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The Billionaire Who Stole My Heart

Chapter 1011
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"Thank you, Dad." The resort was sprawling, and Brittany wasn't keen on meeting her blind date, forcing Yuri to apologize on her behalf.

The guy took it well, suggesting they could just be friends.

Brittany's capabilities were well known; there was no need to offend her.

Brittany took her son Daniel to the beach for a swim, and the two of them spent a delightful afternoon playing in the waves. That evening, Brittany got a call from Ysabel, who had also arrived at the resort, inviting her out for a drink.

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It had been a long while since Brittany had relaxed, so she agreed.

Meanwhile, at the sresort, Isaac had just checked in, and Elijah's assistant, Alaric, stood nearby.

"Mr. Salter, Mr. Ulbricht insists that this project can only succeed," Alaric relayed.

After recovering from a serious incident, Isaac had promised Elijah that he would fulfill three big favors as a gesture of gratitude. One of these favors was to assist the Ulbricht family in making a major comeback.

This trip to the resort was related to resolving a nearby demolition issue. Over the years, the area had undergone significant development. Elijah had secured a plot of land but was facing exorbitant demands from the locals, complicating the demolition negotiations.

Isaac's job was to sort out these issues.

"I understand." Alaric bristled at Isaac's cool demeanor, wondering if he still saw himself as the formidable Mr. Salter of the past.

"Make sure you do a good job. Don't disappoint Mr. Ulbricht." After Alaric left, Isaac removed his jacket and stepped into the bathroom. He took a shower and then had a three-hour video meeting with Elijah. Just before hanging up, Elijah mentioned, "I hear Ms. Lynette is also at the resort. Aren't you going to meet her?" It was clear Elijah was probing.

"That's my business." Isaac's tone was icy We're business partners, et Mr. Ulbricht. My personal affairs are none of your concern." S Knowing Isaac well, Elijah simply smiled and ended the call.

After changing into a gray casual outfit, t, all Saac realized he hadn't eat all day and felt hungry. He headed to the bustling buffet restaurant.

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Isaac picked a few of his favorite dishes and then noticed there was only one piece of tiramisu left in the dessert section. He walked over.

"Excuse me, could I have that tiramisu?" After playing at the beach, Brittany, accompanied by Daniel, also arrived at the buffet and spotted the slone piece of tiramisu. S Hearing a voice behind him, Isaac turned around.

"Oh, it's you." Brittany was surprised to see Isaac here, and suddenly, she lost her appetite for the dessert.

Isaac stepped back. "Please, take it." Brittany instinctively declined. "No, it's fine. You have it." Daniel's teeth weren't the best, and skipping the tiramisu was probably wise.

Isaac picked up the dessert tongs and handed the tiramisu to Brittany. "Enjoy." Feeling a bit silly for making a fuss, Brittany took the plate. "Thanks." She then asked, "Are you here alone?" "Just work." Isaac set down the tongs.

Brittany's fingers tightened around her plate. "I should get going." As she walked away, a chilly glint passed through Isaac's eyes. "Ms. Lynette, do you not want my contact this time?"