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The Claiming by Cooper

Chapter 278
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The Claiming by Cooper Book 4

The Beta Trials by Cooper (Jace & Jordan)

Chapter 05 (Jace)

I hate leaving Jordan, not only because I know that Nolan is now staying in our packhouse, but also because I know

she’s still unsure of my feelings for Taylor. I could tell she didn’t want to send me, but with Carter out of the picture,

at least for now, it was either her or me, and she needs to be here since she just got back.

I race to Taylor’s new pack lands, feeling the change when I cross our borders and begin running in unchartered


I run until I smell her and then I howl, letting her know that I’m coming to see her. She may not know that she’s at

risk, but it’s better to announce myself.

When I find her, she’s on the roof of a house, hammering and fixing a hole, I guess. She stands, wiping her hands

and smiling before leaping off the roof and landing neatly on her feet.

As I get close to her, I shift, coming to a stop in front of her.

“Jace, what an unexpected surprise,” she says, her eyes taking in my naked body. It’s unexpected and now that I’ve

told Jordan that I want her, it’s unwanted. Unfortunately, the head below my waist doesn’t agree with the one

above it and he begins to respond to her admiring look.

“Do you have a pair of shorts, Taylor?” I ask.

“Not that will fit you. Besides, you don’t need to put clothes on for my benefit,” she says, taking a step toward me.

“Taylor, I have something important to talk with you about.”

She stops, looking at me. “I hope it’s to tell me that you’ve reconsidered my offer.”

Her offer of taking each other as chosen mates.

“I’ve told you I’m trying to make things work with Jordan, Tay. And what I have to talk about is more important than

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

mate bonds, chosen or otherwise.”

She raises an eyebrow at that before turning. “Come on, then. I don’t have a lot yet, but I have tea and coffee, and

I have a towel if you’re sure you want to cover up,” she says, smirking at me over her shoulder.

“I’m sure,” I tell her.

Once we get settled, I fill her in on the rogue situation and on her risk of being out here alone, not knowing which

Alpha female the rogues were talking about.

“You need to take extra precautions, Taylor. You can’t be out here on your own,” I tell her.

“What do you propose I do, Jace? My sisters have both found their mates, Griffin is running our family’s pack and

Caleb is doing exactly what I’m doing, building his own. I haven’t found my mate, we haven’t had the Beta Trials

yet, so who do you suggest I have come out here to help me, to keep me safe? It’s just me, Jace. There isn’t

anyone else, unless you decide to give up on Jordan and accept me.”

“I can’t do that, Taylor. I’ll help you in any way I can, but we don’t know if she’ s the target any more than we know

if you’re the target. What about your parents? Alpha Seth…”

“They’re splitting up their time, Jace. They have five children. Three are starting their own packs, Griffin is a new

Alpha and one of my sisters is a new Luna to an existing pack. It’s a lot of change all at once for them. I can’t ask

them to come babysit me because I’m afraid of an encroaching Alpha. Besides, what sort of Alpha would I be if I

walked away from my pack lands because of a threat of another Alpha? I wouldn’t be worth the title I just earned,

and you know it.”

I do know it.

“At least, stay with your brother or come stay with Jordan until the council

convenes. This is more than just an Alpha threatening you, Taylor. If they get to you and you’re out here alone and

this rogue forcibly marks you….I wouldn’t want that to happen to you, Taylor. We may not be together anymore, but

I will always care about you.”

She snorts derisively. “As a sister? As a friend?”


I’m saved from having to answer her by another howl. I’m up and ready to fight, but Taylor grabs my arm. “It’s


I nod. “Jordan was calling him. Don’t be surprised if your father shows up. Luna Jara was calling him as well as the


She sighs. “Dammit, there’s no way they will let me stay out here alone.”

“You shouldn’t anyway, Taylor. Don’t risk it. At least not until we talk to the council and find out what they want to

do. Maybe they will establish guards, or patrols, or who knows what,” I say, as Griffin and another wolf I identify as

Beta Elijah rush up to where we have stepped outside the small house that Taylor has made into her home.

Griffin shifts and quickly comes over to Taylor, grabbing her arms and looking her over as if expecting to find a

forced mate mark on her already.

I nod at Elijah as he shifts.

“Jace, I’m surprised my son isn’t here,” he says.

“Yeah, we can talk about that later,” I tell him and Elijah’s focus narrows on me a moment before he nods. “Taylor,

I’m sending over patrols. I know you won’t want to come back to my pack, although I wish you would, so I’m

sending patrols over here.”

“I think Jordan was planning to do the same,” I tell him.

“We talked and have it worked out. We’ II alternate so you’re never alone, Taylor,” Griffin says seriously.

I watch as Taylor gets ready to make some sarcastic comment about not needing help when we hear another howl

coming from the opposite direction.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Taylor’s head falls forward and her hands go to her hips. Griffin pulls her into a hug. “You had to know Dad wouldn’t

allow you to be out here alone with the threat of some rogue Alpha male threatening to mark you.”

“I know,” she says, just as Alpha Seth’s wolf comes racing up to us. He shifts faster than I would have expected and

then he pulls Taylor into his arms. “Are you okay? Have you smelled anything off?” Without giving her a chance to

answer, he looks at Griffin. “Are you sending patrols over to guard your sister?”

“DAD!” Taylor says, and everyone stops at the Alpha command in her voice. I look down and smile. Taylor truly was

always meant to be an Alpha.

“I am Alpha here. It may not look like much, but you will not disrespect me by talking to Griffin as if I am the sister

that needs to be protected, not as the Alpha of this pack land.”

Alpha Seth looks at his daughter for a long moment. “You’re right, of course. My apologies, Alpha. But you are still

my daughter, I love you, and I will not allow anyone to forcibly mark you or hurt you,” he says to her.

I watch as Taylor softens. She has always been a daddy’s girl. “Thanks Dad.”

“Now, what’s the plan?”

Taylor turns to head back inside her little hut of a house.

“I’m going to head back to my pack. Alpha Mason and Luna Jara will be coming back soon and I’m guessing that the

Council will be making plans to come to one of our packs to meet with all the Alphas,” I say.

“I’ll come with you,” Elijah says. “We’ll see you soon. Thank you, Jace, for coming to warn my daughter,” Alpha Seth


“Of course,” I say, nodding at Taylor before turning away.

“Tell me why it’s you and not my son who is here,” Beta Elijah says quietly when we’re far enough away from the


I look at him, not sure if I should say anything, but he’s the Beta of our pack and his son’s decision impacts the

entire pack.

“Carter is considering joining The Beta Trials,” I say.

“Son of a bitch,” he says before shifting and racing toward our pack lands.