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The Claiming by Cooper

Chapter 27
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We all watched the way Jara managed Beta Asher and Elder Carson. The energy among the group was

racing at levels higher than it should be. Again. We’ve already had too many outbursts from omegas and

even some ranked members that can’t handle this level of intensity. I was glad Jara pushed to have Beta

Asher and Mignon stay at the female’s housing. It’s the safest option.

I’m really beginning to question Elder Carson’s ability to lead this process. While he says that his primary

goal is the safety of the females in this year’s claiming, he has done nothing that I can tell to keep them

safe. Instead, he chose to assume that the Alpha in Layan’s claim is fine. And now, he wants a newly

mated male to bring his unconscious mate into a house with over 200 other wolves all looking for their

mate? The man isn’t making good choices in my opinion.

When it is announced that the females will be spending a quiet evening in their own house, there is a lot

of grumbling amongst the males. The ones from Mignon’s claim were set to spend time with Jara tonight.

Their first chance to get to know her. The group that is set to claim Layan is also unhappy, as they were

going to spend their last night with her before she goes into the territory


Because I have been keeping an eye on the Alpha from Layan’s claim, I can see that the energy of the

day is affecting him. He’s holding it together, but just barely. For her sake, I hope he doesn’t catch Layan.

I have a couple warriors in my pack that were pulled for her claim. Any one of them would be a better

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mate than this Alpha who is too close to going feral.

“You know, just because you are spending extra time with her, it doesn’t mean that she’ll let you catch

her.” Alpha Typhon comes up to stand beside me.

“I would never expect an Alpha female to let anyone catch her. She’s an Alpha and I think she’s shown

just how Alpha-like she is in the short time we’ve been here. If I were you, Typhon, I’d be more worried

about myself, not about others. There isn’t a chance in hell that she’ll let you catch her.”

“She won’t have a choice. I’ve done it once, I can do it again.”

“And that is your first mistake.” Seth says, coming up to stand with us. “You assume that Jara is just like

Mila. She’s not. Losing a sister changes you, makes you harder. The only way you’ll ever get Jara is if

you cheat. And there are enough of my pack members in this claiming, that I know they won’t let you

cheat to catch her. You’ve made too many enemies, Typhon.”

“I guess we’ll see about that, won’t we.”

“Yes, we will.” I say, turning my back on Typhon and basically cutting him from our conversation. I hear

him snort before he walks off.

“I don’t care who claims my sister, as long as it’s not that piece of s*it.” Seth says, watching him walk


“Don’t worry. I intend to catch your sister, even if she doesn’t want to be caught.” His gaze turns to me,

and he smiles.

“She seems to be showing you quite a bit of attention lately.”

“Your sister is an amazing woman, and an amazing Alpha. Anyone would be lucky to claim her, but I

intend to be the one that walks out carrying her, my mark on her neck.”

“From everything I’ve heard of you and your pack, you’d be a good mate to my sister.”

“I intend to be. And what about you? It seems Beta Hana is spending as much time with you as Jara is

with me.”

Now it’s his turn to smile and his eyes drift off in the direction of their housing. “She’s pretty incredible.

My claim won’t be as difficult as yours, since there are only 75 in her pool, but I still plan to be the one

carrying her out with my mark on her neck at the end of her claim.”

I extend my hand. “Good luck to both of us then.”

He shakes my hand. “Yes, now we just have to get through these other two, then we can claim our mates

and go home.”

Without anything to do, the rest of us spend the evening wandering around. Eventually, I head to my

room and begin thinking of the best strategy to catch Jara. I fall asleep and dream of chasing her all over

the territory. It’s probably not far from how it will be when she’s in the territory.

The next morning, it’s the same as it was with Mignon. Beta Hana stays with Annabel while Jara walks

Layan to the edge of the territory. I’m slightly surprised that Asher and Mignon aren’t here to wish her

well. I’ll have to ask Jara about it.

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We all watch as Jara obviously has to calm Layan. I see Layan wipe her eyes before hugging Jara


“I f*cking hate this.” Elijah says, coming up beside me. “That sweet girl is terrified. At least if I was in her

claim, I could make sure that she was okay.”

“Let’s hope one of our pack members claims her. She would do fine in our pack. We would look after


Dividing into pages now

We watch as Layan finally pulls away from Jara, turns to the territory and straightens her shoulders. The

gun is fired, and she jogs into the territory. I watch Jara, who waits until she can’t see her any longer. The

rest of the crowd begins moving inside. So, it’s only me that sees Jara quickly swipe her eyes.

She turns, heading back inside. She’s not paying attention, so I step into her path causing her to stop.

She looks up at me and I can see the tears wanting to fall from her eyes. I don’t say a word, I just pull her

in for a hug, wrapping my arms around her.

Her hands fist in my shirt and I feel her body trembling with her internal battle. “I hate this.” She mumbles

against my chest.

“Me too. She’s too gentle for this type of claiming.”

She nods then wipes her face on my shirt before pulling back. “I have to get inside. The show must go


I take my thumbs and wipe the tears from her cheeks. “I’ll see you later.” I tell her, kissing her forehead

before letting her go.

I watch her walk toward the main house. Hana and Annabel catch up to her and they wrap their arms

around each other, walking inside as a wall of solidarity.