I could to postpone your payment so that your mother could continue

to receive treatment, and right now, there’s nothing I can do anymore. If you are unable to settle your

outstanding payments now, then your mother will be discharged from the hospital.” The nurse stated


Vera slumped down to her knees in defeat. The medical bills were too expensive for her to pay. She lived

with her mother all her twenty years of life with her father nowhere to be found. Her mother had worked

so hard for her to enjoy the perfect childhood, but in the process her work had taken a severe toll on her


Vera was at a loss for what to do because she had not expected her mother to become seriously ill. She

had no choice but to admit her mother to Serene Hospital, the best hospital in the district, in order for her

mother to receive the best possible care. Unfortunately, she was unable to afford the expensive

treatment fees after three months, which led to the current scenario.

Naturally Vera’s discussion attracted attention from several patients and guardians in the hospital, and as

Serene Hospital was the best hospital in the district, so it was malnly used by the wealthy in the district,

the wealthy patients and guardians all had looks of disdain on their faces at Vera’s discussion.

They were very upset at the fact that someone as poor aş Vera could receive the same treatment as


Hearing about Vera’s situation deeply touched Darius. He could identify with Vera’s predicament because

he was aware of the agony of poverty. He was about to move closer to her when a middle aged woman

walked up to Vera and asked haughtily. “What is the matter, Nurse Emily?”

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