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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper

Chapter 154
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Chapter 0154

She sits back and smiles at me, taking a sip of her drink before looking over at the bartender, raising her glass in

a silent request for a refill. She turns back to me.” That is what you were wondering, right wolf?”

| set my arm on the bar, leaning into her. “What's a sexy kitten like you doing here?”

The bartender brings her a refill. | watch as she uses her tongue to play with her straw before answering. “I'm in

town for the weekend. Work conference.” “What's your name?” | ask her, sliding my fingers up her thigh to the

hem of her short dress.

“Audra. What's yours, gorgeous?”

“Liam. Want to take this party up to my room?”

Her smile is all feline. “Letget another drink to go.”

| look at the bartender. “We'll take a bottle of what she’s having as well. Put it all on my tab.”

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

The bartender brings the bottle. | grab both bottles, balancing my glass as well, leaving one hand free.

| put my hand on her exposed back and lead her to the elevator. When we get in, | push the button for the

penthouse and slide my key in to gain access before pushing Audra against the wall, taking her mouth roughly

and sliding my hand


her inner thigh until | feel her wet warmth. | was right, nothing underneath her dress. | slide my fingers across

her bare lips, growling my pleasure. Her hand has gone to my short hair, but she’s found a grip and she pulls

hard. Oh yeah, this is going to be rough and raw. Good thing she seems to want the sthing.

When the door to the elevator opens, | step back and let her walk ahead of me. I stalk her like prey as she walks

into my suite. | set the bottles down as she turns back to me. Her amber colored eyes are full of desire and a

hunger | understand well. It’s been a long time. | went celibate months ago when | told Cara | intended to pursue

her. | wanted her to feel respected when, if, she accepted me. Now | have a lot of pent-up sexual energy that |

plan to expend tonight. And this little kitten seems more than willing to take whatever | give her.

As | stalk toward her, she givesa playful smile and begins walking backward, setting her glass down as she

goes. A primal growl, a growl of the hunt rumbles.

my chest. “Here kitty kitty.” My voice so deep is sounds like a snarl.


She turns to run and gets one step before I've got her, pinning her against the wall. She’s panting as she looks at

me. | reach up and tear her dress down the center, letting it fall open: “I hope you didn't like that dress.” | say to


Her claws cout and she scratchesfrom shoulder to waist, shredding my shirt. “It was my favorite.” She


“I have no intention of being gentle.” | tell her as my claws also cout and poke into her waist as | hoist her

body up.

“Did | say anything about wanting gentle puppy.” She purrs down at me.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

| look up at her. “It’s Alpha to you.” And | throw her legs over my shoulders, my hands holding her up by her ass,

as | pin her to the wall burying my face between her legs. | make her cum over and over until she’s screaming

my name.

When I finally pull my head away, | bring her legs back to the floor before spinning her around roughly, grabbing

her hair and pinning her to the wall as | undo my pants. When they fall to the floor, | toss them aside before

kicking her legs open. | pull back, holding her head against the wall and pulling her hips back toward me.

“Brace your hands on the wall.” | order. As soon as she does, | slam my dick. inside her. “That's right kitten, take

my cock.” | fuck her hard, feeling her body responding to mine. Her claws are scratching gouges in my wall but |

don’t fucking care. Everything that I've lost tonight, every desolate moment that looms. in my future, a lifetime

of loneliness in my past, none of it matters in this moment. Right now, there is nothing but this feeling, nothing

but this little feline that seems to want exactly the sthing | do. One night to forget everything.

When she screams my n| continue my brutal pace. It isn’t until she begins whimpering ‘Alpha’ over and

over, | finally let go and empty myself inside her.


Chapter 0155