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The Barrister's Love in Town

Chatper 527
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Chapter 527 You’re Dulcie’s Dad?

Simon erupted in anger inside the company, venting his frustration on anyone within

reach. “You’re all useless! You can’t even keep an eye on a child!”

At that moment, the bodyguard entered the office. “My master, I reviewed the

surveillance. footage and discovered that Dulcie left the company building in the elevator.

I followed the street cameras and saw a woman had taken her away. They went down an

unnamed street where there were no cameras. After that, their whereabouts are


Could human traffickers have kidnapped her?

Simon couldn’t stay still. He abruptly stood up, grabbed his suit jacket, and stormed out of

the office, commanding, “All of you, go find her now! You’re fired if you don’t locate my

daughter today!”


The bodyguard followed closely behind him. “My master, we saw in the footage that the

woman who took her was young and appeared to be pretty, but we couldn’t get a clear

view of her face to identify her.”

“To dare to kidnap children at such a young age, I’ll kill her if I catch her.” Simon’s words

were deadly serious.

Just then, an employee handed him a phone. “President, take a look at this. It’s a video

just released by the Ripplewood Street Police Station, helping a lost little girl find her

father. This little girl looks a lot like…”

Before finishing the sentence, Simon snatched the phone and immediately recognized

Dulcie in the video. Her little face was smudged from crying as if she had suffered a great

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injustice. Her big eyes were filled with fear.

His heart clenched as he tossed the phone back to the bodyguard and strode towa

elevator, unable to wait even a second longer.

Inside the police station, Dulcie sought refuge in Casey’s embrace, staring wide-eyed i.

innocent little puppy.

Suddenly, a female police officer entered and said, “Dulcie, your dad is here. Go and see if

its him.”

Upon hearing the word “Dad,” Dulcie subconsciously turned around and clung tightly to

Casey as if she was afraid of this dad.

Casey frowned and said, “Dulcie, are you afraid of your dad?”

Just then, the sound of heavy footsteps came from outside.

A man’s voice rang out, “Dulcie, come here.”

This voice…

Not only was Dulcie scared, but even Casey’s body froze as it conjured up terrible


Casey raised her head abruptly, her eyes widening in astonishment.

Could Dulcie’s father really be… this man?

Simon looked at her, and a hint of surprise appeared on his handsome face. “Why is it


Casey’s eyes were filled with fear. She was also afraid of this man as she couldn’t forget

the scene of him choking her that night. If it weren’t for Mr. Winters coming to her rescue,

she might have died there.

“You’re Dulcie’s dad? Are you really her father?” Casey looked utterly incredulous. How

could such a terrifying man have such an adorable daughter?

With a gloomy expression, Simon questioned, “So, you secretly took Dulcie away? What do

you want? You refuse to acknowledge the child’s existence, yet you secretly took her


“I can’t understand a word of what you’re saying! You must have mistaken Dulcie for my

child. Let me tell you, you’re really wrong. I have never had a boyfriend, let alone given

birth to a child. I took Dulcie away today because I happened to run into her on the street.

I wanted to ask you, how could you let such a young child roam freely on the streets?”

Casey still wanted to clarify things with this man. Otherwise, he would always think she

was evading responsibility.

Simon looked at her incessantly talking mouth and let out a disdainful sneer. He

interrupted, “You’re saying so much just to clear your name. Since that’s the case, you

don’t have to pretend to be a good person here.”

man stepped forward and snatched Dulcie back into his arms. Dulcie reached out her. little

hand and looked toward Casey, crying: “Miss… sob… sob…”

Simon held Dulcie in his arms and scolded her, “Why are you crying? Didn’t I tell you not

to wander around? Wait until we get home. I’ll teach you a lesson. Let’s go home.”

The female police officer beside them couldn’t help but come forward. “Sir, the child was

scared when she got lost. Please don’t blame her anymore. She’s still very young.”

“I know, it’s nothing. I’ll take my daughter and leave first.”

listening to Dulcie’s cries, Casey’s heart ached. She didn’t know why she felt this pain ast

if Dulcic was her daughter..

She also walked out. “It’s okay, Dulcie… Hey, can’t you be gentler? You’ve frightened her

so much!”

Outside the police station, Simon held the crying Dulcie and looked back at the woman:

“What else do you want to do? You don’t acknowledge her as your daughter, so how I

discipline my child is none of your business.”

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After saying that, he carried Dulcie and was about to get into the car.

However, Casey also got into the car and snatched Dulcie back from the man’s arms,

saying, “The child was frightened. I’ll return with you and put Dulcie to sleep before

leaving. Clearly, you’re not a good father.”

Simon looked at her stubborn eyes and chuckled. “I want to see how long you can keep up

the act.”

Obviously, amnesia didn’t exist at all. This woman clearly cared for Dulcie but refused to

admit that she was Dulcie’s biological mother.

After returning to Galaxy Bay, Casey spent a long time soothing Dulcie to sleep.

Simon had been waiting outside the room. When Casey came out, he blocked her way,

“Casey, do you think what you’re doing is meaningful? Since you’ve decided to abandon

us, don’t come back to disrupt our father-daughter life.”

“Mr. Lawrence, I don’t understand why you insist I am the child’s mother. If it were me,

how could I not recognize her? But it really isn’t me. I haven’t even had a boyfriend, let

alone… slept with a man. How could I be pregnant and have a child?”

Casey found this utterly absurd. Suddenly having a husband and a daughter out of

nowhere felt like a dream!

Although the daughter was incredibly cute, and the husband was rich and handsome, this

whole scenario was obviously unrealistic. Could there be some kind of trap in all of this?

She had been through enough with her stepmother already.

Could this be another trap the stepmother set so her father would kick her out and the

stepmother could seize all the family assets?

As Casey thought about it, it seemed entirely possible.

Simon squinted slightly and remarked, “The DNA test results have proven that you are

Dulcie’s mother. Do you still have any uncertainties?”

“DNA test?” Casey was taken aback. How could this be true?

Who had conducted the DNA test? Was it reliable? She had never been involved with any

man, so how could she have a three-year-old daughter?