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The Clutches Of Hell Novel

Chapter 78
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Chapter 78
“Not only that, but try asking your own conscience, Nancy. Ask yourself just how much profit I’ve given to Spritz Group these past
two years to make up for Victoria’s mistake. No matter how you slice it, it is the Coleman Family that is holding the short end of
the stick!”
Hearing that, Denise recalled the way they had been living for the past two years. Tears continued to run down her cheeks when
she did.
Then, Glen pointed at the door. “Not only do you show no appreciation whatsoever for how much we’ve given your family, but
you also stand here and say that you have grievances with our family. Fine, then bring those two children with you and get out of
this house. From now on, our families will have nothing to do with each other!”
Since Glen had been docile and submissive for the past two years, Nancy was stunned, as she hadn’t expected him to be
determined in cutting off their relations so abruptly.
“Dad, you finally look like a proper man now!” Vincent’s anger seemed to have finally subsided slightly. Gesturing toward the
door with his face, he bellowed, “Did neither of you hear what he said? He told you to get lost!”
Nancy came back to her senses, her face as red as a tomato as she tried to leave with both Lucas and Bella in tow.
However, Bella easily stopped her mother from doing so. “Mom, calm down.”
Lucas bore a fierce expression but didn’t refute his sister as well.
“Mr. Glen, if you’ve really wanted to sever ties with our family, you wouldn’t have waited until now to do so, am I right? So I dare
say that you only wanted to let us know just how hard it was for you these past two years and hoped that we would understand
by saying all the things you said,” Bella said gently.
Staying silent, Glen only took the pill that his wife handed to him and swallowed it.
However, Vincent was happy as he said mockingly, “A scheming wench truly has a rich imagination! But, I’m sorry to say that our
family is serious about breaking off all relations with your shameless family!”
As Vincent’s words were unpleasant to the ears, Lucas frowned and was about to retort but was stopped by Bella. She gave him
an implied expression that seemed to advise him not to speak for now before she continued, “Mr. Glen, it’s true that my mother’s.

actions today have crossed the line. For that, I’ll apologize in her stead.”
Nevertheless, as Nancy felt that it wasn’t her fault, she wanted to speak up, but Lucas stopped her from doing so. “Mom, leave

the rest to Bella. Just stay quiet.”
“Who the hell would accept your apology?” Due to what had happened with Victoria, Vincent disliked the Spritz Family. “Get lost!
Take your mother and brother out of this house! Our family does not welcome animals like you here!”
Lucas’ frown grew deeper as a hint of gloom flickered in his eyes.
Seemingly to have not heard what Vincent said, Bella continued sincerely with her eyes on Glen, “Our families’ friendship has
lasted for more than decades now. Should it be broken off due to such trivial matters, the public will look at us as a joke. Not only
that, you should know that our companies’ business is intricate as well. If you dissolve our partnership, I’m afraid that both our
companies will sustain heavy losses.”
“As I was furious just now, I have been speaking without giving much thought.” Glen went along with the path Bella had laid
down for him. “If you were not here today and our families’ relations were broken off due to what I’ve said in a fit of anger, then I
would have made an irreparable mistake.”
Vincent’s jaw dropped slightly with his eyes lit up in surprise and anger, as he couldn’t understand how the situation turned out
this way.
“I don’t blame you, Mr. Glen. My mother was indeed a tad capricious here. By the way, I’ve heard that you have given the piece
of land in Glogan to Christian. It just so happens that our family has a piece of land there as well and has plans to build a large
amusement park on it. However, there are some issues in securing the capital, so I was wondering if you would be interested in
securing a share of the project?” Bella asked with a smile.
As Coleman Group had worked together with Spritz Group all these years, Glen was very clear that the latter had no problems
securing the capital for the project. Since the return on the investment in Glogan’s amusement park was projected to be
extremely high and there were no problems with securing the capital for the project, it was obvious to him that Bella had asked
as a gesture of goodwill for what happened just now.
“Since you’ve said that much, the others will think that I’m throwing my weight around at the younger generation if I decline your
offer here.” Glen sighed. “How about this, tell the person in charge of the project to come and meet me in Coleman Group at ten
o’clock in the morning tomorrow. We’ll properly discuss it and how much I would need to make up for the deficit.”

Bella smiled. “Then, I thank you in Spritz Group’s stead, Mr. Glen.”
“I’m just doing my part. You don’t have to be so polite with me.”
Despite the ashtrays, vases, cups, and ornaments fragments that Nancy smashed earlier still all over the floor, there were now
signs of joy for certain parties in the room. Regardless, the maids made eye contact with one another before they methodically

cleaned up the messy floor.
“Mr. Vincent, do you still want this tie?” one of the maids asked cautiously with the tie Vincent had thrown to the ground in hand.
“Why would I?!” Vincent snatched the tie from the maid and wanted to rip it apart. Failing to do so, he threw it hard to the ground
once more. In the fearful eyes of the maids, every word coming out of his mouth was just insults after insults about his father as
Vincent glared at him.
Stewed in both shame and anger, Glen said, “Apologize to Nancy, Bella, and Lucas!”
“Kiss my *ss! I would rather eat sh*t than apologize to them!” Vincent took off his suit jacket and flung it to the ground before he
stomped on it several times. Then, he took big strides toward the door.
With his body trembling in anger, Glen pointed at Vincent and yelled, “If you leave that door today, you’ll be prohibited from
coming back to this family, just like Victoria!”
“I won’t come back to this disgusting place even if you begged me!” Vincent continued to walk out without sparing a second
glance at him. Although the three members of the Spritz Family were standing by the door, both Lucas and Nancy couldn’t react
in time when he yanked the wheelchair and kicked it away. He felt as though he was about to explode from the anger in him.
“Y-Y-You!” Nancy was so incensed that she couldn’t get her words out of her throat as she quickly chased after Bella, who had
her wheelchair rolling toward the center of the living room. “Bella, don’t be afraid. I’m coming for you!”
Then, Vincent walked up to the gloomy Lucas and grabbed his collar with both his hands. “Back then, you were like some dog,
following my sister around all day long and asking for her love. But you immediately turned tail and ran the moment sh*t hit the
fan. What a fine f*cking man you are!”
“You’d better watch what you’re saying!” With a cold expression, Lucas pushed Vincent away.

“Pah!” Vincent spat on the ground and gave a sardonic smile. “I’m warning you now. If I ever see your face in the future, you’d
better turn around and go the other way, or I’m gonna beat you up!” Having said that, he left the house while Glen continued to
yell in anger at him.
Victoria hadn’t expected Janice would drag Matthew to come to the hospital to visit her. Strictly speaking, their relationship right
now was no more than a stranger, as they had only met each other four times before this.
“Your lips are cracked. Here, have some dragon fruit!”
“You don’t look so good. Are you not feeling well or are you worried about your brother? If it’s the latter, then you don’t have to
worry since my mentor has already dropped the lawsuit. Hehe.”
“How’s the dragon fruit? It tastes good, doesn’t it? I’ll buy more for you next time!”
Janice was just like a machine gun as she kept firing question after question at Victoria. Despite nobody answering her
questions, she managed to keep the conversation going. If either Victoria or Matthew did reply out of courtesy, even if they had
only given a one-wo .com fast updaterd reply, she would use their reply as a basis to carry on talking for another ten