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The Claiming by Cooper

Chapter 243
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The Claiming by Cooper Book 4

The Contest by Cooper (Jaxon & Evangeline)

Chapter 43 (Evangeline)

When I arrive back at my pack, everyone seems happy to see me, as if they all missed me.

“Of course, they missed you,” Makayla says when I mention it. “You’re the heart of this pack.”

“Makie, that’s not true. Mom is the heart of this pack,” I tell her.

“Yes, she is, and you’ll hopefully forgive me for saying this Evie, but you’re just as much of the heart of the pack as

she is,” Alejandro says.

“Why do I need to forgive you for saying that?” I ask.

“Because it means you were meant to be a great Luna, or at least you would make a great Luna,” Lazio says.

I frown at them. “Alphas have a heart.”

Both of them look at me.

“No, Evie. The Alphas are meant to be the hard ones in the pack, the ones that make the hard decisions and the

ones that lay down the law and hold people accountable when someone doesn’t follow that law. The Luna is the

heart, the gentleness, the kindness that counters the Alpha’s dominance of their pack.” Al says.

“And you’re damn good at it, Evie. The pack adores you, as they should…if you were going to be a Luna.” Lazio


“So, you’re saying I need to be a bitch if I want to be Alpha?”

“No, Alpha Jordan is finding a middle ground, sort of. I’m just saying, the pack responds to you in a way that they

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respond to mom, not in the way that they respond to dad.” Al says.

I think about that as I head to my room, wondering what it means long-term for me.

I’m thrilled to have all my clothes again. It was rough living off of a few pairs of clothes for the past couple of


After I settle in, I find our lead omega. “Do you know where my father has Alpha Jaxon and his family staying this

week?” I ask her.

“Yes, Alpha. Alpha Jaxon’s sisters are staying on the Beta floor. Alpha Jaxon is staying in the warrior’s hall.”

I look at her a long moment. “Let me guess, he’s as far away from this side of the house as possible.”

“Actually, yes, that’s correct, Alpha Evangeline.”

“Can you or someone else show me which room will be Alpha Jaxon’s?”

“Of course, Alpha, I can show you.”

I walk with our lead omega, knowing that this is very purposeful on my father’s part. He’s allowing Jaxon on our

pack lands, but he’s obviously not happy about it.

When we get there. I’m at least happy to see that he’s making sure that he isn’t insulting a neighboring Alpha by

giving him a terrible room. The room itself has a great view of the training fields and the forest at the back and to

the east of our pack lands.

I check the bathroom making sure that it’s stocked and checking to make sure that everything else is in order.

“I’m assuming Teagan and Rowan’s rooms are the same?”

“Yes, Alpha. But like 1 said, they are on the Beta’s floor.”

“Thank you,” I tell her.

We walk back and get to the entrance of the packhouse just as Teagan and Rowan arrive. “Welcome to our home,”

Alejandro says, walking up and taking Teagan’s hands.

1 look up and see my mother watching them intently. When her eyes meet mine, I just raise an eyebrow at her. She

presses her lips together and I see the barest of head nods. Finally, I think she’s realizing that we can feel our mate

bonds. Maybe they couldn’t in their generation, but those were different times.

Jaxon arrives a couple hours later and Alejandro, Makayla and I take them on a tour of our pack lands.

“This is really good for the packs and our alliances, isn’t it?” Makayla asks.

“What do you mean?” I ask her.

“Well, I know were all in a competition, or most of us are, but if we’re working together, supporting each other,

pooling our resources so everyone has an equal chance to win, it can only strengthen all of our packs, right? And

now that I’ve become friends with Teagan and Rowen, wherever they end up as Lunas, we’ll already have bonds

created because we are creating bonds with them now,” she says.

Jaxon gives her one of his dazzling smiles. “Wow, beauty and brains! You’re absolutely correct, Makayla. I think

these weeks together, bonding over our pain and suffering will be bonds that will last a lifetime. And obviously,

mate bonds like those between your sister and 1, will create strong pack bonds as well.”

“Don’t encourage her,” Al and I say together.

Makayla sticks her tongue out at us and moves to put her arm through Jaxon’s. “I like him, he’ll make an excellent

brother once he and Evie can finally mark each other.”

“And you, little sister, will make one hell of a Luna when the time comes,” Jaxon says to her making Al and I groan.

“You’d better get used it,” Rowen says.

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“Yeah, Jax has a way with the young ones. You should see him with Raelyn. He’s the only one that can get through

to her sometimes.”

He looks at me, waggling his eyebrows. “It’s my super-power.”

“Our dad says he’s destined to have lots of girls because he’s so good with them,” Rowan says.

He gives me a smoldering look, letting me know he’s thinking of having those daughters with me before he


“I haven’t exactly had a choice. I had to become good with sisters quickly or be overcome with estrogen!”

That sends Alejandro into a fit of laughter. “It’s so true.”

“Hey!” Makayla says. “You have Lazio and we’re not that bad.”

Al gives me a side eye. Yeah, I was that bad, especially to him.

“Anywho, dinner is soon, so we should start heading back,” I say.

“I need someone to show me to my room,” Jaxon says.

“I’ll show you. Dad made sure to put you on the complete opposite side of the house from me,” I tell him.

As Makayla runs ahead and the others walk in front of us, Jaxon stops, pulling me to him. “Perfect, that way when

you sneak into my room, 1 don’t have to worry about you being quiet.”

“Aren’t you a naughty Alpha. Who says I’ll be sneaking out of my room?”

He strokes his finger down my hairline, to my jaw, before moving to my chin and pulling my face up to meet his.

“Has the thought not already crossed your mind, love?”

I grin. “I may or may not have already figured out the best way to get from my room to yours.”

“That’s my girl,” he says before taking my mouth in a fiery kiss.