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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper

Chapter 153
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Chapter 0153

Six months ago

As | drive away from Cara’s birthday party, | call my Beta, Dustin.

“Alpha?” His excitement and hopefulness feel like a punch in the gut. Everyone in my pack was hoping Cara

would choose me.

“I'm staying in the city tonight. Have someone clear out my room.” I'd had my room decorated with the

expectation that I'd be bringing my new Luna home. There were flowers and candles around the room, setting

the ambience for a romantic night of marking and mating. But that won't be happening, and | can’t bear to see

the remnants of my plans. So, Ill stay in my apartment in the city.

“What's the plan?” He asks, his tone considerably more subdued. Everyone knows we need a Luna. I'm nearly 25

and have yet to find my mate. Pretty soon, I'll have to choose a mate. | had chosen someone, Cara, that |

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thought was worthy of being the Luna of my pack. | haven't found anyone else that met the criteria that she did.

“We're going after Eli Gunnar. Meetat my apartment in the morning and we'll develop a plan.” Eighteen

years ago, my pack was attacked by an Alpha seeking to overthrow my father and take over our pack and pack

lands. My father defeated and killed the Alpha, Alpha Jerome, but not before a teenaged Eli Gunnar, known as

the Banished Beta, got to my mother and killed her. He was found with her bloody body in his arms. He ran and

escaped. My father searched for him for years before he died. | took over the search, even before my father’s

death 8 years ago.

Last month, Eli kidnapped Cara and attempted to force the mate bond on her. Luckily, she was underaged and

her wolf is strong. She was able to fight off the venom he put in her body. But having him in close proximity has

only mademore blood thirsty. I've been waiting a very long tto bring the Banished Beta to justice for

what he did.

“Do you want scompany?” Dustin asks me.

“No. I'll be fine. Nothing that a bottle of bourbon can't fix.”

| end the call and make the hour-long trek into the city. My apartment is in the shigh-rise building that my

company offices are in. Holstin Enterprises, Inc. has two arms, one in construction and one in security. Both are

easy businesses for shifters to work in. Since my pack, the largest in the country, is nearly Soo pack members, |

need an outside business to employ my pack members and keep

the pack financially stable.

The company is in the human area, and my manager is a human. It’s helpful when there are drifters that come

through town for short periods of time. | frequently employ bear shifters, fox shifters and once | even hired a lion

shifter, although that didn’t last long as he tried to create a pride/harem with my clients. When drifters cinto

town, | hire them and depending on their skill set, place them in one of my businesses. They make the money

they want and then take off again.

| park in the underground parking garage reserved for residents and employees and head straight to the bar.

When I sit, the bartender looks over at me. “The usual?” He asks.

I nod and when he brings my amber colored liquid to me, | shoot it down and tap my glass on the bar. “Just leave

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the bottle.”

He does and moves on. My mind drifts back to places | don’t want it to be. Back to the twhen | still had a

chance with Cara. She’s a Guardian, born from two Guardians. She is strong, powerful, fierce and beautiful.

Everything | want in a Luna, except she’s not mine.

I'm drowning my melancholy thoughts in my bourbon when a scent | haven't smelled in a while hits my nose and

a beautiful woman sits down next to me. | can’t help but look her over. She's stunning. Her bronze skin is

accentuated with jet black hair that looks like silk falling down to her mid back. She’s wearing a skintight animal

print dress with a plunging neckline that shows off her large tits and a short length that shows off her fantastic

legs. The dress leaves no question that she’s wearing anything underneath it.

She looksover before meeting my eyes. “Want scompany?” She asks and her voice is like a purr.

| frown at her, my nose tipping up in the air trying to sniff out what she is. Her smile widens as she watches me.

Then she leans in crooking her finger to getcloser. | lean toward her and she slides her cheek against mine

as she whispers seductively in my ear. “Panther.”