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The Billionaire Who Stole My Heart

Chapter 1012
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Brittany had completely forgotten him.

As Brittany detected the teasing tone in his voice, she turned and glared at Isaac. "I didn't know you were married when I asked for your contact. Now that I do, it would be too shameless ofto ask for it, wouldn't it?" Isaac picked up a napkin, scribbled a series of numbers on it, folded it neatly, and placed it on Brittany's plate. "I did have a family before. But my wife forgot aboutand took off with our son." His voice carried an unexplained chill, making Brittany shudder involuntarily. "So..." He was abandoned! "So, Ms. Lynette, feel free to contactwhenever you need." Isaac turned and walked away.

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Brittany stared at the napkin, impulsively unfolded it, memorized the number, and then meticulously refolded it, slipping it into her pocket.

Returning to her table, Brittany handed a piece of tiramisu to Daniel. "Don't eat too much. Your tooth isn't fully healed yet." Daniel nodded obediently. "Mommy, Grandpa toldyou're going on a business trip to Imperial City next month. Can I cwith you? I miss Uncle." And he hadn't seen Abby in ages.

"If tallows." Daniel had grown a lot, with features hinting at unfamiliar traits, probably inherited from his father.

Back at the hotel, Brittany went to take a shower. Ever thoughtful, Daniel tossed her dirty clothes into the washing machine, adeptly taking care of her. As he did so, he pulled out a piece of paper from her pocket and unfolded it, recognizing the handwriting.

Daniel's eyes narrowed. He then realized that Isaac was truly back. He quickly noted down the phone number and called out, "Mommy, I'm heading to bed." "Okay." Daniel went to his room, pulled out his phone watch, and dialed the number.

The call was quickly answered, "Ms. Lynette?" Hearing the familiar voice, Daniel's eyes welled up; his legs gave way, and he collapsed to the floor, tears breaking through, "Daddy. Daddy, you're really alive. I knew you wouldn't leaveand Mommy..." Isaac's eyes also reddened. "Daniel." "Yes, Daddy." Daniel wiped his tears. "Daddy, you're back. Why didn't you cto find us?" "How's your mom?" "She's fine. She doesn't remember things between us anymore." Daniel felt sorrowful sharing this, knowing it hurt Isaac, "But Mommy always thinks of you, I can tell." S "Grandpa Wants Mommy to date again, but she refuses. You need to el cBack, or Mommy might find a new daddy for me!" His last ov sentence carried a hint of threat. "Daniel." Isaac's voice was deep and husky. "I have simportant matters to handle right now. nee I can't reveal myself or cback to you and your mom." "What matters?" Daniel felt a pang of loss; he'd been practically inseparable from his dad, and after over half a year apart, he missed him terribly.

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"It's something vital. I can't tell you." The Ulbricht family's comeback was not an easy task, particularly given the number of people they had offended. Isaac didn't want Brittany involved.

"Be a man, son. Can you take care of Mommy for me?" Daniel clenched his fists. "I can." "Contactonly in emergencies, understand?" Isaac's every move was under surveillance. Reckless contact with Daniel could raise suspicions.

Disheartened yet mature, Daniel agreed. "Okay, I understand." Before hanging up, Isaac reminded him to never discuss this matter.

After the call, Daniel carefully memorized the number and deleted the call log.

Brittany, fresh from the shower, received a call from Yuri. He had to leave early for work.

"Bri, you haven't rested in a long while. Just relax at the resort. Don't overdo it."