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The Claiming by Cooper

Chapter 97
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The Council Chapter 4: Jara


It was so good seeing Mignon and Annabel again. It was better knowing that they were both happy. I’m

really excited for Mignon and her pregnancy, and I hope that soon, I’ll be pregnant as well, if I’m not


“So, are you all going to be in the meetings this weekend, or are you just here because your mates

couldn’t part with you?” I ask, only partially teasing. I know Mason would have brought me along even if I

didn’t want to be in the meetings. It’s too soon after being marked to be apart.

“Are we allowed in the meetings?” Annabel asks me.

“Why wouldn’t we be?” I ask.

She and Mignon look at each other. “Because we’re not Alphas.” They say in unison.

“But we’re Lunas.” Hana says. “We should be given an opportunity to speak and give our opinions.

Especially since we are the future of our species. If anything, we should be the ones with they say and

the voice, not the Alphas.”

“I guess you’re right. After the whole seating arrangement thing, what are they going to do? Tell us to

leave? They can try. But if we refuse, the worst they can do is cancel the meeting. And that will just anger

the Alphas.” Mignon says.

“That’s the spirit.” I tell her. I’m beginning to realize just how much power the four of us hold. And it’s not

just us, it’s just that we all became friends during the claiming. We’re young, strong, of childbearing years

and with mates who adore and support us.

When it comes to making change for the claiming process, we will definitely have a voice.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“Listen.” I lower my voice and look at Hana. She nods and I continue. “Hana, Seth, Mason and I are

putting in a petition to change the way the manage the claiming process.” And Hana and I explain what

we want to do.

“That would be so much better.” Annabel says.

“Will they listen?” Mignon asks.

“We’ll make them listen. We are the future of our species. If they keep allowing us to kill each other off for

these annual claimings, we’ll be extinct in a couple of decades. I know Seth was planning to speak with

your mates, but we need as many Alphas on board as possible.” Hana says.

I look over to where our mates are, seeing that Alpha Luke has joined them. “I bet they are getting Luke

on board right now.” I say, watching as Mason and Seth intently talk to the other three. Mason looks up,

catching my eye and winks at me.

I’m blushing when I turn back, and the girls don’t let it go.

“Ahhhh, look at our big bad Alpha getting all flustered because her hot mate winked at her.” Mignon says.

“I think we all hit genetic jackpots with our mates.” Annabel says, looking over at Antonio who catches

her eye and gives her a smoldering look.

“What’s that about?” Hana says, having caught the look.

“I’m not sure, but I hope, maybe he’s been talking to your mate, Mignon, about knotting me. He’s refused

so far, concerned he’ll hurt me, but you know the likelihood of my getting pregnant

without it is low.”

“Well, it’s not exactly painful, but it’s not great the first couple of times, if I’m being honest.” Mignon says.

“Agreed, your body has to learn to adjust to the swelling.” I say.

“But while you’re knotted….” Hana gets a faraway look on her face.

“Amazing!” Mignon finishes for her.

“Who knows, maybe tonight’s my lucky night.” Annabel says and we all laugh.

“Excuse me ladies.” One of the Alphas comes over. I don’t think I’ ve ever met him, and he wasn’t at our

claiming this year.

“My name is Alpha Zaire. I couldn’t help notice that the four of you get along very well together. I don’t

know if you have any plans to create some sort of Luna group, but my mate is close to your age. I

claimed her four years ago. My pack is set up in the mountains, away from other packs. We have a very

small pack, especially after this year’s claiming which nearly decimated my pack. But my point is, if you

do decide to create some sort of Luna group, I think my mate would like to participate. She gets pretty

lonely out there with just her, our daughter and another young female we took in when her mother died in


I look at my friends. We hadn’t thought of something like that, but I love the idea. A support group and

possibly a way to make sure that the females in the other groups are being well-cared for by their mates.

“I don’t know that we’ve thought much about an on-going group, Alpha Zaire, but I think it’s a great idea. I

know I’d love to stay in contact with my friends here and I think it’s a great idea to establish a support

group for the females in the other groups.

What’s your Luna’s name?”

“Luna Gia. She was in the claiming a year before your sister, Luna Jara.”

“Before we leave, we’ll get her information and that of the other Lunas or females in the other packs. I

love the idea of establishing a support network for the she-wolves.” Hana says.

“Thank you, ladies. I’ll let you get back to your talking. I wish I’d have known that you’d be here. My Gia

would have loved to meet you all.”

“Who knows, maybe we’ll start an annual she-wolf meeting, or have our own meeting during these Alpha

meetings.” Mignon says. Another great idea.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

When he leaves, we all turn to look at each other. “We need to do this. So many of the she-wolves are

isolated, like Luna Gia. If we had something like that in place, we could make sure that no one was being

mistreated by their mates.”

“We could support each other, be there when their children are born, especially in packs where they may

only have one adult female.” Annabel says.

“We have to do this.” Hana says, looking at me. “You take the lead with the petition. I can take the lead

on this.”

“I’ll help you, Hana.” Annabel says.

“I will too.” Mignon says.

Hana looks at her. “You’re going to be dealing with a pup soon. You need to look after yourself for now.”

Mignon’s face falls.

“You can help me with the petitions. That’s mostly boring stuff, but it’s desk work. You wouldn’t have to

worry about doing anything stressful. You’re the first of us to get pregnant and with a girl.” I look at Hana

and Annabel.

“Maybe, if you’re agreeable Mignon, we can use you as our test case. What would it look like to be there

with a she-wolf when she’ s delivering? What would we need to plan for? Do we have other, older she-

wolves who already have knowledge of the birthing experience who would be better to have on-site

instead of us? And maybe the older generation needs something to feel like they are contributing again.

This could be a perfect opportunity to bring them back into a helping role if they feel they are no longer


Hana’s eyes light up. “That’s a great idea. Would you be willing Mignon?”

“Yes! And I can still help you, Jara.”

“What should we call our little group?” Annabel asks.

“For now, let’s call us The Lunas.” Mignon says, and we all agree.