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The Claiming by Cooper

Chapter 44
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Mason’s mouth is like magic. My body has never felt so amazing, so relaxed. And it’s time to return the


I take a moment to touch and kiss my way down his body. His magnificent body. He’s definitely a true

Alpha. Our genetics make us stand out, even among shifters. Mason is lean and strong, with broad,

muscular shoulders that slide into a deep V, coming to his narrow hips. His thighs and calves look carved

from stone, and even his feet look toned.

I look back up at his massive manhood in front of me. I’m not unused to seeing naked males around the

pack. Most shifters grow up with nudity since it’s impossible for a wolf to shift to their human form without

being naked. But Mason, well, he’s big even by Alpha standards.

I have no idea what I’m doing, but I’m an Alpha, and I’ll figure it out. I see a little precum leaking out of

the tip of his c*ck, and I lean forward, licking it off. His body jerks with the touch of my tongue and when I

look up, I see his eyes have gone black.

I take my hand, wrapping it around his girth as best I can, before bringing my lips to the tip, licking and

sucking on it.

“F*ck Jara, that feels so good.” He says and his hand goes into my hair.

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I like seeing his response and I want to know if I’m doing it right, so I watch him as I slide his length into

my mouth, licking the underside of his c*ck, feeling it flick against my tongue. I hum happily at the look on

his face and his body tenses, the hand in my hair gripping tightly.

He looks down at me, watching as I slide him in and out, sucking and licking on him. I slide my mouth off

of him with a soft pop and look up.

“What do you want, Mason?” I ask, continuing to stroke him with my hand.

“Take me deeper into your mouth, into your throat if you can.” His voice is raw, needy, as if he’s barely

holding on to his control.

I smile before stretching my mouth as wide as I can and taking him in until he hits the back of my throat.

His moan of pleasure encourages me, and I push forward, feeling his tip stretching my throat. I slide it

back out, taking a deep breath before pushing forward, taking him even deeper. His growl of pleasure

makes me hum with my own.

I begin sliding him in and out, pressing my lips tightly against him, taking him deeper each time until my

nose touches his body. Each time I take him deep, my throat contracts around him, swallowing him


“F*ck Jara, I’m going to come in your mouth unless you pull off.”

I don’t pull off. I continue to hum, sliding him back down my throat. It’s only a couple more strokes before

his hand grabs the back of my head and holds me against him as I feel his c*ck contracting against my

tongue, his warm c*m shooting down my throat. his body jerking against me. He tastes like fresh air and

rain. Light, clean and delicious.

I hold steady, swallowing down everything he is giving me until I finally need to breathe. His body slumps

against the tree as I lick him clean before standing up in front of him.

He looks at me a moment before grabbing my face and kissing me deeply, our tastes mingling together

in our mouths. I wrap my arms around his neck, leaning against him. I’m not sure how long we kiss, but

eventually, we pull away.

“Come on, you need to get dressed so I can get you back.” He


We help each other get dressed, and Mason makes a show of putting my panties into his pocket. “I’ll be

keeping those for later.” He says, smirking at me.

“Don’t you share a room with Elijah?” I ask him.

“Elijah is entering Hana’s claim in a week or less. So, it’ll just be me.”

I shake my head at him, but don’t argue. In truth, I have no intention of giving his shirt back. I slept great

last night, smelling his scent all around me.

He walks me back to my housing. We take our time, holding each other and just enjoying the sounds of

the evening. When we arrive, he cups my face in his hands, looking at me intently.

“You will be mine, Jara. I swear to you, no matter what I have to do, I will be the one to claim you.”

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I can’t help my smug smile. “You’ll have to catch me, Mason. And I won’t be easy to catch.”

He pulls me against him, and I can smell our mingled scents on his lips. “I would expect nothing less

from a woman as amazing as you. But know this Jara, I will be walking out of that claiming with you in

my arms and my mark on your neck. You will be mine.” He growls the last part and the sound of it is so

possessive it has my body clenching again.

I lean against him, kissing him deeply until we hear a throat clearing near us. “Alphas, there’s not really

any place for me to go this time and you’re kind of out in the open. Maybe it’s time to say goodnight.”

I turn and see my guard, Luke, looking anywhere but at us. I suddenly realize I’d forgotten all about him

earlier and he must have had to find a place to wait while Mason and I had our moment together.

I can feel my face flaming with embarrassment. “Of course, Luke. You’re right.” I say before pulling out of

Mason’s arms.

Mason, on the other hand, looks like the cat who ate the canary. Smug.

“Goodnight, Mason.” I say and begin to walk away. He takes my hand, pulling me back to him for one

more fervent kiss, leaving me breathless, before finally letting me go.

“Sweet dreams, Jara.”

That night, sleeping in Mason’s shirt, his scent all around me, I have the sweetest dreams of what my life

with Mason could be like.

If he claims me.