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The Barrister's Love in Town

Chatper 543
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Chapter 543 Misunderstandings Between Amanda and Casey

Symeon got angry when Dulcie was mentioned. “Why are you bringing up Dulcie?” he


“You’re chasing someone else’s wife right now, and in the future, when your daughter gets

married, do you want her to suffer if a homewrecker comes into her life? You should start

accumulating some virtue for your daughter!” Casey retorted, not knowing why she was

so passionate, even a bit angry.

She couldn’t understand why Symeon was so insistent on destroying someone else’s

family, but then she thought about what she had witnessed outside the study the day

before. It wasn’t just Symeon’s one-sided infatuation; it seemed to be mutual.

Why would they want to hurt others like this? Don’t they realize that having an affair is


Symeon was angry but also chuckled. “What’s it got to do with you? And as for my

daughter, even if she doesn’t marry, I can still afford to support her. If I had known you

were this kind. of person, I wouldn’t have come to you in the first place.”

Symeon was furious but chuckled. “What’s it to you? Besides, I can still provide for my

daughter, even if she doesn’t marry. What you should do now is disappear from our father-

daughter world. If I had known you were this kind of person, I wouldn’t have come looking

for you.”

He now felt like he had brought trouble upon himself.

Casey knew that trying to take Dulcie from him was a losing battle; he would never give

custody to such an irresponsible woman.


“What ‘you? Just say what you have to say.”

Casey struggled to contain her anger. She knew she couldn’t win a verbal battle with this.

man, so she decided to speak calmly.

“If you

end up with the woman you love and have children with her, would you give Dulcie back

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to me?”

Symeon found this question amusing. “If I marry my woman, why would Dulcie be any of

your concern? I won’t let Dulcie lack a father’s love; she’ll only get more.”

“But Dulcie might mind. She might not want to call your woman ‘mom.’ What if she can’t





Symeon thought about this question very seriously and then replied, “In that case, I won’t

let them meet. I won’t embarrass my daughter, and I’ll let her choose her own path.”

“What if Dulcie chooses to stay with me? After all, you’re a father, and there are many

secrets she can only share with her mother.”

“If it comes to that, Dulcie can stay with you, but custody must remain with me.”

Having made this commitment, Casey immediately felt relieved. If Dulcie could stay with.

her, it didn’t matter who had legal custody.

But the condition now was whether Symeon could truly be with Amanda. Only then would.

he not be preoccupied with Dulcie.

Casey couldn’t understand why Amanda, now that she and Symeon were already having

an affair, didn’t choose to divorce Elias. Continuing like this would only cause more harm,

especially to the two children. They had done nothing wrong to deserve this.

Symeon drove away, leaving Casey standing in place. She dialed Amanda’s number on her

phone. She had considered countless ways to break up Amanda and Elias, but in the end,

she realized she couldn’t do it. She might as well confront Amanda directly.

The call was quickly answered, and Amanda’s voice came through. “Hello, who is this?”

“I’m Casey, Mrs. Winters. Can we meet? I have something I’d like to discuss with you.


There was a few seconds of silence on the other end of the phone. “Alright, you choose the

location, and I’ll be there.”

“I’ll be waiting for you at the coffee shop in the city center.”


After hanging up the phone, Casey looked around and realized she couldn’t find a cab, so

she decided to walk a few hundred meters ahead to catch the subway.

At Winters Estate, Amanda wore a puzzled expression after hanging up the phone, unsure.

why Casey would suddenly call her. It seemed quite mysterious, and she had no idea what

Casey wanted to talk about.

Nevertheless, she decided to go and find out. So, she changed into a different set of

clothes. and drove herself to the city center.

After about 40 minutes, she arrived at the coffee shop in the city center. As soon as she

entered, she spotted Casey sitting in a corner, appearing as though she had been waiting

for a long time.

Amanda walked over and offered a polite smile. “Miss Carter, what is it that discuss with



wanted to

Amanda took a seat, and Casey also smiled. “Let’s order something first.”

A waiter approached, and Amanda casually ordered a latte. Then she looked at Casey

sitting across from her. “Let’s get to the point. I’m quite curious about why you asked me

to meet. you. What do you want to talk to me about?”

“I saw everything yesterday.”

“Yesterday? What did you see?” Amanda was completely puzzled and couldn’t understand

what Casey was talking about.

Casey’s expression became serious. “I’m sorry, I saw you at Galaxy Bay

Galary Bay?

Amanda was shocked. How could Casey have seen her there? She hadn’t even considered

that Casey might have seen her at the villa; she had thought Casey had seen her in the


“I… I was visiting a friend. Is there anything wrong with that?”

Casey couldn’t believe Amanda was continuing to lie, and she couldn’t help but feel sorry

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for Elias.

“Mrs. Winters, I mean, I saw you at Symeon’s house, coming out of his study.”

Amanda’s eyes widened in surprise. “You were at Symeon’s house too yesterday? How did

you end up there?”

She truly didn’t expect Casey to be at Symeon’s house, and she hadn’t seen Casey there


Casey saw me coming out of the study? What does this entail? Did she catch me

searching in Symeon’s study?

But what did it matter? She wasn’t afraid of Casey reporting her to Symeon, as he had

already seen through her.

Im not asking why you were there. But why are you telling me this? Even if you saw me

leaving the study, what does it matter?”

Casey was taken aback by Amanda’s righteousness and couldn’t help but ask, “Don’t you

think you’ve done anything wrong at all? How can you justify this behavior to Mr. Winters

when he has been so good to you?”

Casey couldn’t bring herself to criticize Amanda and Symeon’s behavior directly. She

didn’t. want to be too harsh in her words, especially since she still had a somewhat

favorable impression of this woman.

Amanda smiled. “You’re right. It’s not entirely right or honorable, but I’m doing it for Elias’


The two of them were clearly not on the same page, and they were talking about entirely.

different things.

Casey mistakenly believed that Amanda and Symeon were having an affair, while Amanda

thought Casey was referring to her actions in stealing the bidding documents.

Casey was bewildered. Her moral compass had been completely shattered. “I can’t

believe. you’re saying these things. You and Symeon… this is for Mr. Winters’ good? Are

you sure he won’t be angry when he finds out?”

“Of course, he’ll be angry, but I’ll be honest with him. Just not right now. He’s swamped

with the

company project, and I don’t want to distract him,” Amanda replied as she took a sip of

her coffee.

Casey couldn’t help but chuckle. “So, for what’s between you and Symeon, you need to

pick the right moment to confess to Elias?”