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The Claiming by Cooper

Chapter 281
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The Claiming by Cooper Book 4

The Beta Trials by Cooper (Jace & Jordan)

Chapter 08 (Jordan)

Jace and I got all of the council members settled and I was just about to head inside when I get one of those twin

sensations, a feeling that my twin is close. It’s not something either of us has ever discussed, but we just know that

the other feels it when we’re close. I used to think it was because we were family and part of the same pack, but I’

m feeling it now and Jaxon is no longer part of my pack.

A moment later, I get a mind link from my border patrol telling me that Jaxon and Evangeline are here.

“Do you want me to get Nolan, Jordan?” Jace asks, coming back outside after getting the last of the council

members to their rooms.

“Not yet, Jaxon’s here,” I say, just as his car turns the corner and heads our way.

“Were you expecting him?” he asks.

“Not until the Alpha meeting, but if he’s worried about his mate and pup, he would have come earlier, knowing he

always has a room here.”

My entire family will be staying on the Alpha floor with me, in their old rooms. I had to move Nolan but now that

Carter’s room is vacant, that wasn’t a big deal. Carter seemed surprised that he had to move off the Beta floor this


“You’re no longer a Beta heir in this pack. Jace and I have assigned you a room with the other warriors,” I had told

him. It was actually Elijah that had stood by and watched him collect his things, making sure he moved out of his old

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room. Carter doesn’t seem to truly understand the ramifications of his decision.

Layan had come to me this morning, asking me to give him another chance. “Beta Layan, he’s made his choice.

He’s not a child and I can’t have someone undermining me and my authority because they don’t respect my

position simply because I’m a female. I wish him luck, but it won’t be as my Beta,” I told her remaining firm.

Too many people have underestimated me. I can’t afford to have those feelings within my ranked members. That’s

how Alphas get overthrown, or have their packs turned against them, and I won’t allow it. Truthfully, Carter is lucky

that I didn’t fight him and banish him from my pack. It was only because of my respect for his parents and Elijah’ s

position as my Beta that I didn’t

When Jaxon and Evangeline arrive, I watch Jaxon race around the car to help Evangeline get out. I walk down the

stairs to greet them, so incredibly happy to have my twin home for a while.

“Hello sister,” Evangeline says to me.

I walk to her, hugging her tight, but being careful not to crush her belly. Even with the gentle contact, I feel a kick. I

pull back and look down.

“Well, that was rude, JJ. I’m your Aunt Jordan,” I say, kneeling down in front of Evangeline’s stomach. “And let’s be

honest, when you want to run away from home, you’re going to need a safe place to come, and that’s here with

me, so you’d better stop kicking me,” I say to my nephew. I put my hand against Evangeline’s stomach and feel the

push of a foot or hand, I’m not sure which.

“He only ever acts like that with Jaxon. I’m guessing since you’re twins that he must sense you the same way he

senses Jaxon,” Evangeline says as I stand.

I turn to give Jaxon a hug. “I’m glad you’re here.”

“Thanks for calling me. Your message made me nervous, and I don’t want Eve out in the middle of nowhere if there

are rogue wolves prowling around. We made sure to let Tobias and Flavia know as well. I know they’ll be here for

the Alpha meeting in a couple of days, and I know you weren’t expecting us, but…”

“You never have to ask. You are always welcome here. Your old room is ready for you, and I’ve already let Dr.

Teresa know that you were coming. I’d suggest stopping by today or first thing tomorrow so she can determine how

close you are to giving birth.”

I look down at Evangeline’s stomach. “Based on your size, you look ready to pop.”

“Yeah, Jax Jr. is a healthy eater and he’ s growing like a little weed,” Evangeline says, rubbing her stomach.

“Our son will be big and strong, like his father,” Jaxon says, making me snort. “Do you need any help with your

bags? I have to go get ready for the council’s interview with Nolan,” I say.

Jaxon juts his chin out. “Jace can help and where’s Carter?” he asks, and I give Jace a look.

“I’ll get your bags,” he says, passing by us to go to the trunk.

“Jordan? Where’s Carter?” Jaxon asks again, his eyes narrowing.

I compose myself, still angry at Carter for his decision. I plaster a smile on my face and look at Jaxon and

Evangeline. “Good news! Carter has entered the Beta Trials and is up for grabs. So, if you were interested in making

him your Beta…”

“I’m not. Why would I want anyone who would turn their back on their pack and their Alpha?” Jaxon says angrily,

pulling me into a hug.

“I agree,” Evangeline says. “And if his reasons were solely based on your gender, which I suspect they were since

everyone knows what an incredible Alpha you are, then I have no use for him in our pack. He’ll be hard-pressed to

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find any of the current generation willing to take him on after giving up his position and his pack here. What Beta

does that?”

“No Beta worth his title,” Jace says, passing us loaded down with bags.

I watch him a moment. “Jace, when you’re done, do you mind getting Nolan and meeting me in the conference

room. I’ll collect the council members.”

“Sure thing, Alpha,” he says, walking inside to drop off their bags in their room.

When I turn back, I see Jaxon watching Jace before turning to me. “I’d like some time to chat with my twin while I’

m here,” he says to me.

“There’s a whole lot of that going around,” I tell him, walking the two of them inside.

Once I’m sure they have everything they need, I go around and collect the council members, letting them know we

will convene in 30 minutes in the conference room.

Jace arrives with Nolan shortly after I enter the conference room to make sure we have coffee, tea and water

available for the council members. In addition, I have little snacks coming in about an hour.

“Nolan, are you ready to be interviewed?” I ask, walking up to him. “As ready as I’ll ever be. Since I didn’t do

anything wrong, it’s not as intimidating as it would be if I had,” he says as we move to the conference table.

“Jordan, link me if you need anything,” Jace says.

I turn to him. “Actually, would you mind staying, Jace? If this pack is at risk, I’ll need you to understand the

complexities of what we’re up against. I need to know that you have my back.” Jace steps into the room and I see

Nolan watching our exchange from the corner of my eye.

“I’ll always have your back, Jordan.