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The Claiming by Cooper

Chapter 270
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The Contest by Cooper (Jaxon & Evangeline)

Chapter 70 (Jaxon)

We wake on the morning of the final competition. This time, we won’t know how we’re doing until the

announcement of the winners. Since it’ s a timed typed test, and we’ll be judged based on multiple criteria in

multiple scenarios, it’s anybody’s guess how we’ll be ranked.

I did find out that our rankings in the previous competitions will be factored into our final ranking to choose the

pack lands. However, as I look around the room at breakfast, I realize that of the 19 of us that are left to compete,

thirteen are Alphas. We found out last night that Jace had resigned from the competition and rather than bring

someone new back in, they are letting the final group of contestants remain at 19.

I called Jace to find out what was going on, and he just said he needed to prove to himself that he could be an Alpha

and now he’s done that. He never wanted a pack, and he has no intention of leaving Jordan. I wished him luck. He’s

going to need it.

Now, as we walk into the room that will be the space for our final competition, I realize they have given us assigned

seats far away from each other. I pull Evangeline in for a hug and wish her luck before going to find my name.

When I sit, there’s a computer and beside that, there is water, a couple of snacks, paper and pen. As everyone gets

settled, Councilman Jason enters the room along with the other four council members. While Councilman Jason

remains at the front of the room, the other four spread out around the room, finding seats where they can monitor

several of us at once.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“Good morning, everyone. Welcome to the final contest to be named Alpha of your own pack. Today’s test will be a

test of your logical reasoning. You will be given five scenarios. You will have to explain what you would do in each

scenario and why. Your answers, your thoughtfulness in your responses and your reasoning behind your decisions

will be the components that myself and the other four council members will rank you in today’s competition.”

He looks around the room, but we are all quiet. “The computer in front of you should have a blank field with a

blinking cursor. Please enter your name now.”

He waits while we all do that and it takes us to a home screen where there are five buttons: Scenario 1, Scenario 2

and so on. No indication of what each scenario is.

“Is everyone at the home page with the five links to the different scenarios?” Everyone nods or says yes.

“Good. As you navigate through this competition, you will enter a scenario. Do not do it now, but when you do, the

scenario will come up and you will be able to begin typing in your response. When you are done, there will be a

button that says ‘Return to Main Menu’. It will bring you back to this screen and you can navigate to the next

scenario. If you navigate back to this screen, you will still be able to go back and edit your response. So, for

instance, if Scenario 2 has you stumped, rather than spending a lot of time on that scenario, you can come back

here, finish out the other scenarios and then return to Scenario 2.”

He checks to make sure we’re all paying attention. “There are two ways for your part of this competition to end.

First, once you have completed all five scenarios, if you are satisfied with your responses, you may click the

‘Submit’ button on the home page. When you do that, it will ask if you are sure you are ready to exit the

competition. If you say yes, your responses will be submitted, and you will no longer be able to edit them.”

“The second way that the competition will end is at exactly 1 pm, the computers will shut down. You will no longer

be able to edit, and your answers will automatically be submitted to the council as they are written. Any questions

so far?”

He pauses, but no one asks anything. “Okay, the rules. You are not allowed to leave this room for any reason. If you

do, you are disqualified. There are two bathrooms at the end of the room, you may use those if needed. No time

will be added to your competition if you must step away from your computer for any reason. Second rule, no mind

linking. I know several of you have mates here, some of you in this room are mates. You are not allowed to mind

link anyone, it’s why none of your Alphas are here. We needed to make sure there was no cheating in this final part

of the competition. If any council member suspects that you are mind linking someone, you will immediately be

disqualified. And finally, you may not ask anyone for assistance. You must answer these questions on your own.”

He looks around the room. “Any final questions?”

When there aren’t any questions, he looks up at the clock. “You have five minutes. I suggest you stand, stretch, and

get your minds ready for the contest.”

We all stand. I move around, needing to get rid of my nervous energy. Others, like Eve, begin stretching, t*ouching

their toes and doing side bends. After four minutes, we all take our seats again. I crack open a bottle of water,

making it ready for when I need it and then I focus on the computer, my f*ingers over the keyboard.

“Five, four, three, two, one__ begin!”

I click on Scenario 1. ‘Your pack is attacked by another pack, one that you thought you were in an alliance with but

has now betrayed you. You defeat the other Alpha and his pack, but there are many casualties on both sides. The

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Alpha of the other pack survives the battle but is severely wounded. What punishment do you give to the Alpha and

his pack? Why?’

Well, they certainly aren’t going to make this easy, and the first one is already a tough one. Before I begin typing I

consider a real-life scenario. Of the Alphas in this room, what if one of them attacked me and my pack? I choose

Tobias as he’s my biggest competition. If he were to attack my pack, kill my pack members, how would I feel?

Angry, betrayed.

But those aren’t emotions that should guide your decisions as an Alpha. And more than anything, I’d want to know

why. And the question not only asks about the Alpha, but also his pack members. A pack is ruled by their Alpha, so

should they be held accountable for the decisions of their Alpha, even though they are responsible for the death of

my pack members?

I put my f*ingers on the keyboard, and I begin to type out my plan. What I would do, why I would make the

decisions I am making. When I’m done, I click ‘Return to Main Menu’ and look up at the clock. It’s 9:15am. I’m

already behind.

I quickly click on Scenario 2, taking a quick swig of water before reading the next scenario. ‘How would you, as an

Alpha, h*andle a situation where feral fever returned to the packs? How would you h*andle the fear of your pack

members? How would you h*andle it if your Beta, your best friend, or family member contracted the virus? What

would you do as their Alpha and why?’ I sigh as I begin thinking through the next difficult scenario before beginning

to write up my responses.