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The Claiming by Cooper

Chapter 71
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Chapter 71: Mason


After leaving Elijah, I decided to try finding Jara by going to the first tree where I found her, at the

beginning of the claiming territory. There is hardly anyone this close to the front of the territory and I

realize, it’s a perfect hiding spot for her.

When I get there, I look up at the tree where I first saw her. When she’s not there, I begin looking around

at the nearby trees. The trees here aren’t as dense as they are further into the territory, so I’ m able to

easily follow the line of trees she would have to use to move from one to the other.

Eventually, I find her scent and I know which tree she uses to get up and down. I look at the tree, judging

whether or not it can hold my weight, before jumping up and catching the lowest branch. I pull myself up,

following her scent trail.

When I get to where she begins moving through the trees, I test each branch to make sure it will hold my

weight. I can’t risk falling and breaking a leg this late in the claiming. It would never heal in time for me to

catch her.

I slowly make my way to the limb where she apparently slept last night. Her scent is incredible, so much

stronger than it has been in the past and I know I’m starting to get lost in the haze. Hoping she’ Il come

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

back here at some point, I leave the meat I cooked for her, so she’ll have something to eat.

I sniff the air, realizing she went in a different direction this morning. I begin leaping through the trees,

following her scent, staying quiet when others are nearby. As much as I like following her this way, I want

to make sure I don’t give away her hiding spot

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I realize she’s heading toward the back of the claiming territory, so once I get to a point where I can no

longer cross the branches, I climb back down to the ground and follow the direction she was taking.

I catch Elijah’s scent, both with and without blood. I’m worried about my Beta, but I’m also worried about

Jara. She was going in this direction, did he have to protect her? Is she okay?

I find my way to a cliff face and follow Elijah’s b*oody handprints to the top. When I get there, I see him,

Typhon’s Beta. He has a gaping hole in his chest where his heart used to be.

I look at the signs of the battle that went on up here. There is dried blood everywhere. I shift and sniff the

ground. None of it is Jara’s blood, thankfully.

However, I can smell her on the Beta and I realize, she’s the one that ripped his heart out. I shift back

and turn him over. The punch came from behind. I look back at the ground, then at the trees, and I know

Jara saved Elijah from being killed by Typhon’s Beta.

The unwanted thoughts begin pushing into my head. Did he claim what was mine? Does he want her?

Worse, does she want him. She’s MINE!

I shake my head, clearing my thoughts. That’s the haze, that’s not me. I know Elijah wants Layan. I need

to get down from here before her scent and his mixed together sends me into the haze. I have no

intention of killing my own Beta. I’m not Typhon.

When I climb back down to the ground, I take in a deep breath of air. Jara’s scent is there, always, but it’s

much less potent down here where she hasn’t walked in several days.

Instead of going after her, I decide to check on Elijah. I follow his scent to the lake. This time, I’m on the

opposite side of where the

waterfall and cave are.

I can see his footprints where he went into the water and I can see where he came back out. I have to

assume that he’s okay and since I haven’t felt his tether break, I know he’s still alive.

From my spot on this side of the lake, I see two wolves come running out of the forest. Behind them,

several other wolves are chasing them. Based on the snapping and snarling that I can hear from where

I’m standing, I’d say they are all in the haze.

As I watch, the three attack and kill the two they were chasing, before turning on each other. In the end,

only one is left and he goes limping off.

It’s late in the afternoon before I start making my way around the lake. I’m going to see if I can catch Jara

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in the tree where I left the meat. On my way back, I catch her scent. It’s a trail that she left before, but her

scent smells a bit stronger now.

I shift to my wolf, needing her scent. It’s so much stronger in this form, and it’s everywhere. I snarl and

growl, knowing there are others out there that are after what is mine. She’s my mate. MINE!

When I realize this scent is more faint than the one that I smelled earlier, I begin jogging to the front of

the claiming territory. As I turn a corner, I see another wolf. A wolf who is after what is mine.

I snarl, lowering my head, ready to kill. The wolf turns to me, baring his teeth at me.

You will not take what is mine!

I snarl again, leaping at the wolf in front of me. I begin ripping into him, fur and flesh tearing away from

his body. When I’m done and his body is lying dead at my feet, I howl my dominance over this pitiful

contender for my mate. He is nothing. I am Alpha here. She

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is mine.

I continue to the tree where I know my mate slept last night. I lift my nose into the air, and I can smell that

she was here. The meat is gone, and her scent is stronger. She’s not here now, but she was here


I sniff the air until I catch her scent. Raising my muzzle to the moon, I lift my voice in the howl of the hunt.

It’s time to catch my
