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The Clutches Of Hell Novel

Chapter 77
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Chapter 77
Bella hurriedly took out her handkerchief and handed it to Denise before she assured her. “Mrs. Coleman, don’t worry. My
brother and I are here for you. Where’s my mom?”
“Inside... the living room.” Wiping her tears, Denise sobbed as she continued, “You two came even though Tori and Vince did all
those things. How... How should I ever repay you two...”
“There’s no need to be so polite with us. Let’s hurry inside now,” Bella said gently.
When the three of them entered the living room, they found Nancy facing off with the father-son pair. Since the atmosphere was
tense, the maids stood at the side apprehensively as they didn’t dare step in to stop the quarrel. One of the maids was standing
by with a first-aid kit in hand, just in case their master was to have a heart attack from the quarrel.
“You’re just the same as Victoria; just another heartless little wretch!” Nancy pointed at Vincent and bellowed, “When had Bella
ever not treated the two of you well back when you two would go over to their place? When your grades were still bad and you
were about to take the college entrance exams, Bella had even asked her brother to help you study just so you can get into a
good college! She’s always been behind you every step of the way, looking out for you, so how could you do this to her?!” She
was so agitated her spittle flew all over Vincent’s face as she ranted at him.
Wiping the spittle off his face, Vincent was already boiling with anger as he had endured Nancy’s rant for a long while. “It’s
because I respect you as an elder that I have been putting up with you. You’d better not force my hand!”
“What will you do if I do? You’re going to hit me?” Nancy took several steps forward and poked Vincent’s face with her nails. “You
heartless wretch, I’ve never held your family responsible when Victoria had almost run over Bella. Yet, here you are repaying our
generosity by picking on Bella!”
Upon hearing that, Vincent immediately grew furious as he pushed Nancy away and roared, “That was two years ago! There’s no
way to tell who has wronged who then! I’m warning you not to lay a hand on me. I’m not in the habit of hitting a woman!”
“Mom, are you okay?” Lucas quickly went over to hold Nancy.
Since Nancy hadn’t expected Vincent would actually push her away, she huffed and puffed without saying anything further.

“Vince, how could you push Nancy?” Denise walked up to Vincent and said anxiously to him, “Apologize to her right now!”

“I will never, in my life, ask for forgiveness from anyone from their family!” Vincent spat on the ground, ripped his tie, and threw
his tie to the ground. As he was raging with agitation, he pointed in the direction of his mother and the Spritz Family. “Tori is the
one who is your flesh and blood, so how could you and Dad not trust her but choose to trust these outsiders instead? I’ve never
seen parents such as yourselves ever before!” Usually, when he started using such a tone, his father would immediately lambast
him to teach him a lesson. However, Glen was currently furious with Nancy, so he didn’t say anything to his son.
“Vince, stop this nonsense!” Denise said anxiously.
Vincent let out a heave and said, “Mom, it seems that you and Dad are as blind as a bat now!”
Although Vincent often acted like a hooligan in public, he had never talked back to his mother like this. Hence, upon what she
heard, Denise looked at him in disbelief with tears rolling down her cheeks.
Lucas supported Nancy by her arm, his amber eyes filled with anger. “Vincent, you’ve gone too far this time.”
Vincent pointed at himself. Then, with bloodshot eyes, he said, “I’ve gone too far? You’re the f*cking one that made my sister
kneel in front of the club entrance to the extent...” He choked for a moment before he continued, “To the extent that her knees
became swollen. Is that not going too far as well?! Was Bella not going too far when she took a pot of boiling water and spilled it
on my sister as well?!” His voice started to break as he continued to raise his voice. “She was bullied by you guys to the point of
wanting to kill herself by crashing her car! Yet, here you are saying that I’m f*cking too much? What a joke!”
Perhaps it was due to her son talking back to her, or it was because of the heartbreaking experiences her daughter had, but
tears continued to run down Denise’s cheek.
Since Lucas never knew that Victoria had wanted to commit suicide before this, he was slightly stunned with a sharp ache in his
heart. His impression of her was still the same arrogant and extravagant woman from two years ago, so he never thought that
she would actually consider ending her own life.
“I’m sorry, Vincent. It’s my fault that I accidentally hurt Victoria,” Bella said seriously and sincerely. “I’ve already apologized to
Victoria, but if you still want to blame me for it, then I have nothing to say. Either way, you shouldn’t have attacked your elders
here, so I hope you can apologize to my mother.”
Similar to Murphy’s law, Vincent made things worse as he strained his neck and said, “Not a chance! Do whatever you want!”

Bella sighed and looked at Denise helplessly. “Mrs. Coleman, I... I’m afraid there’s nothing I can do about this.”

“Vince...” Denise tearfully looked at Vincent with pleading eyes. “You’re in the wrong in this matter, so it’s better if you just
apologize to them here...”
Vincent was moved momentarily before his anger surged back up. “Fine, I can apologize here!” Then, he pointed at Lucas with
his teeth gritted. “If he kneels in front of Delta Club for the entire day, I’ll apologize any way you want! Even if you want me to
kneel and apologize to you all, I’ll f*cking to do it!”
“Dream on!” Nancy yelled as she went up to Vincent. Then, she looked at Glen with an expression filled with anger and hatred.
“One is a murderer, and one is a thug. Glen Coleman, I don’t get how others say that you’re a charitable man! Just look at what
your kids have become!”
Bella and Lucas wanted to interject but were prevented from doing so by their mother. “Don’t think of trying to mediate things
here, you two. I must settle this matter with the Colemans right here and now! Those two children are just useless waste of
space that has nothing going for them. I must—”
“Enough!” Glen interrupted Nancy. Infuriated, he said while gasping, “You say you want to settle things here... but I have a few
grievances of my own!”
Nancy grunted and sneered, “Victoria almost killed my daughter while Vincent had spilled hot water on her two days ago. Yet,
you have the nerve to say you have grievances as well? Fine, say it. Tell me your so-called grievances!”
“Mom—” Bella tugged at her mother’s sleeve and raised her voice.
Nancy angled her gaze down at Bella with a pained expression. “Children should stay out of adult’s business. I must bring justice
to your matter today!” Next, she raised her head and .com fast updateturned her attention back to Glen. “Come on, let
me see just how shameless the Coleman Family can be!”
“I doubt we would be as shameless as you!” Vincent scoffed with a face filled with contempt. “Not only did someone get pregnant
before marriage, but that someone had relations with several...”
Denise became so frightened that she stopped crying as she hurried and covered her son’s mouth. Exasperated, she urged in a
whisper, “Vince, just think of your mom begging you here. Please just stop talking!”
Her face pale, Nancy pretended not to have heard Vincent’s remark. However, Bella shot a glance at her mother and seemed to
be lost in thought..

Since Glen had felt suffocated from the unfairness for the past two years, there was a slight tremble in his voice as he said,
“Although Victoria had broken Bella’s leg back then, Christian broke her leg, sent her to prison for two years, and is still having
her be humiliated in Delta Club! Whatever she owed Bella has long been paid off! This time, Vincent burned Bella’s hand, but
Bella burned Victoria’s leg in the first place! Your