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The Claiming by Cooper

Chapter 62
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Chapter 62 Jara


After Mason spotted me, I s*ipped through the trees before finding one that I could climb down. I found

one of my scent trails and followed if for a while before climbing up another tree. The sounds of the hunt

sounded all day, as did the sounds of death.

When I heard the first ones, I begin trying to find my way to where they were. If there were any that were

still alive, maybe I could help them. I had to climb down from the trees to get to the spot where I heard

the howls of pain. Then I had to climb up a rocky mountain face to get to the top. I smell it before I see

them. Blood. Lots of blood.

When I get to the top, I can see that it’s two omegas. One of them has been in my social gatherings the

entire time and one I just met a couple days ago because he had been in Hana’s social gathering. I had

liked them both.

I sniff the air, trying to make sure I’m alone, before going over to them and checking to see if they really

are dead. I know in my heart they are. No one could survive the massacre these two suffered, but I have

to know for sure.

When I’ve convinced myself that there is nothing that can be done for them, I stand, looking around. One

of my scent trails had led to the bottom of this cliff face, but not to the top. I turn, looking out and realize

that from here, you can see far into the territory. The view is blocked by trees, but where they open up,

you can see what’s going on below you.

I crouch, taking this opportunity to see if I recognize anyone, or to see if anyone has caught my trail here.

I can’t stay long, my original scent trail will bring more here, but it’s a good place to take a

moment to see where everyone is.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“I thought hearing the death of others might bring you to me.” I whip around, standing quickly to see a

man walking out from behind some trees, covered in blood. I sniff the air and realize that he’s the one

that killed these two omegas.

“You killed them? To get me to come to you?” I ask, horrified. I know that killing happens in the claiming.

Mason and I have talked about it extensively, but not to specifically call to me.

“When you threatened us before you came in, I realized that was the best way to get to you. Kill some

omegas, make sure they cry out in pain and then you’d come running. And you did. Now, be a good little

girl and let me mark you.”

“If you think that you get to claim me just because we are standing in the same space, you are sorely

mistaken. And if you think that killing innocent omegas to get to me was going to endear you to me, then

you haven’t been paying attention.”

“I don’t need you to be endeared to me. I just need you to spread your legs and birth my babies. We can

make this easy or hard. I prefer it rough, but if you walk over to me now, then I promise I’ll make it easy

and gentle.”

What a f*cking pr*ck. I can tell by his smell that he’s only a G*mma. A very arrogant, egotistical G*mma.

He’s about to see what it means to take on an Alpha female.

I begin walking slowly toward him. “Wow, I didn’t think I’d be captured so quickly.” I say, trying to act as

demure as possible. My wolf is snarling around in my head, ready to kill this guy.

“That’s because you’re a woman. Alpha or no, it’s best to leave the running and fighting to the men. Like

I said, your job is to make babies, Lots of them.” He says, giving me a malicious smile that

makes my stomach churn. Is this what it was like for Mila?

I stop, assessing the best way to kill this guy. He takes my hesitation as fear.

He crooks his finger at me. “Come to poppa.”

I smile, taking one more step before extending my claws and slamming them into his gut and chest. His

eyes go wide in surprise, and he looks down at me, his mouth opening and closing but no words come


“Let me explain to you what it means to claim an Alpha female. We’re not omegas, easily killed. We’re

strong, smart and fast. All three things that you seem to be lacking.” I pull my claws out of his stomach

and slash them across his throat. I make sure not to slash too deep. Just deep enough that he will bleed

out, dying slowly.

“I would have given you a quick death, but you don’t deserve it after what you did to those omegas.” I

watch as he falls to the ground, holding his throat, trying to staunch the bleeding. Even if he gets his

neck wounds to close, the other wounds will kill him.

I turn, looking back out over the territory. I can see some men and some wolves moving in this direction.

Time for me to go. I need to be more careful in the future. This G*mma was lying in wait for me, and it

was only his arrogance gave me the chance I needed to escape. If he hadn’t expected me to do what he

said, if he had tackled me to the ground, I might have been marked by a man I would despise.

I look around and find another way down the cliff face. I check several times to make sure no one is

around. When I finally get to the bottom, I sniff the air. There are scents of men and wolves all around

me, but none in close proximity. I can only hope that the

scent of the G*mma covers my scent. At least until I can get to the lake and wash it off.

I find one of the hiding spots as the sun starts to set. I was hoping that everyone would sleep through the

night, but it doesn’t work that way. I can tell that many of them will continue to hunt me as long as they


Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

When it’s dark enough to use the shadows to cover me, I move toward the waterfall, where the sounds of

my footsteps will be hidden by the sound of the water. I sniff the air and can smell that there are some

wolves up in the cave. I move into the lake just in front of the waterfall so they can’t see or hear me.

I begin washing myself off when I hear the sound of someone running this way. I duck under the water,

pushing my back against the back of the waterfall. There is just enough space for me to breath shallowly.

I stand as still as possible until I hear the battle going on above me. The one that just came up is

attacking those that were in the cave.

I hear first one splash, then another before I hear someone climbing back down the waterfall. I wait as

long as I can before poking my head out from under the water. I quickly look around, making sure no one

is here. When I’m sure they are gone, I step out, only to bump into something.

I slap my hand over my mouth before I can scream. When I look down, I see a dead body floating in the

water. As I watch, horrified, another one comes and bumps into my hip. These look more like warriors,

not omegas.

I grab them by their clothing and drag their bodies to the edge of the lake. I check them, already knowing

they are dead before looking for the nearest tree. I need a place to hide quickly. I’m soaking wet and it’s

cool enough outside that it’s going to be a

miserable night for me.

I find a tree that I can climb and squeeze as much water as I can from my clothes. After climbing the first

tree, I jump to several other trees, finding a limb large enough that I can lean against and sleep with little

chance of falling off. If I do, there are other limbs below that will catch me. I might get scratched or

bruised, but I won’t break anything.

That night, I sleep little and the sounds of the hunt and of killing continue all around me. As I drift asleep,

I wonder where Mason is, and I hope that he’s alright.