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The Claiming by Cooper

Chapter 21
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The frission of excitement I felt when Jara’s guard came to tell me she wanted me to walk her home

tonight was quickly replaced with apprehension when I saw one of my pack members talking to her.

I wasn’t sure what it meant that he kept looking over at me as he was talking to her. The reality is, I

would recommend any member of my pack members to her. I ensure that my pack members are good

men, good wolves. He’s vying for her attention and surprisingly, she gives it to him. My curiosity is nearly

eating me alive when I see her guard inform Jara loudly that it’s time to head back. While they are all

saying goodnight, I slip out the back door, moving around the side of the house. Her guard had told me

to meet them off to the side of where the cars are waiting for them. After they leave, he said he would

have Jara join me.

I watch the omegas pile into their car, chittering away at the discussions they had with their claimants this

evening. I smile at their excitement. That’s how it should be. Unfortunately, Jara and Hana are smart to

be reticent about the process. It doesn’t always work to the female’s benefit. Jara’s sister, Mila, is a

perfect example.

I watch as Hana and Jara come out next. When they get to the car,

I step out of the shadows. I see Hana’s eyes widen before she looks at Jara.

“I’ve asked Alpha Mason to walk me back to our housing.” She tells Hana.

“That’s allowed?” Hana asks her.

“Apparently. There are a couple of rules, but nothing impeding you

from doing the same. At least not until tomorrow.” Jara says to


“It would have to be one of my claimants.” Hana guesses.

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“Or for me, someone not in another’s lottery.” Jara tells her.

I see Hana thinking it over before looking at the main house behind her.

“See you later.” Jara sings out to her before walking over to me.

“What was that about?” I ask her, watching as Hana sends one of her guards back into the main house.

“Hana is interested in getting to know Seth better.”

“Hmmm, I’d be sad for my Beta, but your brother is a good Alpha.”

“Yes, he is. I’m glad you agree with that.”

“Oh, why is that?” I ask her, taking her arm in mine and beginning a slow stroll toward their housing.

“If you didn’t agree that my brother was a good Alpha, this date would be over.”

I stop, turning to face her and taking her hands, pulling her to face me. “Is that what this is? A date?”

She shrugs. “Well, it’s the closest thing to a date we’re going to get at the claiming. Wouldn’t you agree?”

I feel jealousy rearing its ugly head. “But you’ve been on dates back home? Real dates?” I ask her, not

sure I want to know the


She shakes her head. “No.” She shrugs again. “It’s not safe for any

of us, but definitely not me as an Alpha female, to go on a date alone with an unmated male.”

“Would it upset you to know that I’m glad to hear that?” I ask her.

“You’re glad I’ve never dated anyone?”

“Very glad. Now, when I catch you, I can be your first everything. First kiss.” I run my index finger over

her luscious lips. “First date.” I slide my finger down her chin to her throat. “First and only mate.” I say,

sliding my finger over her mate mark, watching as her body shivers at my touch.

I look up to see Seth jogging in Hana’s direction. “Come on. We should give them some privacy and

have some for ourselves. I don’t want your brother wasting his valuable time with Hana trying to beat me

up for spending time with his sister.”

We turn and begin walking. When her guard let me know that Jara wanted me to walk her home, I

wondered if she had something specific to talk about, or if she’d just wanted to get to know me better.

Part of me, a large part of me, was hoping she wanted me to kiss her again. Her lips taste like sweet

cream sprinkled with nutmeg. They’re delicious.

“So, Jara. What do you want in a mate? If you could choose your own mate, what would you want?”

I wish I could see her face more clearly because I swear she frowns at my question. “No one has ever

asked me that before.”

“Well, I’m asking you now.” I tell her.

I watch as she pulls her shoulders back, ready for a fight that isn’t going to happen. I want her, and I

want her to be happy as my mate. Unless she has a ridiculous request, I’m willing to give her almost


“I want a mate who sees me as their equal. I want to be a partner in my pack, not a baby-making

machine. I want a voice.” She thinks for a moment, and I stay quiet. “I want to see my family. I don’t want

to be cut off from them.” She gives me a side-eye glance and I nod, staying silent. “And I want to

continue to train. I want to be able to protect myself, my pack and my children when my mate and I

decide to have them.”

“All of that sounds very reasonable.” I say to her.

She stops, turning toward me. “It does?”

I graze the back of my fingers over her cheek. “It does to me.”

“You would let me continue sparring?”

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“I would want you to, for the same reasons you just mentioned. What’s the point of having a strong mate

if I force her to become the exact opposite of what I wanted for me and my pack.”

“And you would give me a voice?”

I slide my finger under her chin, lifting it so she’s looking directly at me. “I am now, aren’t I?”

“I want kisses, too.” She blurts out and even in the darkness of the night, I can see her blush, feel the

heat on her cheeks.

“You wouldn’t even need to ask me if you were my mate. You could steal as many kisses as you want

from me. Whenever, wherever you want them.” I tell her, hoping that I can encourage her to initiate a kiss

with me.

“What if I want you to kiss me right now?” She asks, defiantly.

“You’re an Alpha, Jara.” I crook my finger at her. “Come take what you want.”

I see the innocence, then the determination in her eyes before she leans in, her eyes never leaving mine.

I lean in, only just enough for her to reach my lips. I want her to know that she is free to initiate any

intimacy with me that she wants.

When her lips touch mine, I close my eyes and follow her lead, kissing her gently, tentatively. When her

hands grip the front of my shirt and she deepens the kiss, I respond in kind, wrapping my arms around

her waist and holding her as we kiss.

When I hear her soft moan, I slide a hand through her hair, cupping the back of her head, tilting her head

just a bit before I slide my tongue across the seam of her lips. This time, she doesn’t hesitate. She opens

her mouth and her acceptance has me losing control. I growl and take control, dominating her mouth,

tasting her while I pull her body tight against mine.

Her arms go around my neck her soft moans turning to whimpers, her arousal begins scenting the air

around us and my wolf rumbles in pleasure at her response to us.

I kiss her until we both need air. I pull away, leaning my forehead against hers. “Any time you want a kiss

from me, feel free to come and get it.”