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The Clutches Of Hell Novel

Chapter 100
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Chapter 100
As Victoria arrived at Room 505 about ten minutes later, she saw Vincent wearing a vest as he leaned against the wall smoking
a cigarette. Even though his handsome face was shrouded in smoke, he looked visibly annoyed, hateful, and helpless.
“Vince,” Victoria called for him while she was about three meters away and continued walking toward him while holding a bag.
He turned as he heard Victoria’s call, snuffed out the cigarette, and threw it on the trash can cover. He furrowed his brows slightly
in displeasure and asked, “What took you so long? Don’t tell me someone found out about you?”
“No.” She hesitantly glanced at the private room door and tightened her hands around the bag. “Is... Christian inside?”
Vincent grunted, and he pointed at the bag with his jaw. “What’s in there?”
“Lingerie.” Her voice was low, and her face turned red—not from shyness, but from embarrassment.
Vincent merely lowered his head and remained silent for a long time when he heard his sister’s reply. He then took out another
cigarette and put it in his mouth but changed his mind that instant.
He took it out irritably and threw it into the trash can.
As he grabbed his hair in annoyance, he took out two items from his suit pocket and stuffed them into Victoria’s palm. “Your
sister-in-law prepared these for you. She asked me to remind you to take precautions.” While he was indeed angry at the b*stard
Christian, the anger was mainly directed at his own incompetence. “I don’t know what size that b*stard uses. Take the morning-
after pill if he can’t fit in!”
She glanced at the two items and threw them into the bag. “Got it,” she answered softly.
“Don’t overthink this. It’s not ancient times. J-Just think of it like a dog bit you!” said Vincent with a gloomy expression. “Even if he
sleeps with you, my guess is he won’t take any responsibility. Anyhow, what’s important now is that we get enough blackmail
from him!”
Vincent then snorted as he imagined the scenario. “When we expose the photos and videos, he will lose his reputation that even
the Thatcher Family will disown him! As soon as he slips up, I will send you abroad immediately. That b*stard will longer be able

to touch you!”.

It was a little after 2:30PM, and there were not many guests in the Delta Club. But even so, staff or guests were passing by in the
corridor from time to time. A staff member who passed by several times saw the two siblings had been standing at the entrance
for quite some time, so she approached them and asked if they needed help.
“No, thank you.” After the staff left, Victoria frowned and said to Vincent, “Vince, we can discuss the future later. First, tell me
what’s going on inside the room.”
The fact that the two of them were standing in front of the room was already attracting some attention and the last thing she
wanted was precisely that.
“Christian drank a spiked drink and is now unconscious,” he replied.
At once, her pupils constricted, fearing that her brother’s actions would cause serious trouble. “Spiked? What did you add to his
“Chill. Just some sleeping pills and an aphrodisiac.” He snorted again, thinking that his sister still held feelings for Christian. “He’s
hurt you so much, yet you still worry about him.”
Victoria heaved a sigh of relief when she knew what was inside Christian’s drink and smiled bitterly. “No matter how much I liked
him before, it is impossible for me not to give up on him after he made me suffer this way. I’m afraid you did something
irreparable, and my sister-in-law and your two children will be paying for your mistake.”
“That’s better!” As Vincent muttered, he dragged her into the private room. “Stop talking nonsense. Come in quickly! I’ve already
installed the camera, so you don’t have to worry about it!”
She entered the private room and saw the curtains drawn—the room was dimly lit. The faint smell of Christian’s cologne mixed
with the smell of alcohol and cigarettes, though bearable, still made Victoria choke a little. The wine glasses were all over the
table. Some were empty while the others were half full. There were also several plates of untouched fruits as well as pastries.
Christian could be seen lying on the couch in his somehow messy suit. His hair, which had always been meticulously groomed,
was also a little tousled, and his face was blushing abnormally, which should be due to the drug’s effects.
“Don’t just stand there!” Vincent picked up a beautifully packaged box from the sofa and stuffed it into Victoria’s arms. “This is the

dress I prepared for you. Change into it quickly!” After he spoke, he stared her in the eyes and reminded her, “Remember to
wear that small ornament around the neck. Got it?”
“Yes.” She looked at Christian, whose face was turning redder as time passed, and instructed her brother, “Vince, get out.”

“I’ll be waiting for you outside. I have your back. Don’t worry!” He hugged her for the last time before balling his fists tightly as he
left the room.
Victoria finally opened the gift box. Inside was a red tulle dress, but to say it was a dress was a bit of an overstatement. The
‘dress’ was made up of fabric that was no more than the size of two palms. She knew that wearing the ‘dress’ would create a
seductive effect, even though it could barely hide her body parts.
She had never worn such a thing before and felt so uncomfortable wearing it that she did not even know how to position herself.
Finally, she frowned and walked to Christian in tiny steps to avoid unintentional exposure of her private body parts.
Christian did not take off his leather shoes, and his calf and feet were hanging in the air. His suit jacket was thrown aside, and he
looked sexier and less inhumane than usual.
Victoria’s heart hammered in her chest as cold sweat beaded her forehead and ran down her cheeks. Even though he was in a
state of unconsciousness, it still made her nervous and stressed to be near him. She took a deep breath and squatted down a
little to look at him more closely.
Christian opened his eyes without warning, and at that instant, Victoria felt as if her heart was in her mouth. She took a step back
reflexively, but he had already wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her toward him. She fell, and in a swift move, he
was already on top of her. They were so near to each other that she could even hear how his heart was beating much faster than
usual—just like hers.
He clenched her hand tightly, and his eyes, which were bloodshot because of the drugs, locked onto her as his breath got
heavier as time passed.
Her limbs were weak, and her sweat-drenched back was pressed against the leather sofa, which made her uncomfortable due to
the sticky feeling. She looked at the man, who was on .com fast update top of her, and even though she had tried her
best to remain calm, her voice still trembled uncontrollably. “Did you drink the red wine?” If he had been awake the whole time,
did this mean that he had heard about the camera too?
“Of course.” Christian’s hawk-like eyes were locked on her, and his voice was a little more hoarse than usual. He said scornfully,
“Had I not drunk it, how would I have known what you siblings were up to?”
As he said that, he was suppressing the intense desire to sleep with Victoria—Vincent must have fed him some potent drugs.