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The Clutches Of Hell Novel

Chapter 101
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Chapter 101
Victoria’s eyelashes fluttered and her nose beaded with sweat in anticipation. However, she had reached a point of no return. If
she regretted it now, the same opportunity might not come around in the future.
Curling her lips into a forced smile, she wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned forward for a kiss without any words.
“You’re well-prepared.” Christian tilted his head to avoid her attempt. His eyes were twinkling as he was lost in his thoughts and
his voice became breathy. “Victoria, how many men have you seduced before?”
She let out a restrained chuckle as her hands around his neck brought him forward so that she could kiss him on the corner of
his lips. “Will you believe me if I tell you there’s only you, and I even failed at that attempt?”
He scoffed at her words. His pair of eyes which were drowning in desire now burned with new rage and pain. “Victoria, do you
believe your own words?”
She had never set her hopes high and expected him to believe her in the first place. She merely wanted to take the photos and
made them a bargaining chip for him to let her go.

Truth be told, Victoria’s body was an unsightly view as the scars covered most parts of her body, except for her arms.
However, the scars on her body and her red tulle were giving out the vibe of a grotesque aesthetic under the dim light.
When Christian’s hands slid to the side and rested on her waist, she immediately grasped his hand. “Wait!”
“You regret it now?” His voice was deeper and hoarser than usual. “Too late.”
Thinking that she would already have captured the photos and videos needed at the moment, she pursed her lips as she tried to
push him away with all of her strength.
Her attempt ended up a failure as the aphrodisiac began to work on him. Thus, Christian was not planning on letting her go any
sooner and she had to endure the consequences.
Removing his tie from the collar, he could not help but notice the blinking red light on her neck accessory.
He immediately snatched the gadget off her neck. As he casted a glance to Victoria, whose blood drained from her face in a split
second, his expression turned cold.

He threw her neck accessory on the ground and stomped on it. At last, he bent to pick up the pinhole camera from the remnants
and glared at her.
“It seems like two years of prison life has changed you into a braver person, am I right?” He tossed the camera back onto the

floor and crushed it with his foot under her terrified stare. “What are you trying to do with the video? You’re going to blackmail
me, aren’t you?”
The blood ran cold in her body as if she was trapped in an ice room. Even the air she breathed in was piercing her lungs like the
cold air from the air conditioner.
If only she knew her behavior a moment ago would expose the camera in her neck accessory to him, she would never stop him.
After all, retaining her virginity was not the top priority.
However, no explanation could help her at the moment. Since the pinhole camera was broken, she could not help but wonder if it
succeeded to capture everything that happened a moment ago.
“Speak!” Christian could feel his heart sink at her attempt and his disappointment was unprecedented. He walked over to the
woman and lifted her chin up in a firm grip to force her to meet his eyes.
The cold sensation gathered around his fingertips was surging all the way up to his upper arms and urged him to embrace her in
his arms and kiss her.
In contrast, his limited reasons were rooting him to the spot and suppressing the longing desire from the bottom of his heart.
Victoria’s body shook uncontrollably as she fixed her gaze on the ground and whispered, “You’ve guessed my plan. What’s the
point of asking?”
Christian’s lips were pressed together and formed a thin line as he lowered his gaze at her. He clenched his fists and furrowed
his brows at her honest answer.
.com fast up.