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The Claiming by Cooper

Chapter 306
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The Claiming by Cooper Book 4

The Beta Trials by Cooper (Jace & Jordan)

Chapter 33 (Jace)

On the way to the bed, she begins stripping off her shirt and bra, tossing them on the floor before pulling my shirt

over my head. She strokes her hands down my chest, making me moan as she leans in and begins k*issing me.

“You smell so f*ucking good,” she says in a growl, nipping at me.

I grit my teeth as my d*ick becomes so h*ard, I feel like it might explode. I lay her on the bed and before I can

move to take off her jeans, she’s practically ripping them off her body.

I quickly get mine off too, in case she decides to rip them to shreds in her haste. I crawl into bed, leaning over her

and taking her mouth as I begin to stroke my hand down her body. I stop at her b*reasts, her n*ipples already

puckered into h*ard nubs. I growl my pleasure at that, as she continues to push her h*ips against me.

I k*iss my way down her t*hroat, surprised and incredibly pleased when she lifts her chin, exposing her t*hroat to

me. I nip it gently, before making my way to her b*reasts. I sit up, taking a moment to look at how gorgeous Jordan

looks laid out in front of me, how delicious the smell of her arousal is as it perm*eates the air in the room. Her

whimper of need has me smiling as I lean down and take her n*ipple into my mouth, l*icking and s*ucking on it, her

body arching up, pressing her b*reast into my mouth.

My hand slides down her body, past her belly b*utton and to the apex of her t*highs where I can feel the heat

radiating off of her.

I slide my finger between her p*ussy l*ips and my own moan overtakes hers as I feel how soaking w*et she is for


I slide my finger over her clit and down to her entrance, feeling the w*etness of her arousal on her t*highs. I

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desperately want to l*ick every last drop off of her, but we’re in a cave. A cave with no door. When Jordan begins

moaning again, I move back up her body, taking her mouth and her moans into mine. These beautiful sounds are

for me alone.

She turns on her side, lifting one l*eg up onto my h*ip and giving me more access to her. I begin stroking her clit,

moving in the rhythm of her h*ips, letting her set the pace as I learn what she likes and how she likes to be


I’m overwhelmed with her t*aste, her smell and the sweet sounds that she’s making, so I jolt when I feel her hand

wrap around my h*ard length.

I open my eyes, pulling away from her mouth. Her eyes are open, watching me as she begins stroking her hand up

and down my length.

I half growl, half moan as the feel of her hand on me is like nothing I’ve ever felt before. I continue k*issing her,

stroking her as she strokes me. I move my right arm under her head, bringing my hand around as I try to pull her

even closer to me.

I know I’m not going to last much longer and based on her movements, she won’t either. Just before I find my

release, I feel her left hand find my right and we cling to each other as we both find our release together, both of

our bodies jerking, warm jets of my c*um shooting between us as my fingers get soaked with her w*etness.

We k*iss and stroke until we’re both breathing normally again. When I finally pull back and look at her, she looks

very proud of herself.

She looks down between us and then back at me. “You made quite a mess, Jace.”

I bring my hand up where she can see it. “So did you, the difference is, I’m cleaning this mess up,” I say, and I

watch her eyes go dark as I slowly l*ick my fingers one by one.

Not to be outdone, my beautiful mate pushes me onto my back and looks down at my stomach before looking back

up at me.

“I know how to clean up a mess too, Jace,” she says, before leaning in and l*icking every last drop off of me.

And holy f*ucking goddess, when her mouth l*icks the tip of my c*ock, I nearly shoot off again.

“Jordan,” I growl at her.

“You t*aste so good, Jace,” she says, stroking my c*ock that is once again rock h*ard.

“Jordan, are you sure?” I ask her. She responds by sliding me into her mouth. My own moan of pleasure

reverberates through the cave.

“You have to be quiet, Jace,” Jordan says, stroking me and giving me the most mischievous look I’ve ever seen on

her face.

“Is that so?” I ask her.

“Mmhmm,” she says before sliding me back into her mouth.

I drop my head back on the bed, overwhelmed by the feel of her warm, w*et mouth on me, her t*ongue l*icking

the underside of my c*ock, making it twitch in her mouth.

Her moan of pleasure at my response only makes me twitch again. I slide my hand down to her t*high, sliding my

fingers back to her soaking entrance. Why should she be the only one that gets a t*aste?

I quickly lift up, Jordan lifting off of me.

“What are you…”

I grab her h*ips and lift her over top of me, so she’s straddling me backwards. “You’re not the only one that wants a

t*aste, Jordan. But this way, we can t*aste together and still make sure to mute the other’s moans,” I tell her.

I pull her back until she’s straddling my face and I begin to l*ick every delicious drop of her arousal off of her. From

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this position, I can see her head fall back and her h*ips begin to move over my face.

“Oh, Jace,” she says, making me moan. Then her head snaps up and she looks down at me before leaning over and

taking me into her mouth again.

I take my time, l*icking her clean then l*icking her clit until she’s dripping her sweet peppermint t*aste over my face


I can hear and feel her moaning around me, causing me to moan against her. It’ s a heady combination of enjoying

her t*aste while feeling her bringing me to the brink of my own orgasm.

When I’ve got her on the edge again, I feel her t*highs tightening around me face.

I pull my mouth off her clit with a soft pop, and she moans that the loss of my mouth.

“Jordan, you need to stop, I’m going to come and if you don’t stop, I’ll come in your mouth,” I tell her, before

latching onto her clit again.

She pulls off of me and I fight my own moan at the loss of her mouth.

“Would you like that, Jace? To come in my mouth?”

My needy moan must be enough of an answer for her because a moment later, I’m deep inside her mouth again.

This time, she begins taking me into her t*hroat. The feel of her is so good that I growl against her clit, and I feel

her body jerk with the start of her orgasm. I grab her h*ips, holding her against my mouth as I force her to ride out

the pleasure I’m giving her.

Just as I’m on the verge of exploding, Jordan slides me deep into her t*hroat and her moan of pleasure sends me

shooting off in the h*ardest orgasm I’ve ever experienced in my life.

I squeeze her a*ss cheeks, holding her to me as my body jerks with the force of my orgasm. When she finally slides

off of me, l*icking me clean, as I’m doing to her, she moves off of me and turns to lay against me.

“We should do that again, really soon,” she says.

I wrap my arms around her, holding her against me. She lifts her hand, sliding her thumb through the w*etness on

my chin. She puts her thumb into my mouth, watching me as I l*ick off her peppermint flavored juices.

“Delicious,” I tell her.

She smiles and lays on my chest. “Yes, you are.”